The new overlord of the paddy field herbicide market Cyhalofop-ethyl

What is cyhalofop-ethyl?

Cyhalofop-ethyl is a systemic herbicide of oxyphenoxypropionic acid, mainly used in rice seedling fields, direct seeding fields, and transplanting fields to control most of the vicious gramineous weeds such as barnyardgrass, echinacea, goosegrass, etc. And it can effectively control weeds resistant to quinclorac, sulfonylurea and amide herbicides. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue.

Cyhalofop-ethyl is a white crystalline solid, soluble in most organic solvents, but insoluble in water.

Cyhalofop-ethyl is an aryloxyphenoxypropionate systemic herbicide developed by Dow AgroSciences, which was first launched in Asia in 1995.

Due to the high safety of cyhalofop-ethyl, it can be used in different growth stages of rice and has excellent control effect, which is favored by the market. In 2015, cyhalofop-methyl replaced penoxsulam to become the new overlord of the global paddy field herbicide market, becoming one of the most used herbicides in the rice planting process.

What is the mechanism of action of cyhalofop-methyl

Cyhalofop-ethyl is a systemic herbicide. After being absorbed by the leaves and sheaths of the plant, it is conducted through the phloem and accumulates in the meristem area of the plant. It inhibits acetyl-CoA carboxylase and blocks the synthesis of fatty acids. Cells Normal growth and division are not possible, and lipid-containing structures such as the membrane system are destroyed, eventually leading to plant death.

Cyhalofop-methyl passes through the rapid conduction in the plant and rapidly degrades into a series of metabolites: cyanhaloxalic acid, cyhalofopamide, cyhalofopalic acid and cyhalofoprol, among which are compounds with herbicidal activity. ACID accumulates in the intermediary meristem of weeds, thereby effectively inhibiting the enzyme necessary for fatty acid biosynthesis in the weeds - acetyl-CoA carboxylase, so as to achieve the purpose of weeding.

Application of cyhalofop-ethyl

Cyhalofop-ethyl is mainly used in dry rice seedling fields, direct seeding fields, and transplanting fields. It can control and control Qianjinzi, kanmai, small bran grass, crabgrass, foxtail, bran millet, heart leaf millet, pennisetum, maize, and beef tendon It also has a certain control effect on young barnyardgrass, and can also effectively control weeds resistant to quinclorac, sulfonylurea and amide herbicides.

Mode of action of cyhalofop-ethyl

Cyhalofop-ethyl is the only aryloxyphenoxypropionic acid herbicide with high safety to rice. Like other varieties of this type, this agent is also a systemic conductive herbicide, which is mainly absorbed by the leaves and leaf sheaths of the plant, conducted by the phloem, and accumulated in the meristem area of the plant. By inhibiting acetyl-CoA carboxylase, it makes Fatty acid synthesis stops, cell growth and division cannot proceed normally, membrane system and other lipid-containing structures are destroyed, and finally lead to the death of weeds. After application, weed growth stopped. 5-7 days after the application, the weeds began to yellow and brown from the heart leaves, and then gradually spread to the whole plant, and finally died.

It takes 1-3 weeks for cyhalofop-ethyl to be absorbed and weeds die slowly, depending on the environment and the size of the weeds. The symptoms of weeds after spraying are as follows: the buds at the 4-leaf stage shrivel, and finally wither and die; Leaf changes are minimal and remain green, and these symptoms can also be observed on the same period of tillers. The selectivity of cyhalofop-methyl is based on different metabolic rates. In rice, cyhalofop-methyl can be rapidly degraded into a diacid state that is inactive to acetyl-CoA carboxylase, so it is highly safe for rice. It is safe for future crops because it degrades rapidly in soil and typical paddy water.

The characteristics of cyhalofop-ethyl

1 Highly safe for rice. Even if it exceeds the recommended dosage several times, it will not cause phytotoxicity to rice.  

2 The range of prevention and control is wide. It has special effects on chinensis and barnyardgrass, and also prevents more than 30 kinds of grass weeds, such as paspalum, crabgrass, foxtail, goosegrass, and melon. The dosage is 60-90g/hm2, and it is ineffective against Cyperaceae weeds and broad-leaved weeds. the

3 Wide application range and wide application period. It can be used for indica and japonica rice, and can be used in various cultivation methods, such as dry seedling raising, water seedling raising, direct seeding, throwing seedlings, transplanting seedlings, etc. It will not cause phytotoxicity when used from the seedling stage to the jointing stage. the

4 strong penetration, fast absorption. Cyhalofop-ethyl is an aryloxyphenoxypropionic acid herbicide, which is easily absorbed by plants. It rains 1 hour after the application, which will not affect the efficacy of the drug.

Due to its high activity, good selectivity, low dosage and low toxicity, cyhalofop-ethyl is a chiral and fluorine-containing pesticide with high efficiency, environmental protection and safety. It conforms to the new trend of pesticide research and development and has great development in my country. Its value and good prospects for popularization and use, its synthesis and dosage form processing technology will definitely become the urgent technical needs of pesticide production and processing enterprises, and it is expected to enter the pesticide technology market and achieve great economic benefits.

