Special Microbial fungicide for rice blast tricyclazole

What is tricyclazole (41814-78-2)?

The pesticide and fungicide tricyclazole is an organic compound with a molecular formula of C9H7N3S and a molecular weight of 189.237. It is a white, odorless needle-shaped crystal. Tricyclazole is a special fungicide for preventing and controlling rice blast and belongs to the thiazole class. The bactericidal mechanism is mainly to inhibit the formation of appressorium melanin, thereby inhibiting spore germination and appressorium formation, preventing the invasion of pathogens and reducing the production of blast fungus spores.

The fungicide tricyclazole is an inhibitor of cell melanin biosynthesis. It is a pure tricyclazole with white crystals. Tricyclazole is a special fungicide for the prevention and control of rice blast. It belongs to the thiazole tricyclazole. It is used to prevent and control rice blast in the field. , has the characteristics of high efficiency, long lasting effect, and less frequent use. Its bactericidal mechanism is mainly to inhibit the formation of melanin in appressoria, thereby inhibiting spore germination and appressoria formation, preventing the invasion of pathogens and reducing the production of blast fungus spores.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) Physical Properties

The fungicide tricyclazole is white crystal with a melting point of 187~188 degrees Celsius. The industrial original drug is orange crystal. It is stable to water, light and heat and lasts for 7 to 10 days.

CAS : 41814-78-2

Hazard category: Category 6.1 toxic substances

Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 0.267×10-7 (25℃)

Solubility: Slightly soluble in water, soluble in methanol, ethanol, and methylene chloride, easily soluble in chloroform and acetone.

Contraindications: Strong oxidants.

Combustion (decomposition) products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) toxicity

The pesticide tricyclazole is a moderately toxic fungicide. The acute oral LD50 of the original powder is 305 mg/kg in rats and 250 mg/kg in mice, the acute dermal LD50 is >2000 ml/kg, and the acute inhalation LC50 is >0.25 mg/m3. It has a mild irritating effect on rabbit eyes and skin, and has no chronic toxicity at the test dose. Safe for aquatic life. It is non-toxic to bees and has mild effects on silkworms.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) dosage form

20%, 40%, 75% tricyclazole wettable powder, 30% suspending agent, 1%, 4% powder, 20% sol agent.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) mechanism of action

The fungicide tricyclazole is a melanin synthesis inhibitor. Its bactericidal mechanism is mainly to inhibit the formation of appressorium melanin, thereby inhibiting spore germination and appressorium formation, preventing the invasion of pathogens and reducing the production of blast fungus spores.

Melanin exists in the appressoria of pathogenic fungi, and normal appressoria cannot be formed without melanin. Appressorium is an infection structure during the pathogenesis of rice blast. Its function is to gather the energy and mechanical turgor pressure required for infection by the pathogen and extend into the host epidermis to form secondary hyphae. By inhibiting the production of melanin, the attached spores will lose their normal ability to infect and lose their pathogenicity.

Melanin biosynthesis inhibitors are non-toxic, indirect-acting fungicides that act during the pathogenesis of pathogenic bacteria. They are also called anti-penetration compounds. Its main advantages are that it does not directly kill pathogenic bacteria, has low selective pressure on pathogenic bacteria, has a complex mechanism of action, and has a low frequency of resistance mutation of pathogenic bacteria.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) function

The fungicide tricyclazole is a moderately toxic agent. It is a common fungicide mainly used to prevent and control rice blast. Moreover, it can inhibit the formation of melanin in the buns, thereby reducing the production of cytotoxic substances. It is used to prevent and control rice blast. It is a very safe fungicide for rice blast. At the same time, the use of tricyclazole in the seedling stage has a certain inhibitory effect on the growth of the seedling stage, and the effect is relatively good.

The use of the fungicide tricyclazole. Tricyclazole is mainly used to prevent and control rice blast. It has a good effect on the prevention of rice blast. Moreover, in the process of analyzing the prevention of rice blast, the dosage of tricyclazole must be ensured. Only in this way can we ensure the prevention of rice blast or panicle blast, and the effect is relatively good.

Diseases caused by tricyclazole (41814-78-2)

The pesticide tricyclazole is a fungicide specially used to control rice blast. Tricyclazole has strong systemic properties and can be quickly absorbed by rice roots, stems and leaves, and transported to all parts of the rice plant. Generally, the absorbed dose in the rice plant can reach saturation 2 hours after spraying.

