The pros and cons of the insecticides chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb, and lufenuron!

What is chlorfenapyr?

Chlorfenapyr: It is a new type of pyrrole compound. It acts on the mitochondria of cells in insects, and acts through the multifunctional oxidase in insects, mainly inhibiting the conversion of enzymes. It is also an insecticidal, acaricidal and nematicide successfully developed on the basis of dioxapyrromycin isolated from the metabolites of Streptomyces fungi. It has excellent control effect on borers, piercing-sucking mouthparts and harmful mites, and has a medium duration of effect. , disrupting the energy production process within the cell, thereby causing cell failure and ultimately death of the pest. Chlorenapyr has fast insecticidal speed and good effect, but its insecticidal spectrum is narrow and its duration of effect is short.

What is indoxacarb?

Indoxacarb: It is a highly effective oxadiazine insecticide. It disables the function of nerve cells by blocking sodium ion channels in insect nerve cells. Causes pest movement disorders, inability to feed, paralysis and eventual death. Indoxacarb can act on pests through contact killing and stomach poisoning. When the medicinal liquid enters the pests, it will quickly transform into a special metabolite, which will irreversibly block the transmission of nerve impulses in the pests, causing the pests to lose control, paralyzed, unable to feed, and eventually make the pests stiff until they die.

Tebufenozide: It is a new non-steroidal insect growth regulator and the latest researched and developed insect hormone insecticide. It has an agonizing effect on the pest ecdysone receptor, can accelerate the abnormal molt of the pest, and inhibit feeding, leading to physiological disorders and starvation death of the pest.

What is lufenuron?

Lufenuron: the latest generation of substituted urea insecticides. Belonging to benzoylurea insecticides, it belongs to benzoylurea insecticides and acaricides. It has stomach poisoning and contact killing effects. Its mechanism of action is to inhibit the synthesis of chitin, and the pests will enter the peak of dead insects after 2-3 days of feeding. It is characterized by low toxicity, long duration (two weeks), strong permeability and so on. Its disadvantage is that the price is high, which limits its scope and area of use.

Emamectin benzoate (amamectin benzoate): often referred to as "amamectin benzoate" in the industry is a new type of highly efficient semi-synthetic antibiotic insecticide synthesized from the fermentation product avermectin B1. It has been used for a long time in China and is also a common insecticide product at present.

Comparison of insecticide methods

Chlorfenapyr: has stomach poisoning and contact killing effects, has strong permeability on plant leaves, has a certain systemic effect, and does not kill eggs.

Indoxacarb: It has stomach poisoning and contact killing effects, no systemic effect, and does not kill eggs.

Tebufenozide: It has no osmotic effect and phloem systemic activity, and its effect is mainly caused by stomach poisoning. It also has certain contact and strong ovicidal activity.

Lufenuron: It has stomach poisoning and contact killing effects, no systemic absorption, and strong ovum killing.

Emamectin benzoate: It is mainly stomach poisoning and also has contact killing effect. Its insecticidal mechanism is to hinder the motor nerves of pests.

The five are mainly stomach poisoning and contact killing, and the addition of penetrating agent/extending agent (pesticide auxiliaries) will greatly improve the killing effect.

Insecticidal Spectrum Comparison

Chelprofen: It has excellent control effect on boring, sucking and chewing pests and mites, especially against diamondback moth, beet armyworm, litura, leaf roller, American spotted fly, bean pod borer, thrips, spider mite, etc. among the resistant pests;

Indoxacarb: It is mainly used to control Lepidoptera pests such as beet armyworm, diamondback moth, cabbage caterpillar, Spodoptera litura, cotton bollworm, tobacco budworm, and leaf roller.

Tebufenozide: Mainly has a unique effect on all Lepidoptera pests, and has special effects on resistant pests such as cotton bollworm, cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, and beet armyworm.

Lufenuron: mainly used to control pests such as leaf roller, diamondback moth, cabbage caterpillar, beet armyworm, spodoptera litura, whitefly, thrips, rust tick, etc., especially in the control of rice leaf roller.

