The violent brother in fungicides chlorothalonil

What is chlorothalonil?

Chlorothalonil is a non-systemic broad-spectrum fungicide, which has a preventive effect on a variety of crop fungal diseases. Binding to the protein of amino acid, destroying the activity of the enzyme, destroying the metabolism of fungal cells and losing their vitality. Chlorothalonil has not yet shown drug resistance, and is easily soluble in water. It can play a good role in regular spraying prevention or in preventing the spread of severe diseases. Chlorothalonil is a broad-spectrum fungicide substituted for benzene. However, when chlorothalonil is used improperly, drug damage occurs frequently, so I also jokingly call it the "violent brother" among fungicides.

Content of common dosage forms of chlorothalonil

40% suspension concentrate, 50%, 75% wettable powder, 75% water dispersible granule, 10% oil, 5%, 25% granule, 2.5%, 10%, 30%, 45% smoke agent, 5% powder etc.

Chlorothalonil sterilization principle

Ammonium chloride and aluminum chloride, the main components of the fungicide chlorothalonil, can destroy the cell membranes and cell walls of bacteria, fungi and viruses, leading to their death. Ammonium chloride can also affect the metabolic processes and DNA synthesis of bacteria, further accelerating their death.

Advantages of chlorothalonil

The fungicide chlorothalonil is a low toxicity fungicide. The pure product is a white odorless powder with a boiling point of 350°C and a melting point of 250-251°C. It is slightly soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents such as xylene and acetone. The original powder contains 96% active ingredients, the appearance is light yellow powder, slightly irritating odor, stable to acid, alkali and ultraviolet rays. Low toxicity, it has obvious stimulating effect on rabbit eyes and cornea, and can cause corneal turbidity, which is irreversible, but has no such effect on human eyes. Stimulates the skin of a few people. Very toxic to fish. The acute oral and rabbit acute percutaneous LD50 of the original powder were both greater than 10,000 mg/kg, and the acute inhalation LD50 of rats was greater than 4.7 mg/L (1h). It has a strong stimulating effect on rabbit eyes and obvious stimulating effect on some human eyes. Under the test conditions, it has no teratogenic and mutagenic effects, and is highly toxic to fish.

1. Broad bactericidal spectrum

Chlorothalonil can effectively control a variety of fungal diseases. And the preventive effect is more prominent. It can control wheat head blight, tomato early blight, late blight, leaf mold, spot blight, melon downy mildew, anthracnose, etc. It can also be used for peach brown rot, scab, tea anthracnose, tea Cake disease, net cake disease, peanut leaf spot, rubber canker, cabbage downy mildew, black spot, grape anthracnose, eggplant botrytis, orange scab.

2. Long duration

Chlorothalonil has no systemic conduction effect, but after being sprayed on the plant body, it can have good adhesion on the body surface and is not easily washed away by rain, so the efficacy period is longer.

3. Applicable to a wide range of crops

Chlorothalonil can be used in wheat, rice, vegetables, fruit trees, peanuts, tea and other crops. No adverse drug hazards were reported.

4. Wide range of uses

Chlorothalonil can not only be used to prevent and kill fungal diseases of crops, but also be used as industrial antifungal agent and fruit fresh-keeping agent.

5. Unlike other pesticides, chlorothalonil is used when there is dew, which is beneficial to the efficacy of the drug.

The role and function of chlorothalonil

The fungicide chlorothalonil is a high-efficiency, broad-spectrum fungicide with a protective effect. It is stable to weak acid, weak alkali and light and heat, and has no corrosive effect. It is easy to stick to the surface of plants, resistant to rain erosion, and the residual effect period is generally 7-10 days.

The scope of application is mainly used for the prevention and control of rust, anthracnose, powdery mildew and downy mildew on fruit trees and vegetables.

Precautions The medicine is irritating to the skin and eyes, so be careful when spraying.

How to use chlorothalonil

1. Prevention and treatment of jujube, apple and other fruit tree diseases. From the initial onset to mid-August, spray 800-1000 times of 56% Azillabacterium Chlorothalonil Water Emulsion + 1000 times of "Guobao" (special type for fruit trees) every 10-15 days to prevent and control a variety of Fruit tree rot, downy mildew, anthracnose, brown spot and powdery mildew, etc. Pay attention to alternate use with other fungicides.