The fungicide tricyclazole is mainly used for prevention and protection and should be used before the onset of disease.

1 Spray method:

The fungicide tricyclazole is used to control seedling blast. At the 3-4 leaf stage of the seedlings or 5 days before transplanting, 50-75 grams of 20% wettable powder per mu should be sprayed with water; to prevent leaf blast and panicle neck blast, during leaf blast At the beginning of the disease or from the end of booting stage to the beginning of earing stage, spray 75-100 grams of 20% wettable powder with water per mu; when the ear-neck blast is severe, apply the pesticide again every 10-14 days.

2 Soaking method:

For the fungicide tricyclazole, put 750 times of 20% tricyclazole wettable powder into a bucket, or dig a shallow pit beside the rice field, cover it with a plastic film, fill it with the medicinal solution, and tie the uprooted seedlings into handfuls. Shake the water a little, put it into the medicinal solution, soak it for about 1 minute, take it out, and stack it for 0.5 hours before planting.

Soaking the rice seedlings in the medicinal solution may sometimes cause yellowing, but it will recover soon and will not affect the future growth of the rice seedlings. Need to pay attention to: ① The risk of drug resistance caused by long-term use of tricyclazole

② Because it is a triazole fungicide, it has a certain growth inhibitory effect. Soaking or dressing seeds will slightly inhibit the sprouts but will not affect later growth.

③ Do not mix with seeds, feed, food, etc. If poisoning occurs, rinse with water or induce vomiting. There is no specific antidote.

④ It has a certain degree of fish toxicity. Pay attention to safety when applying pesticides near ponds.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) Product Features

The fungicide tricyclazole is a protective fungicide with strong systemic properties. It can be quickly absorbed by all parts of rice, has a long lasting effect, stable efficacy, low dosage and is resistant to rain erosion.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) prevention and treatment efficacy

The fungicide tricyclazole has strong systemic properties and can be quickly absorbed by the roots, stems and leaves of rice and transported to all parts of the rice plant. Generally, the absorbed dose in the rice plant can reach saturation 2 hours after spraying. Products are available in 20% and 75% wettable powders.

The fungicide tricyclazole is mainly used for prevention and protection. It has the best effect when used before the onset of disease. The specific operations of using the spray method are: to prevent and control seedling blast, use 50-75 grams of 20% wettable powder per mu at the 3-4 leaf stage or 5 days before transplanting, and spray with water; to prevent and control leaf blast and panicle neck blast, At the initial onset of leaf blast or from the end of booting stage to the beginning of heading stage, spray 75-100 grams of 20% wettable powder with water per mu; when neck blast is severe, apply the pesticide once more every 10-14 days.

The effect of dipping the fungicide tricyclazole into seedlings to prevent leaf blast is better than spraying before pulling out the seedlings. The specific method is: put 750 times of 20% tricyclazole wettable powder into a bucket, or dig a shallow pit beside the seedling field. Cover with plastic film, add the medicinal solution, bundle the uprooted seedlings into handfuls, shake them a little and soak them in the medicinal solution for about 1 minute, take them out, and stack them for 0.5 hours before planting.

Soaking the rice seedlings in the medicinal solution may sometimes cause yellowing, but it will recover soon and will not affect the future growth of the rice seedlings.

How to use tricyclazole (41814-78-2)

1. Prevention and control of rice leaf blast: Use 50-75 grams of 20% wettable powder per acre at the 3-4 leaf stage of the seedlings, mix with 40-50 kilograms of water, and spray regularly. Or soak the seeds with 0.1% active ingredient liquid for 48 hours before germination and dressing.

2. Prevent and control rice ear stem blast. At the end of the booting stage or the early stage of breaking, spray 75-100 grams of 20% wettable powder evenly.

3. To prevent and control rice seedling blast, use it at the 3-4 leaf stage of the seedlings or 5 days before transplanting. Use 50-75 grams of 20% tricyclazole wettable powder per acre, dilute 600-800 times, and spray evenly.

Preventing and controlling rice leaf blast

4. When used in the early stage of leaf blast, use 100 grams of 20% tricyclazole wettable powder per acre, dilute it 500-600 times and spray. In some areas, 20% tricyclazole is diluted 1800 times, soaked for one minute before transplanting, taken out and piled together to stuff for half an hour before planting, which has better control effect on leaf blast.

