Triazole broad spectrum microbial fungicide flusilazole

What is flusilazole (85509-19-9)?

The microbial fungicide flusilazole is a triazole systemic fungicide that can be used for systemic sterilization. It can be used to control Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes fungi, such as apple scab, powdery mildew, hookworm, etc.

The prevention and treatment principle of the microbial fungicide flusilazole is to destroy and prevent the biosynthesis of ergosterol, causing the cell membrane to fail to form and causing the death of the bacteria. Flusilazole is a special agent for the control of pear scab.

Main dosage forms of flusilazole (85509-19-9)

40%, 400 g/L emulsifiable concentrate, 5%, 8%, 30% microemulsion, 10%, 16% water emulsion, 2.5% water-dispersible granules, 2.5% thermal mist.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) mechanism of action

Microbial fungicide  flusilazole emulsifiable concentrate is a brown liquid. The main function is to destroy and prevent the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an important component of the cell membrane of pathogenic bacteria, so that the cell membrane cannot be formed, and the hyphae cannot grow, thereby achieving the bactericidal effect. After the agent is sprayed on the plants, it can be quickly absorbed and conduct two-way conduction to kill the invading pathogenic bacteria and spores. It is a new type, high efficiency, low toxicity, and broad-spectrum systemic fungicide with preventive and therapeutic effects.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) Chemical Properties

CAS : 85509-19-9

Molecular formula: C16H15F2N3Si

Molecular weight: 315.4

MDL: MFCD01076615

Boiling point: 431.4°C at 760 mmHg

Flash point: 214.7°C

Vapor pressure: 1.2E-07mmHg at 25°C

Physicochemical properties of Flusilazole (85509-19-9)

Microbial fungicide flusilazole is light brown orange crystal solid, melting point: 53°C, vapor pressure: 0.039mPa (25°C), solubility: water 900mg/L (pH: 1.1), water 900mg/L (pH: 7.8), >2kg/L in many organic solvents. Stable to sunlight and stable below 310℃.

The microbial fungicide flusilazole is a systemic fungicide that exerts its efficacy by inhibiting sterol demethylation. It is mainly used for fruit trees, vegetables, and cereal crops to prevent and control Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Deuteromycetes fungi, such as apple scab, powdery mildew, pear scab, and cereal grains. Styrosporium, Rhizoctonia, etc. and Spheromyces, various pathogenic bacteria on sugar beet, peanut leaf spot. This fungicide destroys and prevents the biosynthesis of ergosterol, causing the cell membrane to fail to form and killing the bacteria, but it is ineffective against oomycetes. In the prevention and treatment of pear scab, spray at the early stage of the disease, once every 7-10 days, 4-6 times in a row, and the effective dose of 40% EC is 40-50 mg/L (8,000-10,000 times liquid), it can effectively prevent and treat pear scab, and has the effect of concurrently treating pear scab. When the disease peaks, the spraying interval can be shortened appropriately. It can also be used to control grape powdery mildew, peanut leaf spot, cereal powdery mildew and eye spot disease, wheat glume blight, leaf rust and stripe rust, barley leaf spot and so on.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) toxicity

The microbial fungicide flusilazole technical material, 25% water-dispersible granules, 40% suspension agent, 10% microemulsion, etc. are all low-toxic fungicides and are safe for crops within the medicinal dosage range. Acute oral LD50110mg/kg for male rats, 674mg/kg for females, and acute dermal LD50>2000mg/kg for rabbits. It has a slight irritating effect on the skin and eyes, is non-sensitizing and non-mutagenic, and is an environmentally friendly sterilizer. agent.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) Function

Microbial fungicide flusilazole can be used for systemic sterilization. Inhibits sterol demethylation. It is mainly used to control Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes fungi, such as apple scab, powdery mildew, cereal fungi, Septoria, Rhizoctonia, etc. Various pathogenic bacteria on the seat fungus and sweet berries, peanut leaf spot. Triazole fungicides destroy and prevent the biosynthesis of ergosterol, resulting in the failure of cell membrane formation and the death of germs. Effective against diseases caused by Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes, ineffective against Oomycetes, and particularly effective against pear scab.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) functions and uses

The main function of the microbial fungicide flusilazole is to destroy and prevent the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an important component of the cell membrane of pathogenic bacteria, causing the cell membrane to be unable to form and the hyphae to grow, thereby achieving the bactericidal effect.

