Sulfamidazole fungicide Cyazofamid

What is Cyazofamid (120116-88-3)?

The fungicide Cyazofamid is an organic compound with the chemical formula C13H13ClN4O2S, Cas 120116-88-3, light yellow odorless powdery solid, and is a new type of low-toxic fungicide.

Cyazofamid is a sulfamidazole fungicide and a super protective fungicide. The mechanism of action is to block the electron transfer of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex in Oomycete pathogens to interfere with the supply of energy. It has no cross-resistance with other fungicides.

Mechanism of action of Cyazofamid (120116-88-3)

Cyazofamid is a cyanoimidazole fungicide that has high activity against Oomycete pathogenic bacteria such as Phytophthora, Peronospora, Pseudoperonospora, Pythium, etc. It can hinder the development of pathogenic bacteria at various growth stages and is a super protective type. The mechanism of action of fungicides is through the combination of active ingredients with the inner membrane of mitochondria of plant pathogenic bacteria cells, hindering electron transfer within the membrane and interfering with energy supply, thereby killing pathogenic bacteria.

Cyazofamid (120116-88-3) Chemical Properties

The fungicide Cyazofamid is a light yellow, odorless powdery solid, m.p.152.7℃, vapor pressure <1.33×10-5Pa, solubility in water at 20℃ is 0.121 μg/mL (pH=5), and distribution coefficient is 3.2 (25℃ ).

Cyazofamid (120116-88-3) Product Features

Cyazofamid is a new type of low-toxic fungicide with good protective activity and certain systemic therapeutic activity. It has a long duration of effect, is resistant to rain erosion, and is safe and convenient to use. This drug is a mitochondrial respiration inhibitor. Its bactericidal mechanism is by inhibiting Qi in cytochrome bcl during bacterial metabolism, leading to the death of bacteria. It is different from methoxyacrylates (which are QO inhibitors in cytochrome bcl). It is active against all growth stages of oomycetes and is active against pathogens that are resistant or sensitive to metalaxyl.

(1) The fungicide Cyazofamid is highly targeted and effective. It has special effects on downy mildew on cucumbers, melons, spinach, etc., late blight on tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, cabbage, and clubroot of cruciferous plants such as cabbage and cabbage.

(2) The fungicide Cyazofamid has low dosage, long lasting effect and is safe. The duration of effect is as long as 10 to 14 days, which can reduce the frequency of medication. No side effects were found on the young leaves and young fruits of vegetables after spraying Cyazofamid. It has no effect on other beneficial microorganisms, plants and higher animals, and is highly safe for crops and the environment. The pesticide residues on vegetables are low, which meets the requirements for pollution-free vegetable production and is worthy of vigorous promotion and application in production.

(3) The fungicide Cyazofamid is resistant to rain erosion and has high profitability. Rainfall 1 hour after application will not affect the efficacy of the medicine. After use, no drug spots are left on the surface of fruits and vegetables, which improves the quality of fruits and vegetables and increases profits.

(4) The fungicide Cyazofamid is a super protective fungicide. It can hinder the germination and formation of pathogenic spores at all growth stages, effectively inhibit the base of pathogenic bacteria, and prevent and control the occurrence and spread of diseases.

(5) Brand-new mechanism of action, no cross-resistance site, unlike other fungicides, can effectively prevent and control pathogenic bacteria that have developed resistance to commonly used fungicides such as cremoxanil, manganese zinc, oxalaxyl, metalaxyl, etc., and can be used with Mix with other insecticides and fungicides.

One of the unique pharmacodynamic mechanisms of Cyazofamid (120116-88-3)

1. The fungicide Cyazofamid has a strong inhibitory effect on the six growth stages of oomycetes:

Oomycetes have 6 growth stages: sporangium formation, sporangium germination, oospore formation, zoospore release, zoospore movement, and hyphae germination and growth. Other pesticide varieties only have inhibitory effects on one or several stages of oomycetes.

Dimethomorph and cymoxanil: inhibit spore germination

Diclofenac: Inhibits sporangium germination, sporangium formation and mycelium growth

Fluopyram: can inhibit the release of zoospores, movement of zoospores, hyphal germination and growth

2. The advantages of the fungicide Cyazofamid strongly inhibiting the six growth stages of oomycetes:

Super effective medicine: It has more control links than other types of medicine, can control pathogenic bacteria more effectively, and uses less medicine.