5. Before rice heading, use 80-100 grams of 20% tricyclazole per acre, diluted 600-800 times and spray. Generally, one spray is enough. If the condition is serious, you can spray once more at the same time as the first time. The dosage is the same as the first time.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) Application

The fungicide tricyclazole can be used to control leaf blast in the seedling stage by soil treatment methods in nursery boxes and field seedbeds. The dosage of 75% wettable powder is 2 to 5 g/m2. When Honda leaf blast has just developed or has not yet developed, wettable powder should be sprayed at a dosage of 150 to 300 grams/hectare of active ingredients. The prevention and control of panicle rice blast is to spray when the ear is not heading or just heading, and the dosage is 337.5 grams of active ingredient/hectare. Whether a second spraying is needed depends on the condition. Generally, no more than two sprays are needed, and the interval between the two sprays is 10 to 20 days. The processing preparation is 75% wettable powder and 20% wettable powder. Mixing with other pesticides will not reduce the disease prevention effect. It is safe and harmless to crops.

The fungicide tricyclazole is a highly efficient, systemic azole fungicide. It has special effects on preventing and treating rice blast. It can inhibit spore germination and prevent the rice blast cycle by inhibiting the infection of the rice blast fungus on the plant surface and the formation of infection points in the plant. It is also effective against rice blast fungus that is resistant to other fungicides. The pesticide tricyclazole also has a protective fungicide effect and should be used before the disease occurs. The dosage is 75% wettable powder 3g/100m2. In serious cases, spray again 18 to 24 days after the first application. You can also soak the seedling roots with 20-400mg/L liquid for 10 minutes, which can effectively control the occurrence of early leaf blast damage.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) resistance mechanism

Resistance to fungicides is mainly due to a single action site on the target pathogenic bacteria. It is generally not easy to develop resistance to fungicides with multiple action sites. At the same time, the frequency of mutations in several action sites leading to resistance is low. Therefore, many protective fungicides rarely develop resistance since they were developed and used to this day. Tricyclazole has multiple mechanisms of action in preventing and treating rice blast. One is that it mainly acts on trihydroxynaphthol reductase and tetrahydroxynaphthol reductase in the melanin biosynthetic pathway, and can induce enzyme activities related to resistance reactions in rice. The second is to inhibit the infection of plants by pathogenic bacteria. This may be the reason why tricyclazole is not easy to develop resistance and is one of the pesticides with low resistance risk.

There are different views on tricyclazole resistance. One theory is that tricyclazole has no effect on mycelial growth and spore germination of rice blast fungus under in vitro conditions. Therefore, the reduced sensitivity of field pathogens is mostly related to the level of drug use. ; Another view is that tricyclazole has a significant impact on mycelium growth and spore germination of rice blast fungus, and the concentration is related to the sensitivity of the pathogen.

The mycelial growth inhibition rate and spore germination inhibition rate of rice blast fungus was determined using 20 μg/mL tricyclazole solution. The results showed that the inhibitory rate of tricyclazole on the growth of blast mycelium was only 0.39%, and the inhibitory effect was not obvious; the average germination rate of treated spores was 95%, and there was no significant inhibitory effect.

The rice seedlings were sprayed with tricyclazole and then inoculated with Magnaporthe oryzae 24 hours later, and the control effect was 81.3%; the rice seedlings were sprayed with tricyclazole 24 hours after being inoculated with Magnaporthe oryzae, and the control effect was 35.6%; Tricyclazole and Magnaporthe oryzae The spores were sprayed on rice seedlings at the same time, and the control effect was 46.3%. The same concentration of pesticides is used to control rice blast, but the time of inoculation and pesticide treatment is different, and the control effect is significantly different. 24 hours after the rice seedlings are inoculated with Magnaporthe oryzae, the conidia have become melanized and have completed the process of invading the host. At this time, the use of tricyclazole cannot effectively prevent the disease.