1. To prevent powdery mildew and scab on melons such as zucchini, cucumbers, and melons, spray 40% fluorosilicone emulsifiable concentrate 6,000 to 8,000 times, starting at the early stage of the disease, spray once in about ten days, and spray two to three times in a row. , the prevention effect can reach more than 80%;

2. To prevent and control bean rust and powdery mildew on beans, cowpeas, etc., use 7000 to 8000 times of 40% flusilazole emulsifiable concentrate. Use the medicine at the early stage of the disease. Spray it once in about ten days, and spray two to three times in a row. The control effect is very good. And it has no side effects on plant growth, development and results;

3. Spray 40% flusilazole emulsifiable concentrate 7000~8000 times on corn to prevent maize macula, and the control effect can reach more than 70%;

4. It has obvious advantages when used as a clearing agent for apple orchards. It can eradicate a variety of overwintering pathogens on a variety of fruit trees with one drug. It is easy to use, suitable for spraying and smearing, has low toxicity and no residue, and can be used as a recommended drug for pollution-free fruits. Used as a clearing agent in apple orchards, flusilazole can effectively remove overwintering pathogenic bacteria such as rot, white powder, brown spots, ring streaks, anthracnose, red spots and black spots, and spotted leaf fall disease. Specific use: When the apple leaves lag behind until the end of March next year, scrape off the disease scars appropriately, and then apply 40% flusilazole 500 times, or spray the entire garden with 5000~6000 times. When the flowers are red, spray 40% flusilazole 10,000 times, which can effectively kill various pathogenic bacteria such as white powder, spotted leaves, mold cores, red and black spots that are about to be infected or have been infected.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) Features

1 Unique mechanism of action

The microbial fungicide Flusilazole is an inhibitor of sterol demethylation. It inhibits the demethylation reaction and damages the synthesis of ergosterol in the fungal cell membrane, causing the cell membrane to fail to form and leading to the death of the bacteria. Flusilazole can not only control the elongation of fungal mycelium, but also hinder the growth of fungal spore germ tubes, thereby achieving disease treatment and prevention effects.

Quick-acting and long-lasting effect of flusilazole is very outstanding when used in the initial stage of the disease. It penetrates into the plant body within a few hours after spraying, and the agent has strong redistribution. The rapid penetrating performance of flusilazole avoids rain erosion and Achieve comprehensive protection and sterilization effect, lasting up to 10 to 15 days.

2. Broad prevention and treatment spectrum

The microbial fungicide Flusilazole has a broad bactericidal spectrum and can prevent and treat diseases caused by a variety of fungi such as Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes and other fungi, with very good effects. A variety of fungal diseases on trees, fruits, vegetables, and cereal crops, such as scab, powdery mildew, leaf spot, early blight, leaf mold, brown spot, ring scab, gram blight, spot disease, rust, anthracnose, black pox and other diseases.

Low-toxicity, broad-spectrum flusilazole is a highly efficient, low-toxicity, broad-spectrum, systemic triazole fungicide. It has low toxicity to crops, humans and animals, is safe to beneficial animals and insects, and is effective against sores in various crops. It has excellent control effect against diseases such as anthracnose, damping off, scab, powdery mildew, rust, vine blight, leaf spot, root rot, brown spot, ring rot, etc. It is also effective against Verticillium wilt of crops. Strong antibacterial effect.

3 Applicable to a wide range of crops

Microbial fungicide flusilazole can be used for cucumber, tomato, tobacco, wheat, grape, pear, apple tree, banana, wolfberry, chrysanthemum and other crops.

4. Strong conductivity

The microbial fungicide flusilazole has strong systemic activity. After application, it can be quickly absorbed by the plant and transmitted to the susceptible parts, inhibiting the activity of pathogenic bacteria and having the effect of preventing and eradicating various diseases.