The application time of Cyazofamid is relatively flexible: it is effective at all stages of the pathogen, and can be used multiple times a season for both prevention and control.

Slow development of resistance: In more than 10 years of field application in China, no resistance has been found, no increase in dosage has been seen, and the product life cycle has been greatly extended.

The second unique pharmacodynamic mechanism of Cyazofamid (120116-88-3)

Target uniqueness:

The action site of the fungicide Cyazofamid is the Q1 target of the enzyme (only adisulfonazole is the same as it, but the latter contains a triazole ring and the dose should not be too high). Its special feature is that it is similar to all fungicides on the market. The varieties are all different, so there is no cross-resistance with other products, and the effect will not be affected because the pathogenic bacteria have developed resistance to other products:

It brings a huge advantage - the compounding performance of Cyazofamid is excellent and it is convenient to be compatible with a variety of fungicides.

 Advantage 1 of Cyazofamid (120116-88-3)

1. The fungicide Cyazofamid is highly effective against all growth stages of pathogenic bacteria of the Oomycete family, and can comprehensively and effectively prevent and control the damage and spread of pathogenic bacteria: it can not only inhibit the germination of oomycete spores and zoospores, but also inhibit and It prevents the swimming of zoospores and can also effectively inhibit the formation of mycelium, zoosporangia and oosporangia, thereby effectively preventing and treating oomycete diseases in an all-round way.

2. Long-lasting effect: The fungicideCyazofamid is one of the long-lasting fungicides currently used to control downy mildew, blight and other low-level fungi. Sprayed on crops, it can protect crops from disease infection for a long time, which is better than other fungicides on the market. The dosage lasts for 5-7 days, which can reduce the number of crop control times.

3. It has a unique mechanism of action and has no cross-resistance with other fungicides. It has a better control effect on oomycetes that have developed resistance to existing fungicides: it mainly acts on the energy metabolism system of pathogenic bacteria to block the oomycetes in the body. The electron transfer of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex interferes with the supply of energy and plays a role in killing pathogenic bacteria. It has no cross-resistance with other fungicides.

4. Super resistant to rain erosion and excellent disease prevention effect: after the fungicide Cyazofamid is sprayed on the crops, it can combine with the crop surface tissue to form a dense protective film, which is resistant to rain and wind erosion and can effectively block the invasion of pathogenic fungus spores. Infection, thereby effectively preventing and controlling the infection of Oomycete diseases.

5. Broad control spectrum: The fungicide Cyazofamid is highly effective against all Oomycete fungal diseases, and can effectively prevent and control downy mildew, damping-off, frost blight, blight, stem rot and clubroot caused by Pythium, etc. All fungal diseases of the class Oomycetes.

Advantage 2 ofCyazofamid (120116-88-3)

Highly secure!

1. Highly safe for crops: Cyazofamid can be promoted on all crops without considering phytotoxicity and adverse reactions to crops, and it can be promoted and applied during the flowering period.

2. Highly safe for the human body: extremely low toxicity, short safety interval, and can be harvested and eaten two to three days after treatment. It is a recommended fungicide for green food and vegetables.

Cyazofamid (120116-88-3) uses

The fungicide Cyazofamid is a sulfamidazole fungicide. It has high biological activity against Oomycete fungi such as Phytophthora, Downy mold, Pseudoperonospora, Pythium and Clubroot fungi. The mechanism of action is to block the electron transfer of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex in Oomycete pathogens to interfere with the supply of energy. Its binding site is the Q1 center of the enzyme and has no cross-resistance with other fungicides. Its high selective activity against pathogenic bacteria may be due to differences in the sensitivity of the target enzymes to agents. Field application has extremely high control effect on late blight and downy mildew, and the dosage is 2 to 38 times lower than other fungicides. For example, treating potato late blight at a concentration of 50 to 100 mg/L has outstanding control effects, and the application period is Flexible and long lasting. Using the same concentration to treat downy mildew on grapes, cucumbers and melons also has excellent control effects. This agent can extend the growth time of crops and increase production and income. Used in tomatoes to improve quality. The number of uses should not exceed 4 times, and the method of use is foliar spray. No phytotoxicity was reported at a treatment concentration 4 times higher than the actual dosage. Control targets are currently being expanded to include bell pepper blight, watermelon cotton rot, great white downy mildew, onion downy mildew and other diseases.