The appressoria of rice blast spores were all melanized within 24 hours. If the mechanism of action of tricyclazole is only to inhibit the biosynthesis of melanin, then the drug should have no obvious disease prevention effect after the melanin has been fully formed. However, Chen Yan’s test results show that the prevention and treatment of tricyclazole 14, 16 and 24 hours after vaccination The effects are 91.2%, 90.3% and 87.2% respectively. Tricyclazole's disease prevention does not only inhibit the biosynthesis of melanin. The inhibitory effect of spray treatment with 10 μg/mL tricyclazole on reinfection 48 hours after inoculation was 63.28%. This shows that although treatment with tricyclazole after the rice blast has completed penetration of the host leaves (at 25°C, >10 h) cannot well control the development of the disease in the treated plants, it can effectively inhibit the development of the diseased plants. The reinfection source causes the disease in other surrounding healthy plants that have not been treated with chemicals. Induced resistance is an effective method to control plant diseases, but it is rarely put into practical application in production. Tricyclazole may prevent reinfection of pathogenic bacteria in plants through induced resistance mediated by the JA pathway, thereby prolonging the The duration of effectiveness of the drug.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) resistance management

The decline in the field control effect of tricyclazole against rice blast is not due to the resistance of the rice blast fungus. Improving medication technology and scientific and rational use of tricyclazole are the key. Soaking the roots of seedlings in tricyclazole solution before transplanting can effectively prevent the occurrence of rice blast. The method is simple and easy to implement, and the effect is significant. Carrying out a tricyclazole spray treatment 3 days after the first chemical treatment can improve the control effect, extend the duration of the chemical, and allow the rice to safely pass through the tillering stage when it is most susceptible to the disease. In actual production, attention should also be paid to the use time of the agent. If tricyclazole is used after the attachment spores of the pathogenic bacteria have completed melanization and the conidia have invaded the rice seedlings, the control effect will be reduced and the purpose of preventing and controlling the disease will not be achieved.

Factors such as wind, rain and agricultural operations in the field may cause wounds on rice leaves. When there are wounds on the leaves, pathogenic bacteria do not need to complete the penetration process and can directly enter the rice body from the wounds to colonize. This situation will cause the pesticide to lose its control effect. cause losses. Therefore, we should try to avoid causing wounds to rice leaves during agricultural operations. Rainfall within a short period of time after the application of tricyclazole will lead to a decrease in the control effect. The shorter the time interval between rainfall and application, the greater the impact on the control effect. When using tricyclazole in the field, the application time must be chosen to ensure that there is no rainfall within 3 hours.

Mixing with other chemicals is one of the important ways to improve the control effectiveness of chemicals. The correlation coefficients of the EC50 of tricyclazole, prochloraz and azoxystrobin by Magnaporthe oryzae were 0.6373 (R2=0.4061) and 0.0877 (R2=0.0077) respectively. The differences were not significant, indicating that tricyclazole, prochloraz and azoxystrobin There is no cross-resistance between mycoesters.

Mixing prochloraz and tricyclazole can combine different mechanisms of action to prevent and control blast fungus to achieve synergistic effect. It can inhibit the growth of mycelium and the sporulation of blast fungus, improve the treatment effect of rice blast, and inhibit the expansion of disease spots. The prevention and treatment period of the agent is extended, and the systemic absorption and resistance to rain erosion are enhanced. The mixture better combines the advantages of single doses of tricyclazole and prochloraz, complementing each other's advantages and improving the control effect of the agents.

Tricyclazole (41814-78-2) Precautions

Tricyclazole is a protective fungicide, and the first spraying for preventing and treating panicle blast should not exceed 3 days after the breach at the latest.

The acceptable daily intake (ADI) of tricyclazole for humans in Japan is 0.04mg/kg/day. The use of tricyclazole should comply with the rational use guidelines for controlling pesticide residues in agricultural products. Taking 75% Biyan wettable powder as an example, the maximum residue limit reference value (MRL) in brown rice is 2mg/kg; the usual dosage is 20g; the maximum dosage is 30g; the maximum number of uses is 2 times; the number of days from the last application to harvest ( Safety interval) 21 days.

During use, if any liquid splashes into your eyes or skin, rinse with plenty of water. If someone is accidentally poisoned during use, they should move to fresh air; those who ingest it by mouth should induce vomiting. There is no specific antidote, only symptomatic treatment is required.

The fungicide tricyclazole should be stored in a dry and cool place and should not be mixed with food, seeds, feed and other pesticides.

Microbial fungicide tricyclazole (41814-78-2) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of pesticide microbial fungicide tricyclazole will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide microbial fungicide tricyclazole you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Microbial fungicide tricyclazole (41814-78-2) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for Pesticide Microbial Fungicide Tricyclazole, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.