5 compound medication

In order to avoid and delay the development of resistance, the microbial fungicide flusilazole is often mixed with fungicides with different mechanisms of action, such as thiophanate-methyl, difenoconazole, pyraclostrobin, prochloraz, Carbendazim and other agents are used in combination.

Flusilazole is sometimes mixed with fungicide ingredients such as oxaconazole, carbendazim, and prochloraz to produce compound fungicides.

6 Ultra-low dosage

The microbial fungicide flusilazole can have a strong inhibitory effect on pathogenic microorganisms at a very low effective concentration. The application multiple is 6,000 to 10,000 times, which is 10 to 20 times that of general agents.

7 Increase production and improve quality

The microbial fungicide flusilazole contains organic silicon. The leaves treated with this medicine are dark green, the fruit is well colored, the sugar content is increased, and physiological fruit drop is reduced. It has the function of growth regulation, increases yield and improves crop quality.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) application technology

1. Prevent and treat banana scab. When preventing the disease from occurring, you can start applying pesticides before the onset of the disease or in the early stages of the disease, and spray evenly. Do not apply pesticides on windy days or if rainfall is expected within 1 hour. It can also be mixed with difenoconazole, pyraclostrobin, etc. to have better control effect against scab. Use up to 3 times per season.

2. To prevent and control cucumber powdery mildew, spray pesticides before the onset or in the early stages of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease and weather conditions, the pesticides can be applied again at an interval of 7-10 days. The pesticides should be applied evenly and thoughtfully. When using medication during the mature stage, it should be noted that no medication should be applied during the safety interval.

To prevent and control cucumber sclerotinia, a mixture of 40% flusilazole emulsifiable concentrate 8000 times and 50% procymidol wettable powder 800 times has a good control effect. It should be sprayed once every 7 to 8 days for prevention and every 4 to 5 days for onset of disease. One time, even spray 3~4 times.

To prevent and control cucumber scab, powdery mildew, and tomato leaf mold, start spraying from the early stage of the disease, spray with 8,000 to 10,000 times of 40% flusilazole emulsifiable concentrate, and spray again every 7 to 10 days.

3. To prevent and control cucumber scab, apply pesticides before the onset of cucumber scab (symptoms appear on individual leaves) or in the early stages. Spray evenly onto the front and back of the leaves and all parts of the whole plant. Apply once every 7-10 days. Depending on the growth period of the crop, the degree of disease occurrence and weather conditions, the medication can be applied three times in a row. Pesticide application should be carried out in the morning and evening when the temperature is low and the wind speed is low. It is not advisable to apply pesticides before and after rainfall.

4.) To prevent and control tomato late blight in the early stages, spray 40% flusilazole emulsifiable concentrate 8000 times.

5. To prevent and control powdery mildew on melons, watermelons, pumpkins and other melon vegetables, start spraying from the early stage of the disease. Spray with 6000-8000 times of 40% flusilazole emulsifiable concentrate, once every 10 days, and spray 2-4 times continuously for comprehensive prevention. The effect is more than 90%.

6. Prevent and control strawberry powdery mildew. Preventive use of pesticides before transplanting and during shed can reduce the damage of chemicals to strawberry flowers and fruits. You can use 40% fluorosilicone EC 6000 times liquid spray; in the early stage of powdery mildew, use 40% fluorosilicone. Spray 6000 times of azole emulsifiable concentrate 2 to 3 times continuously every 5 to 7 days.

7. Prevent and control powdery mildew and rust of beans, cowpeas and other legumes. Start spraying from the early stage of the disease. Use 40% flusilazole emulsifiable concentrate 6000~8000 times to spray. It will have no side effects on the growth and development of beans. Spray 2 to 4 times once every 10 days or so.

8. To prevent and treat corn yellow spot disease, spray 40% flusilazole emulsifiable concentrate 7000 times to achieve a control effect of more than 70%. This medicine is used in a low concentration. When using the medicine, some spreading agents, such as Xiaokang liquid or Jiekangling, can be added to the medicine to increase its effectiveness.

