Summary of precautions for pesticides used in high temperature weather!

What are pesticides?

The broad definition of pesticides refers to chemicals used to prevent, eliminate or control diseases, insects, grasses and other harmful organisms that endanger agriculture and forestry, and to regulate, control and affect the metabolism, growth, development and reproduction of plants and harmful organisms. A substance or a mixture of several substances and its preparations that are synthesized or derived from organisms, other natural products and applied biotechnology. In a narrow sense, it refers to a class of drugs used to kill insects, bacteria, and harmful animals (or weeds) to ensure and promote the growth of plants and crops in agricultural production. Specifically refers to pesticides used in agriculture to control diseases and insect pests, regulate plant growth, and kill weeds.

Classification of pesticides

According to the control objects, it can be divided into insecticides, fungicides, acaricides, nematocides, rodenticides, herbicides, defoliants, plant growth regulators, etc.

According to the processing formulation, it can be divided into wettable powder, soluble powder, emulsion, emulsifiable concentrate, concentrated emulsion, cream, paste, colloid, fumigant, fumigant, aerosol, oil, granule, microparticle, etc.

Pesticides are in liquid or solid form and gases. According to the different types of pests or diseases and the physical properties of the pesticide itself, different usages are adopted. For example, it can be sprayed as a powder, sprayed as an aqueous solution, suspension, or emulsion, or fumigated with steam or gas.

Dosage Form of Pesticide

1. Powder. The powder is not easily soluble in water, and generally cannot be sprayed with water. The low-concentration powder is used for dusting, and the high-concentration powder is used to prepare poisonous soil, poison bait, seed dressing and soil treatment. The powder is easy to use and has high work efficiency. It should be used in the morning and evening when there is no wind or the wind is weak.

2. Wettable powder. Strong hygroscopicity, can be dispersed or suspended in water after adding water. It can be used as spray, poison bait and soil treatment.

3. Soluble powder (water solvent). It can be sprayed or poured directly on water.

4. Emulsion (also known as EC). After adding water, the emulsion becomes an emulsion, which can be used for spraying, pouring, seed dressing, soaking, poisonous soil, and coating stems, etc.

5. Ultra-low volume formulation (oil formulation). It is a medicament directly used for spraying, and it is a special matching pesticide for ultra-low volume spraying. Water cannot be added when using it.

6. Granules and microgranules. It is a pesticide dosage form made of pesticide raw materials and fillers, which is not easy to cause phytotoxicity. It is mainly used for filling heart leaves, spreading, point application, seed dressing, furrow application, etc.

7. Sustained release agent. Pesticides are released slowly during use, which can effectively prolong the drug effect period. Therefore, the residual effect period is extended, and pollution and toxicity are reduced, and the usage is generally the same as that of granules.

8. Smoke agent. Smoke agent is a fine powder or ingot made of pesticides, fuels, oxidizers, combustion enhancers, etc. This type of pesticide is vaporized by heat, and then condenses into solid particles in the air to form smoke. It is mainly used to control forest, facility agricultural diseases and pests and warehouse pests.

In the process of agricultural production, it is often attacked by some germs, insect pests and weeds, etc., resulting in reduced yield and poor quality, resulting in reduced harvest and economic losses for farmers.

Pay attention to the following when spraying pesticides to prevent and control diseases, insects and weeds in summer:

1. Avoid spraying pesticides during high temperature and strong light at noon, and spray chemical pesticides around noon when the temperature is high and the light is strong. First, the pesticides are highly volatile and can easily cause poisoning of the sprayers; In a cool and backlit place, it is difficult for the spray to hit the target. At the same time, the pesticide decomposes quickly and has a large volatilization loss, so the insect control effect is not ideal.

2. Choose a cloudy day without rain to spray. If it is a sunny day, spray pesticides at 8-9 a.m. after sunrise or after 5 p.m. without dew before sunset, when pest activities are flourishing. When the wind is strong, the spraying should be stopped, otherwise it will cause uneven spraying and easily cause phytotoxicity.

3. When spraying pesticides in summer, you should pay attention to physical protection and try to avoid contact between pesticides and skin.

4. Avoid increasing the concentration of the liquid medicine at will. Some farmers often increase the amount of pesticides, reduce the dilution of pesticides, and increase the concentration of the liquid medicine at will in order to improve work efficiency or to enhance the control effect, even in the midsummer high temperature season. Since the water evaporates quickly under the hot sun and high temperature, if the concentration of the sprayed pesticide is too high, it is easy to cause pesticide damage to the leaves of the plant.