Emamectin benzoate: highly active against the larvae of Lepidoptera insects and many other pests and mites, it has both stomach poisoning and contact killing effects. It has good control effect on Lepidoptera armyworm, potato tuber moth, beet armyworm, apple silliness, peach borer, rice stem borer, rice stem borer, cabbage caterpillar, European corn borer, melon leaf roller, melon silkworm, melon field borer, and tobacco budworm. Especially effective for Lepidoptera and Diptera.

Insecticidal broad-spectrum: emamectin benzoate > chlorfenapyr > lufenuron > indoxacarb ≥ tebufenozide

Dead Bug Speed Comparison

Chlorfenapyr: 1 hour after spraying, the activity of the pests becomes weak, spots appear, the color changes, the activities stop, coma, paralysis, and eventually death, and the peak of dead insects is reached within 24 hours.

Indoxacarb: Insects stop feeding within 0-4 hours, and then they are paralyzed, and the coordination ability of insects will decrease (which may cause larvae to fall from the crops), and generally die within 1-3 days after treatment.

Tebufenozide: After the pests eat, it can interfere with and destroy the original hormone balance in the insects, and lead to food refusal. Generally, after 5 hours of feeding, the pests stop harming, and peeling reaction occurs in 1-2 days, leading to incomplete peeling and food refusal in 2-3 days, the whole body loses water, and finally dies.

Lufenuron: After the pests contact the pesticide and eat the leaves with the pesticide, their mouths will be anesthetized within 2 hours, and they will stop eating, thus stopping harming the crops. The peak of dead insects will be reached in 3-5 days.

Emamectin benzoate: The pests are irreversibly paralyzed, stop eating, and die after 2-4 days, and the killing speed is slow.

Insecticidal rate: Chlorfenapyr > indoxacarb > tefenozide > lufenuron > emamectin benzoate

Duration comparison

Chlorfenapyr: It does not kill eggs, but only has outstanding control effect on older insects, and the control time is about 7-10 days.

Indoxacarb: It does not kill eggs, but kills lepidopteran pests of all sizes, and the control effect is about 12-15 days.

Tebufenozide: It has good egg killing ability, and the pests will form chemical sterilization after eating, so the effective period is longer, generally about 15-30 days.

Lufenuron: It has a strong ovicidal effect, and the insect control time is relatively long, up to 25 days.

Emamectin benzoate: long-lasting, 10-15 days for pests, 15-25 days for harmful mites.

Persistence period: emamectin benzoate > lufenuron ≥ tebufenozide > indoxacarb > chlorfenapyr

Leaf retention rate comparison

The ultimate goal of insecticide is to prevent pests from harming crops. As for whether the pests die quickly or slowly, or more or less, it is only a matter of perception by ordinary people. The rate of leaf preservation is the ultimate indicator to measure the value of products.

Compared with the control effect of rice leaf roller, the leaf preservation rate of lufenuron can reach more than 90%, emamectin benzoate can reach 80.7%, indoxacarb can reach 80%, tebufenozide can reach about 65%, and chlorfenapyr can reach about 65%.

Leaf preservation rate: lufenuron > emamectin benzoate > indoxacarb > tebufenozide ≥ chlorfenapyr

Security comparison

Lufenuron: So far there is no phytotoxicity reaction, and the drug will not cause the rampant piercing-sucking pests again, and has a mild effect on the adults of beneficial insects and predatory spiders.

Chlorfenapyr: It is sensitive to cruciferous vegetables and melon crops, and it is easy to cause phytotoxicity when used at high temperature or in high doses;

Indoxacarb: Highly safe, no phytotoxicity reaction, vegetables or fruits can be picked and eaten the next day after spraying.

Tebufenozide: It is also highly safe, has no phytotoxic reaction, and can cause chemical sterilization of some lepidopteran pests after use. At the same time, there will be a second dead insect period after 10 days, and it has no toxic side effects on bees and predatory mites, so it is highly safe.

Emamectin benzoate: It is highly safe for all crops in protected areas or at 10 times the recommended dosage. It is an environmentally friendly and low-toxicity pesticide.