9. To prevent and control wheat powdery mildew, white stalk disease, total rot, smut, leaf blight, glume blight, moire, leaf rust, stem rust and leaf blight, spray diluted 3000-4000 times.

10. To prevent and control peanut rust, sheath blight, leaf spot, brown spot, black spot, bacterial wilt, net spot, white silkworm, and damping off, spray diluted 3000-4000 times.

How to use Flusilazole (85509-19-9)

The microbial fungicide flusilazole is used to prevent and treat scab on pears, apples, navel oranges, jujubes, etc. It is sprayed at the early stage of the disease, once every 7 to 10 days, for 4 to 6 consecutive times, and 20% silica is used each time. ·The effective dose of prochloraz 1500-2000 times liquid or 40% EC is 40-50 mg/L (8000-10000 times liquid), which can effectively prevent and treat scab and also treat red star disease. When the disease peaks, the spraying interval can be shortened appropriately. It can also be used to treat apple scab and powdery mildew, grape powdery mildew, peanut leaf spot, cereal powdery mildew and eyespot, wheat blight, leaf rust and stripe rust, barley leaf spot, etc.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) production method

Chloromethyldichlorosilane reacts with fluorobenzene and butyllithium at low temperature to prepare bis(4-fluorobenzene)methylchloromethylsilane, which is then reacted with 1,2,4- Fluorosilazole is prepared by reacting sodium triazole.

What diseases does flusilazole (85509-19-9) treat?

The microbial fungicide flusilazole can prevent and treat a variety of crop diseases, including anthracnose, scab, powdery mildew, scab, rust, ring spot, brown spot, leaf spot, damping off, root rot, etc. All have good control effects. Flusilazole contains organic silicon. After spraying, the crop leaves will turn dark green, and it can regulate crop growth and help fruit setting. Physiological fruit drop will be reduced and the sugar content of the fruit will be increased. However, when using it, you need to pay attention not to increase the concentration arbitrarily, but to use it strictly according to the instructions. Generally, the concentration used is 6000~10000 times the solution. If the concentration is too high, it will inhibit crop growth.

What should flusilazole (85509-19-9) be paired with?

The microbial fungicide flusilazole can be used with many pesticides. So far, no pesticides have been found that cannot be used together. Flusilazole is a broad-spectrum pesticide that can effectively prevent and control black spot, blight, anthracnose, root rot and other diseases. When spraying, generally 6000-10000 times of water can be mixed and sprayed directly on the affected area.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) prevents and treats diseases

Microbial fungicide flusilazole is a systemic fungicide of triazoles, which has protective and therapeutic effects and strong permeability.

The microbial fungicide flusilazole is currently a special agent for the prevention and treatment of pear scab. After the pear tree fades, spray 40% emulsifiable oil 8000-10000 times when the diseased buds are seen, and then spray it for 15-20 days according to the rainfall situation. 1 time, spray 5-7 times in total, or use alternately with other fungicides. It is easy to cause phytotoxicity to Yangshan pear, so it should not be used.

The microbial fungicide flusilazole has a strong inhibitory effect on apple ring rot rot bacteria. To prevent and control apple and pear ring rot disease in the field, 40% EC 8000 times liquid spray can be tried.

The microbial fungicide flusilazole is used to prevent and control cucumber scab. From the early stage of the onset, use 7.5 to 12.5 milliliters of 40% emulsifiable oil per mu, and routinely spray the water; -Spray once every 10 days, 3-4 times in a row.

The microbial fungicide flusilazole is used to prevent and control tobacco red spot disease and vegetable powdery mildew. Spray 40% EC 6000-8000 times liquid at the beginning of the disease, spray once every 5-7 days, and spray 3-4 times continuously.

The microbial fungicide flusilazole is used to prevent and control the powdery mildew of medicinal plants chrysanthemum, mint, plantain, field bindweed, dandelion, and safflower rust. Spray 40% EC 9000-10000 times at the early stage of the disease, every 7-10 days Spray 1 time a day.

The difference between fluconazole and flusilazole (85509-19-9)

Fluconazole and flusilazole are both triazole fungicides.