2. To prevent cucumber downy mildew, powdery mildew and other fruit tree diseases, spray 700-800 times of 56% Azillabacterium Chlorothalonil Water Emulsion 800-1000 times liquid + 1000 times "Guobao" (special type for fruit trees) in the early stage of disease , 1 time every 7-10 days, continuous spraying 2-3 times.

3. To prevent diseases such as blight, downy mildew, and powdery mildew of various vegetables, spray 700-800 times of 56% Azillabacterium Chlorothalonil Water Emulsion 800-1000 times liquid + 1000 times "Caibao" (melon Special type for eggplant fruit), once every 7-10 days, spray 2-3 times continuously.

4. Prevention and control of vegetable diseases Tomato early blight, late blight and downy mildew, in the early stage of disease, spray with 800-1000 times liquid of 56% Azillabacterium Chlorothalonil aqueous emulsion per mu, spray once every 7-10 days .

It can control melon downy mildew, powdery mildew, anthracnose, and blight; tomato early blight, late blight, cucumber gray mold, leaf mold, etc.

When using, be careful not to mix it with alkaline pesticides such as lime sulfur. FU and DP are best used under the condition of dew condensation on the leaf surface, which is beneficial to exert the medicinal effect.

Concentration: 800-1000 times liquid of 56% Azillabacterium Chlorothalonil aqueous emulsion, 600 times liquid of 70% wettable powder, 400 times liquid of 50% wettable powder; 200-250g/mu of 45% smoke agent; 1kg of 5% powder /mu.

Chlorothalonil mixed with what

1. Compound of chlorothalonil and sodium chloride

Sodium chloride is a commonly used disinfectant, which has the characteristics of broad-spectrum, rapidity and high efficiency, and can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms. The combined use of chlorothalonil and sodium chloride can enhance the disinfection effect and make it more thorough, especially suitable for disinfection of some difficult-to-disinfect items.

2. Compound of chlorothalonil and hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a commonly used disinfectant, which has the characteristics of broad spectrum, fast and high efficiency, and can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms. The combined use of chlorothalonil and hydrogen peroxide can enhance the disinfection effect and make it more thorough. It is especially suitable for disinfecting some items that require high-efficiency disinfection, such as surgical instruments and medical equipment.

3. Compound of chlorothalonil and iodophor

Iodophor is a commonly used disinfectant, which has the characteristics of broad-spectrum, rapidity and high efficiency, and can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms. The compound use of chlorothalonil and povidone iodine can enhance the disinfection effect and make it more thorough, especially suitable for disinfection of some easily infected items, such as wounds, surgical blades, etc.

4. Compounding of chlorothalonil and hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a commonly used disinfectant, which has the characteristics of broad spectrum, fast and high efficiency, and can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms. The combined use of chlorothalonil and hydrogen peroxide can enhance the disinfection effect and make it more thorough. It is especially suitable for disinfection of some easily polluted items, such as food and beverages.

5. Compounding of chlorothalonil and acetic acid

Acetic acid is a commonly used disinfectant, which has the characteristics of broad spectrum, fast and high efficiency, and can effectively kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms. The combined use of chlorothalonil and acetic acid can enhance the disinfection effect and make it more thorough. It is especially suitable for disinfecting some items that are prone to odor, such as trash cans and toilets.

As a commonly used disinfectant, chlorothalonil has limited disinfection effect and needs to be used in combination with other agents to achieve better disinfection effect. Different compound agents are suitable for different disinfection objects, and need to be selected according to the actual situation to achieve the best disinfection effect.

Precautions for chlorothalonil

1. Chlorothalonil is irritating to human skin and eyes, and a few people have allergic reactions. Generally can cause mild contact dermatitis.

2. Chlorothalonil is poisonous to fish, and it must be kept away from ponds, lakes and streams when spraying. Do not pollute the water source with the liquid medicine used for cleaning medicines.

3. It should be protected from moisture and sunscreen, and stored in a cool and dry place. It is strictly forbidden to mix with food, seeds and feed to prevent misuse and misuse. Discarded containers after use should be disposed of properly and safely.

4. 10% oil can cause phytotoxicity to peaches, pears, persimmons, plums and young apples.

6. It is poisonous to silkworms, tussah silkworms and bees, so preventive work should be done when using it

Do not mix with alkaline pesticides such as lime sulfur.