Application of Cyazofamid (120116-88-3) on vegetables

The fungicide Cyazofamid is used to prevent and control pepper blight. In the early stage of the disease, spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension with 2000-2500 times of liquid. To prevent and treat pepper anthracnose, use 10% Cyazofamid suspension with 2000 times of spray in the early stage of the disease. To prevent and control pepper late blight. , should be sprayed immediately after the rain in the annual disease season for protection. Use 40-50 ml of 10%Cyazofamid suspension per acre and spray evenly with 60-75 kg of water. Try to alternate the application with fluazinam, etc., or with the effective dimethomorph. The liquid should be sprayed on the fruits. Try to apply the pesticide after removing the diseased fruits, once every 7 to 10 days, and prevent 2 to 3 times in a row. When the disease is prevalent, spray once every 5 to 7 days.

The fungicide Cyazofamid prevents tomato late blight. In the early stage of the disease, spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2000~2500 times. It is suitable for summer and autumn tomatoes (in the open field) and greenhouse tomatoes with insufficient sunshine (temperature below 20°C).

The fungicide Cyazofamid is used to prevent and control cucumber blight. After planting the slow seedlings, spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2000~2500 times, once every 7 to 14 days, twice in a row. During the peak period of the disease, use 10% Cyazofamid suspension. Spray 1000~1500 times liquid; to prevent and control cucumber downy mildew. In the early stage of the disease, spray 10%Cyazofamid suspension 2000~2500 times liquid 2~3 times continuously. It is recommended to combine with enoyl manganese zinc, cremoxuron manganese zinc and other agents Use in rotation to delay the development of downy mildew resistance.

The fungicide Cyazofamid is used to prevent and control watermelon blight. If it has not occurred or is in the early stage of the disease, use 53.3 ml of 10% Cyazofamid suspension per acre and spray it on 50 kg of water (on rainy days, the amount of the agent on the water can be appropriately reduced to 25-35 kg) , once every 7 to 10 days, spray 3 to 4 times in a row.

The fungicide Cyazofamid is used to prevent potato late blight. Diseased plants must be pulled out, burned or buried deeply, and sprayed with 10% Cyazofamid suspension 3000 times.

The fungicide Cyazofamid prevents clubroot of cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables. To disinfect the seeds, soak the seeds in warm water at 55°C for 15 minutes before sowing, and then soak the seeds with 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2000~3000 times for 10 minutes. To disinfect the soil in the nursery bed, you can use 1500 to 2000 times of 10% Cyazofamid suspension to fully drench the soil (the soil drench depth is more than 15 cm). To irrigate the roots with soil in the field, you can transplant vegetable seedlings treated with Cyazofamid, and then use 1500 to 2000 times of 10% Cyazofamid suspension to water the soil around the transplanted seedlings (within 15 to 20 cm in diameter). Water depth reaches 15 cm), 250 ml per plant.

The fungicide Cyazofamid can be used to control downy mildew on leafy vegetables such as lettuce and red cabbage, cauliflower downy mildew, and melon downy mildew. Before the onset or early stage of the disease, spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2000 times.

The fungicide Cyazofamid is used to prevent and control soybean root rot. Spray with 10% Cyazofamid suspension 1000~2000 times.

Cyazofamid (120116-88-3) prevention and control targets

The fungicide Cyazofamid is mainly used to prevent and control oomycete diseases, such as downy mildew, downy blight, blight, late blight, etc.; it can be applied to potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, melons, cabbage, lettuce, onions, and grapes , lychee and other plants.

Cyazofamid (120116-88-3) usage technology

The fungicide Cyazofamid mainly controls diseases through spraying. When preventing and controlling diseases of fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cabbages, generally use 53-66 ml of 100 g/L suspension agent per 667 square meters and spray 30-45 liters of water; when controlling diseases of fruit trees such as grapes and lychees, generally use Use 2,000 to 2,500 times of 100 g/L suspension agent to spray. Start spraying before the disease occurs or in its early stages, once every 7 to 10 days, and use different types of chemicals alternately.