Reasons for price changes of cyhalofop-ethyl

Looking at the development trend of the entire agrochemical market, it is believed that there are four factors that affect the price change of cyhalofop-ethyl technical:

1. The increase in production costs, the double-control and double-limit policy lead to tight supply in all links, and the supply shortage of propionic acid in the upstream.

The starting price soared, boosting the price of the original drug to 250,000.

2. Overcapacity, the synthesis process of this product is relatively simple, and as the supply of propionic acid eases and the price goes down, various

Original drug companies started to supply goods normally, and their inventories increased. In order to maintain normal production and operation, manufacturers cash out their inventory

Under the pressure of the industry, the product price is pushed to the vicinity of the production cost line step by step.

3. The impact of competing products. At present, cyhalofop-ester is not effective in controlling older barnyard grass in paddy fields.

Traditional old products have returned to people's vision, and the sluggish demand has led to a drop in prices.

4. The terminal price is chaotic, the single dose of cyhalofop is priced out of order, and the market frequently smashes the price, which seriously affects the distributors

and the buying confidence of farmers.

If you want to know the latest price of our herbicide cyhalofop-ethyl, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Suppliers of cyhalofop-ethyl

Agripestcide is a professional pesticide chemical manufacturer provides high quality and effective cyhalofop-ethyl with high quality and good service. If you are looking for cyhalofop-ethyl   in bulk, feel free to contact us to get the latest price.

Precautions while using cyhalofop-methyl

1. Select the correct dosage form: Since the technical product of cyhalofop-ethyl is a white crystalline solid, the specific gravity is 1.2375 (20°C), the boiling point is 363°C, the melting point is 48-49°C, and the vapor pressure is 8.8×10(-9) (20°C). Soluble in most organic solvents: 57.3% acetonitrile, 37.3% methanol, 60.7% acetone, 59.4% chloroform, insoluble in water and other physical properties, the impact of processing dosage forms on drug efficacy is quite different, the same dosage of active ingredients, dosage form effect performance It is emulsifiable concentrate > dispersible oil suspension concentrate > water emulsion > wettable powder.

2. Select the correct content: the preparation processing is generally processed from the original drug + auxiliary agent + solvent + filler and other materials. Due to the different solubility of cyhalofop-ethyl in different solvents and the need for the use of necessary auxiliary agents, in the processed dosage form It is necessary to add a certain amount of additives to improve the efficacy of the drug. The amount of additives added is different for different contents. The formula is scientific and rational. The additives must be added in order to exert the best effect of the active ingredients and are equally effective. The amount of ingredients, under normal circumstances, the effect of the dosage form is 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 40%, except for special additives.

3. Select the appropriate period of application: Different leaf ages of weeds have different sensitivity to cyhalofop-ethyl. As the leaf age increases, the sensitivity decreases and the dosage also increases. Generally, the leaf age is small and the dosage is small , the leaf age is large and the dosage is also large. The registered dosage is generally 1.5-2 leaves of Stephania chinensis, and the dosage is small, 10% 60-70ml, 15% 30-50ml, 20% 25-35ml, 25% 24-30ml, 30% 20- 25ml, 40% of 15-20ml, it is difficult for farmers to distinguish the leaf age of rice and Qianjinzi in production. When it is clear, Qianjinzi generally has 4-5 leaves. It is difficult to meet expectations if the registered dosage is still used To be effective, the dosage must be increased. Therefore, in the case of the same dosage of cyhalofop-ethyl, the control of Qianjinzi should be small rather than large. Due to the high safety of cyhalofop-ethyl on rice, cyhalofop-ethyl can be used to control D. chinensis after direct-seeding rice with 2-3 leaves. If it is controlled and eliminated when the daughter of the daughter is distinguished, it is the 3-5 leaf stage of rice at this time. To see the naked eye effect of cyhalofop-ester on A. chinensis, 3-4 leaves of rice is the best time to control A. chinensis.

4. Select the correct dosage: Qianjinzi has also developed a certain resistance to cyhalofop-ethyl, and the expected effect can only be achieved by increasing the dosage. In areas with strong resistance to Qianjinzi, the dosage of active ingredients per mu of cyhalofop is between 30- The dosage ranges from 50 grams, and in areas with less resistance, the minimum dosage is more than 20 grams of active ingredients. Cyhalofop-ethyl is currently popularly used to control older barnyardgrass and resistant barnyardgrass. The dosage should be larger in the old direct-seeding rice area, and lower in the new direct-seeding rice area. The normal dosage of active ingredients ranges from 20-30 grams.

5. Appropriate drug selection technology: Cyhalofop-ethyl is a systemic conductive herbicide, which must be absorbed by stems and leaves, and conducted in the weed plant, acting on the growth point to exert its efficacy. When applying pesticides, let the weed plants fully contact with the liquid medicine as much as possible. When rice uses cyhalofop-ethyl, it needs to be drained first, so that more than 2/3 of the weed plants are exposed, sprayed evenly and finely with high concentration, and rehydrated within 24 hours, so that the liquid medicine can be fully absorbed and conducted.