Alternatives to chlorothalonil

Chlorothalonil is a protective fungicide, and other widely used protective fungicides include mancozeb, captan, folpet, and copper preparations. There are many domestically registered products that can replace chlorothalonil, such as pyraclostrobin, cyafamid, dimethomorph, triethronate, picoxystrobin, etc. for the control of cucumber downy mildew; Diseases include mancozeb, difenoconazole, kresoxim-methyl, etc.; prevention and control of peanut leaf spot with tebuconazole, diniconazole, thiophanate-methyl, etc.

Under what circumstances should chlorothalonil not be used

The young apples within 20 days of withering flowering should not be treated with drugs, as they are prone to phytotoxicity. Some yellow varieties of apples, especially the Jinshuai variety, will produce rust spots after treatment.

Pear trees cannot be leaf-sprayed, otherwise phytotoxicity will occur.

Peach trees can be used at the flower bud stage and after the flower has faded. Use with caution at the young fruit stage, and rust spots will occur when the concentration is high.

Grapes are phytotoxic to red grapes and green grapes at the young fruit stage, and to some yellow varieties, which will produce rusty fruit. It is not a big problem to use them after bagging.

Flowers are prone to phytotoxicity to plum blossoms and roses.

It is easy to cause phytotoxicity on peach trees when it is mixed with fenitrothion; it is easy to cause phytotoxicity on tea trees when it is mixed with fenitrothion and tricyclic tin.

Persimmons are sensitive to chlorothalonil and cannot be used.

Chlorothalonil is also highly toxic to fish and bees. Therefore, chlorothalonil should be used with caution in paddy fields, and it should not be used before or after the flowering period of crops.

Oily substances may aggravate the injury of the drug. It is not advisable to add oily additives when mixing the medicinal solution, and be careful when mixing with the emulsifiable concentrate preparation.

A large number of studies have found that after long-term intake of high doses of chlorothalonil in rats and mice, kidney hyperplasia and renal epithelial tumors will occur, indicating that chlorothalonil still has a certain risk of toxicity to humans. Therefore, chlorothalonil should not be used in high doses on the eve of crop harvest (within 7 days).

Although chlorothalonil has many benefits, but the above situation is not to use chlorothalonil, everyone must remember! Regarding the circumstances under which chlorothalonil cannot be used, the editor will introduce it to you here, and I hope that the sharing of the editor will be helpful to everyone.

Chlorothalonil first aid measures

Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothing and rinse with plenty of running water.

Eye contact: Lift the eyelids and rinse with running water or saline. Seek medical attention.

Inhalation: Quickly leave the scene to fresh air. Keep airway open. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If not breathing, give artificial respiration immediately. Seek medical attention.

Ingestion: Drink plenty of warm water, induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. Fire-fighting measures

Emergency treatment for chlorothalonil leakage

Isolate the leaked contaminated area and restrict access. Cut off the fire source. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear dust masks and general work clothes. Do not come into direct contact with spilled material.

A small amount of leakage: avoid raising dust, sweep up carefully, put it in a bag and transfer it to a safe place.

Large amount of leakage: collect and recycle or transport to waste disposal site for disposal.

Chlorothalonil protective measures

Engineering control: airtight operation, local exhaust.

Respiratory system protection: When the dust concentration in the air exceeds the standard, you must wear a self-priming filter dust mask. When emergency rescue or evacuation, air respirators should be worn.

Eye Protection: Wear chemical safety goggles.

Body protection: wear anti-poison penetration overalls.

Hand Protection: Wear rubber gloves.

Other protection: Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited in the workplace, and hands must be washed before meals. After work, take a shower. Practice good hygiene.

Chlorothalonil handling and storage

Operation precautions: airtight operation, local exhaust. Prevent dust from being released into the workshop air. Operators must undergo special training and strictly abide by the operating procedures. It is recommended that operators wear self-priming filter dust masks, chemical safety goggles, anti-poison infiltration overalls, and rubber gloves. Keep away from fire and heat sources, and smoking is strictly prohibited in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. Avoid generating dust. Avoid contact with oxidants. Equipped with corresponding types and quantities of fire-fighting equipment and leakage emergency treatment equipment. Empty containers may be harmful residues.

Precautions for storage: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat sources. Keep out of direct sunlight. The package is sealed. should be kept away from oxidizer, do not store together. Equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire equipment. Storage areas should be equipped with suitable materials to contain spills.

The price of the fungicide chlorothalonil

Usually, the price of pesticide fungicide chlorothalonil will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide fungicide chlorothalonil you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Suppliers of the fungicide chlorothalonil

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Fungicide Chlorothalonil, feel free to contact us for latest price.