Safety: emamectin ectin ≥ tebufenozide ≥ indoxacarb > lufenuron > chlorfenapyr

Drug cost comparison

Calculated according to the quotations of various manufacturers and the dosage used in recent years.

The drug cost comparison is: indoxacarb > chlorfenapyr > tefenozide > lufenuron > emamectin benzoate

The overall feeling of the five medicines in actual use:

The effect of lufenuron was very general when used for the first time, but the effect was very unusual when used twice in a row.

On the contrary, the effect of chlorfenapyr is very good for the first use, and the effect is very ordinary after two consecutive uses.

The effects of emamectin benzoate, indoxacarb and tebufenozide were roughly in between.

For the current pest resistance situation, it is recommended to adopt the method of "prevention first, comprehensive control", and take measures (physical, chemical, biological, etc.) in the early stage of occurrence to effectively prevent and control, so as to reduce the frequency and dosage of pesticides in the later period, and delay pesticide resistance.

When taking chemical control, it is recommended to cooperate with botanical or biological source insecticides such as: pyrethrins, phasicine, matrine, etc., and mix them with chemical agents or use them in rotation to achieve the purpose of slowing down drug resistance; when using chemical agents, it is recommended to use compound preparations and use them alternately to achieve good control effects.

Common Compounds

1. Emamectin benzoate + chlorfenapyr + Jiamei gold point, double killing of insects and mites

It mainly kills pests through stomach poisoning and contact killing. By mixing or compounding, it can not only reduce the amount of pesticides used, but also delay the development of pest resistance. After mixing or compounding, the effect on various vegetable pests such as diamondback moth, cabbage caterpillar, beet armyworm, Spodoptera litura, cabbage borer, liriomyza, fruit fly, psyllid, whitefly, and thrips is more prominent.

2. Emamectin benzoate + indoxacarb + Jiamei gold point, good quick effect and long lasting effect

They fully combine the insecticidal advantages of emamectin benzoate and indoxacarb, with relatively better quick-acting and longer-lasting effects, and they have strong permeability and good rain erosion resistance. The main mode of action is that the pesticide is contacted or eaten by the pest, so as to enter the pest's body, and the pest will immediately stop biting the crop. Under normal circumstances, 4-6 hours dead insects, 18 hours to reach the peak of dead insects. After mixing or compounding, the effect on Lepidopteran pests such as rice leaf roller, beet armyworm, litura, cabbage caterpillar, diamondback moth, cotton bollworm, corn borer, leaf roller, borer, etc. will be relatively better, and the insecticide will be faster. Special reminder, the emamectin benzoate will be absorbed by the tender bud tissue of the plant. When the buds open, the absorbed emamectin emamectin salt will play a second insecticidal peak at this time, which can kill the pests that harm the tender shoots of the crops.

3. Emamectin benzoate + lufenuron + Jiamei gold point, expand the types of pests and delay the resistance of pests

It not only complements the control range of the two single agents, but also delays the resistance of pests due to different insecticidal mechanisms.

This formula can quickly control pests, and has a relatively long lasting effect. It has dual effects of killing insects and ovum. It should be noted that we use the drug at the peak of egg hatching period of pests - the period of high incidence of young larvae. It can prevent and control insect eggs at the same time, which can effectively reduce the base number of insects, thus bringing a relatively long lasting effect. After mixing or compounding, the effect on beet armyworm, cabbage caterpillar, Spodoptera litura, rice leaf roller and other pests is relatively good, and the persistence period can reach more than 20 days.

4. Emamectin benzoate + tebufenozide + Jiamei gold point, the insecticidal activity can be greatly improved

After compounding or mixing, the stomach poisoning effect of the drug is relatively enhanced, it is not easy to produce resistance, and the duration of effect is longer, which is also relatively safe for crops. The mixed or compounded pesticide has a good control effect on the eggs and larvae of noctuids in cruciferous vegetables.

price of pesticides

Usually, the price of pesticides and insecticides will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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suppliers of pesticides

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Bulk Insecticides, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.