How to use Cyazofamid (120116-88-3)

(1) To prevent and control pepper blight, spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2000-2500 times in the early stage of the disease; to prevent and treat pepper anthracnose, spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2000 times in the early stage of the disease; to prevent and control pepper late blight, in Every year, spraying should be carried out immediately after the rain during the disease season. Use 40 to 50 ml of 10% Cyazofamid suspension per acre and spray evenly with 60 to 75 kilograms of water.

It is best to rotate with fluazinam, etc., or with dimethomorph, which has a therapeutic effect. The liquid should be sprayed on the fruits. It is best to apply the drug after removing the diseased fruits, once every 7 to 10 days, and prevent for 2 to 3 times. When the disease is prevalent, spray once every 5 to 7 days.

To prevent and control tomato late blight, spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2000~2500 times in the early stage of the disease. It is most suitable for summer and autumn tomatoes (in the open field) and greenhouse tomatoes with insufficient sunshine (temperature below 20°C).

(2) To prevent and control cucumber blight, spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2000~2500 times after planting the seedlings, once every 7 to 14 days, twice in a row. During the peak period of the disease, use 10% Cyazofamid suspension 1000~2500 times. 1500 times liquid spray; To prevent and control cucumber downy mildew, in the early stage of the disease, continuously spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2000~2500 times liquid 2 to 3 times. It is recommended to use it in rotation with enoyl manganese zinc, cremoxuron manganese zinc and other agents. , to delay the development of drug resistance in downy mildew.

(3) To prevent and control watermelon blight, if it has not occurred or is in the early stage of the disease, use 53.3 ml of 10%Cyazofamid suspension per acre and 50 kilograms of water (on rainy days, the amount of water sprayed by the agent can be appropriately reduced to 25-35 kilograms), 7 ~Once every 10 days, spray 3~4 times in a row.

(4) To prevent potato late blight, remove, burn or bury diseased plants, and spray with 10% Cyazofamid suspension 3000 times.

(5) To prevent and control clubroot of cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, seeds can be sterilized by soaking the seeds in warm water at 55°C for 15 minutes before sowing, and then soaking the seeds with 2000~3000 times of 10% Cyazofamid suspension for 10 minutes. To disinfect the soil in the nursery bed, you can use 1500 to 2000 times of 10% Cyazofamid suspension to fully drench the soil (the soil drench depth is more than 15 cm). To irrigate the roots with soil in the field, you can transplant vegetable seedlings treated with Cyazofamid, and then use 1500 to 2000 times of 10% Cyazofamid suspension to water the soil around the transplanted seedlings (within 15 to 20 cm in diameter). Water depth reaches 15 cm), 250 ml per plant.

(6) To prevent downy mildew on leafy vegetables such as lettuce and red cabbage, cauliflower downy mildew, and melon downy mildew, spray 10% Cyazofamid suspension 2,000 times before the onset of the disease or in the early stages of the disease.

(7) To prevent and control soybean root rot, spray with 10% Cyazofamid suspension 1000~2000 times.

Cyazofamid (120116-88-3) Precautions

(1) It must be used before or at the beginning of the onset of illness, and the interval between applications is 7 to 10 days. It has no control effect on diseases other than Oomycetes. If other diseases occur at the same time, it must be mixed with other chemicals.

(2) The suspension agent must be fully shaken before use and the secondary dilution method must be used. This agent has certain systemic properties, but cannot be transmitted to new leaves. When applying, it should be sprayed evenly on the front and back of all leaves of the plant. The amount of spray should be adjusted according to the growth conditions and cultivation density of the target crop.

(3) To prevent the development of drug resistance, it is recommended to use it in rotation with other fungicides. The safe interval on cucumbers and tomatoes is 3 days, and it can be used up to 3 to 4 times per crop season.

Fungicide Cyazofamid (120116-88-3) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and fungicideCyazofamid will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and fungicide Cyazofamid you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Fungicide Cyazofamid (120116-88-3) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for pesticide fungicide Cyazofamid, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.