5. Use quick-acting pesticides, such as Misaoli, Sukling, Xinyan EC, etc., which have strong poisonous killing effects, and can kill pests within 1-2 hours after use. Use pesticides with strong systemic properties, such as mefenazol, metalaxyl and other pesticides. More than 80% of the active ingredients can be absorbed by the crops into the internal tissues 4-5 hours after use, even if it rains, pests, Germs kill.

6. Add adhesives to water and wettable powder pesticides. The adhesive force of water and wettable powder pesticides is poor. Effects of pesticide use.

7. It is best not to use medicines that are prone to phytotoxicity in high temperature days!


(1) High temperature cannot be used for medicine, and it is very easy to cause drug injury.

(2) The control effect on downy mildew is average.

(3) It must not be compounded with EC, because the permeability is very good, and after compounding with EC, the leaves will be deformed and curled.

(4) Sensitive to melons, prone to phytotoxicity. Do not use leafy vegetables as much as possible.

(5) The most important point is that there are the following words on the manufacturer's medication matters: Do not apply pesticides in plastic facilities.


Pyrimethanil is very, very sensitive to temperature. My feeling is that if it exceeds 25 degrees, it is particularly prone to drug damage. Beans and aubergines are okay to use, no, better not at all. Especially easy to hit spots.

Symptoms of phytotoxicity at high temperature:

(1) After the eggplant was treated, small dark brown spots appeared on the leaves.

(2) After the cucumber was treated, chlorotic lesions appeared. Severe leaf burning, albinism.

(3) The bean leaves are dried directly, as if sprayed with herbicides.

(4) Tomatoes may have leaf margin yellowing.

(5) Don't even think about using it on cherries, spray it once, and it will dry for three years.


(1) The safe interval for using the drug on citrus is 30 days, and it can be used up to 3 times a year.

(2) In hot and humid weather, young crops may suffer slight phytotoxicity after spraying the drug, causing the leaves to wrinkle or appear spots, but it has no effect on crop growth.

(3) It is poisonous to bees and silkworms. During the application period, the influence on the surrounding bee colonies should be avoided. It is prohibited in the flowering period of flowering plants, near silkworm rooms and mulberry gardens.

(4) Applying pesticides away from aquaculture areas is poisonous to fish and other aquatic organisms. It is forbidden to wash pesticide application equipment in rivers and other water bodies.

(5) Do not mix with Bordeaux mixture and alkaline substances.


(1) Crops such as watermelon, zucchini, bitter melon, muskmelon, muskmelon, wax gourd, pumpkin, hanging melon, and loofah are sensitive to chlorfenapyr, and phytotoxicity problems are prone to occur after use.

(2) Cruciferous crops (cabbage, radish, rapeseed and other crops) are used before 10 leaves, which is prone to phytotoxicity, so do not use.

(3) Do not apply medicine at high temperature time, flowering period, or seedling stage, as it is easy to cause phytotoxicity.

(4) When the chlorfenapyr causes phytotoxicity, it is usually an acute phytotoxicity (symptoms of phytotoxicity will appear within 24 hours after spraying). If there is phytotoxicity, it should be sprayed with brassinolide + Jiamei Jindian 1000 times solution in time to relieve it.


(1) It is strictly forbidden to mix with alkaline pesticides.

(2) The mixed use of profenofos and cypermethrin has obvious synergies, and it is an effective agent for controlling resistant cotton bollworm.

(3) Interval period: 14 days, the interval period of profenofos on cotton is 5-12 days, the number of times of use per season: 3 times.

(4) Profenofos should not be used in orchards, as high temperature can easily cause phytotoxicity to fruit trees, especially peach trees.

(5) Serious damage to alfalfa and sorghum.

8. Determine the safe interval of spraying according to the toxicity of pesticides. Generally, the residual effect period of highly toxic pesticides is more than 1 month, and the residual effect period of high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticides is 7-10 days. Regardless of grain, oil plants, melon crops and fruit trees, medication should be stopped according to the regulations before harvesting to prevent human and animal poisoning.

Therefore, when applying pesticides in the high temperature season in summer, more attention should be paid to adding sufficient water to ensure the dilution factor. The amount of pesticide solution per mu must be more than 45 kilograms.