Epoxiconazole has a good control effect on a series of cereal crops such as blight, powdery mildew, eye streak, and more than ten diseases. It can also control sugar beets, peanuts, rapeseed, lawns, coffee, rice and fruit trees. Wait for diseases. It not only has good protection, treatment and eradication activities, but also has systemic and better residual activity.

This product has strong systemic properties and can be quickly absorbed by the plant and transmitted to the infected parts, causing the disease infection to stop immediately and local application for complete prevention and control.

The duration of effect is excellent, for example, the antibacterial effect on cereals can last for more than 40 days. The excellent persistence effect reduces the frequency of medication and labor costs.

It can not only effectively control diseases, but also improve the biochemical disease resistance of crops by regulating enzyme activity, greatly enhancing the disease resistance of crops themselves.

treat disease

Rice blight; wheat powdery mildew; wheat rust; grape anthracnose.


The microbial fungicide flusilazole can be mainly used to control Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes fungi, such as apple scab, powdery mildew, cereal fungi, Septoria, and hookworms. Rhizoctonia, etc., various pathogenic bacteria on ball fungus and sweet potato, peanut leaf spot, and is highly effective against rapeseed sclerotinia. Flusilazole is a triazole systemic fungicide that destroys and prevents the biosynthesis of ergosterol, causing the cell membrane to fail to form and killing the bacteria. Effective against diseases caused by Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes, ineffective against Oomycetes, and particularly effective against pear scab.

To prevent and treat scab of pears, apples, navel oranges, jujubes, etc., spray at the early stage of the disease, once every 7 to 10 days, for 4 to 6 times in a row, which can effectively prevent and treat scab, and also treat red star disease. role. When the disease peaks, the spraying interval can be shortened appropriately.

treat disease

Pear scab; peanut leaf spot; apple powdery mildew.

Function difference


Mechanism of action: Inhibitor of C-14 demethylase in sterol biosynthesis, with both protective and therapeutic effects. It is a new type of important triazole fluorine-containing fungicide.


The mechanism of action of the microbial fungicide flusilazole is to inhibit sterol biosynthesis and stop hyphae elongation. It is the world's first fluorine- and silicon-containing triazole fungicide with the highest activity. It can be moved from the sprayed part to other parts and redistributed. It will not accumulate at the leaf tips or edges, so it is very safe for crops.

Flusilazole (85509-19-9) Precautions

The microbial fungicide flusilazole is suitable for crops and is safe for apples, pears, cucumbers, tomatoes and cereals. The maximum residue limits are 0.05 μg/g for pear flesh and 0.5 μg/g for pear skin. The safety interval is 18 days. In order to prevent bacteria from developing resistance to flusilazole, it should not be used more than 4 times in one growing season and should be used alternately with other protective agents.

1. Pear varieties are sensitive to this drug during the young fruit stage and should be used with caution, otherwise it may easily cause harm.

2. In order to prevent germs from developing resistance to Fuxing, other protective fungicides should be used alternately.

3. Protective clothing should be worn when preparing liquid medicine and applying medicine. Women in early pregnancy should not spray and avoid contact or direct exposure to the mist.

4Store in a cool, dry place away from food, feed and out of reach of children.

5. When storing and transporting, be sure to keep away from sources of fire.

6. The allowable daily intake (ADI) per person of Fuxing is 0.001 mg/kg, the maximum residue limit of pear flesh is 0.05 μg/g, and the maximum residue limit of pear skin is 0.5 μg/g (Taiwan Province, my country). The safety interval is 18 days.

7. Those who accidentally take it should not induce vomiting or take ephedrine and other drugs. If the liquid splashes into your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, and then seek medical attention.

8. Empty bottles after use should be buried deeply or disposed of according to relevant regulations, and should not be discarded anywhere.

The price of the microbial fungicide flusilazole (85509-19-9)

Usually, the price of flusilazole, a pesticide microbial fungicide, will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of flusilazole, a pesticide microbial fungicide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Supplier of Microbial Bactericide Flusilazole (85509-19-9)

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Microbial Fungicide Flusilazole, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.