Do not overfill the barrel with the liquid medicine. Some farmers like to fill the barrel of the sprayer with the liquid medicine when spraying. This is not only unfavorable to the spraying, but more importantly, if the sprayer cover is not tightly closed, the spraying personnel will splash the liquid medicine when walking in the field and get on their bodies, which will easily cause personnel poisoning in high temperature seasons. The correct method is that the upper liquid level of the liquid medicine in the barrel should be below the scale line when dispensing the medicine, and the sealing ring of the lid must be intact to ensure that the lid is tightly closed.

Several common situations that require pesticide mixing:

Mixing pesticides is a common way to use pesticides. For convenience and labor saving, farmers often mix several pesticides together in the process of pest control. Not all pests require mixed pesticides. The following editor summarizes the common use of pesticides mixed several situations.

1. In order to achieve the purpose of disease prevention or enhance plant disease resistance, promote plant growth or cultivate strong seedlings;

For example, auxin 2,4-D is mixed with fungicides (fludioxonil, pyrimethanil, etc.) to prevent gray mold and then applied to tomato flower buds (or dipped flowers);

2. When more than one disease occurs on a crop at the same time, pesticides can be mixed;

For example, whiteflies or aphids, downy mildew, and gray mold often occur simultaneously on cucumbers cultivated in protected areas. Usually, the agent (imidacloprid) for preventing whitefly or aphids and the agent for preventing downy mildew (mefenaxyl Mancozeb) or agents for the control of gray mold (iprodione, nicotinamide, fludioxonil, etc.) mixed.

Pesticides that are common on vegetables now, such as deltamethrin, methethrin, zinc, thiophanate, thiram, carbendazim, chlorothalonil, Ruifu mold, fofosal, captan, etc. It can be mixed with Jiamei gold point according to the needs of pest control.

Not all pesticides used in combination are effective, and the following points should be paid attention to in the mixed use of pesticides:

1. The mixed pesticides cannot undergo chemical changes;

2. The mixed pesticides cannot increase the toxicity;

3. The chemical properties of the mixed pesticides should remain unchanged;

4. Mixed pesticides should have different action mechanisms or different control targets.

9. Be careful when using herbicides in hot weather!

Recently, most of them have ushered in "rare" high temperatures! High temperature of 38-40°C in some areas! high temperature! high temperature! Spraying any herbicides is not recommended! If you use post-emergence herbicides during this period, you must pay attention to the following points:

1. Herbicides containing acetochlor are prohibited! Especially oil suspension containing acetochlor, the bigger and heavier the corn seedlings are! Do not use acetochlor in cucumber, spinach, strawberry fields!

2. Avoid using medicines after 9:00 am to 16:00 pm. High-temperature drug damage is particularly serious, and some are irreversible, so be careful.

3. Under the premise of ensuring the concentration, add a little more water, and use the herbicide label to guide the "lower limit" of the dosage, let alone increase the dosage without permission!

4. Use herbicides during this period of high temperature, and it is forbidden to add synergists such as "organic silicon", "azone", "methylated vegetable oil" to it! Otherwise it will increase the injury!

5. Do not increase the dosage of mesotrione without permission, and it has almost no effect on weeds. If you add too much, the albinism of corn is very obvious, and it will not be slowed down for a while!

6. It is forbidden to increase the use of contact herbicides such as acifluorfen, fomesafen, methazapyr, acifluorfen, and lactoforin without permission, otherwise crops will be severely burned!

7. Appropriate addition of Jiamei Jindian, or brassin and gibberellic acid will relieve the drug damage to varying degrees, remember: it is only relief! There is no guarantee that the crop will not be harmed!

8. Medication time and temperature selection is very important

Whether it is pests or germs, especially 25°C is the most suitable temperature for their activities.

During the high temperature season in summer, the spraying time should be after 6 pm.

In the cool season of spring and autumn, you should choose between 2-3 pm.

For greenhouses in winter and spring, it is best to spray at 11-12 am in sunny and warm weather.

9. Immediately after the phytotoxicity occurs, spray with clear water twice to dilute the concentration of the agent, then spray the roots with 1000 times of Jiamei Hongli to promote the root system to absorb nutrients, and spray 1000 times of Jiamei Gold Spot on the leaves to repair the damaged leaves , the effect of inhibiting transpiration consumption is better.

Be cautious when mixing pesticides, especially those with strong acids and alkalis, so as not to reduce the efficacy and cause damage. Therefore, before using pesticides, read the labels in detail, and use them on a small area before using them on a large area.

The price of pesticides

Usually, the price of pesticides will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Supplier of pesticides

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Insecticide Abamectin, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.