Triazole high efficiency fungicide hexaconazole

What is hexaconazole (79983-71-4)?

The fungicide hexaconazole is a triazole demethylation inhibitor; cas 79983-71-4, a sterol demethylation inhibitor, has extremely high antibacterial activity and is effective against diseases caused by fungi, especially Basidiomycota and Ascomycota. Broad spectrum protective and therapeutic effects. Destroys and prevents the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an important component of the bacterial cell membrane, resulting in the inability of the cell membrane to form and ultimately the death of the bacteria.

Hexaconazole is a new generation of highly efficient triazole fungicides. The biological activity and bactericidal mechanism of hexaconazole are similar to those of triadimefon and triazole. It has a wide antibacterial spectrum, strong permeability and systemic conductivity, and is suitable for prevention and treatment. It has the characteristics of good effect, and its mechanism of action is to destroy and prevent the biosynthesis of ergosterol by bacteria, causing the bacterial cell membrane to be unable to form, and ultimately causing the death of the bacteria. Hexaconazole can effectively prevent and control diseases caused by ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes, especially diseases caused by basidiomycetes and ascomycetes such as powdery mildew, rust, scab, brown spot, anthracnose and sheath blight. , rice smut disease, etc., has good preventive and therapeutic effects, but hexaconazole is ineffective against oomycetes and bacteria. It is environmentally friendly and safe for crops when applied on suitable crops according to the recommended dosage, but sometimes it is harmful to certain apple varieties.

The main dosage forms of the fungicide hexaconazole in China are water-dispersible granules, suspensions, emulsifiable concentrates, and microemulsions. It is mainly registered on pear tree scab, apple leaf spot disease, rice sheath blight, and peach tree brown rot. To control pear tree scab and apple spot defoliation, spray 5% hexaconazole suspension 1,000 to 1,500 times, and to control peach tree brown rot 800 to 1,000 times. 60~100g of 5% suspension agent for controlling rice sheath blight. Hexaconazole can also be used to prevent and control grape powdery mildew and white rot at 10-15 mg/kg, and apple powdery mildew and rust at 10-20 mg/kg. In addition, hexaconazole has a good therapeutic effect on coffee rust. Dosage per mu The active ingredient is 2 grams, and the effective ingredient for preventing and controlling peanut leaf spot is 3~4.5 grams/acre. Hexaconazole can be mixed with other conventional fungicides. When diluting or applying pesticides, you should follow the rules for safe use of pesticides and wear necessary protective equipment.

The mechanism of action of the fungicide hexaconazole is to destroy and prevent the biosynthesis of important components of the cell membrane of bacteria, resulting in the inability to form cell membranes and the death of the bacteria. Has systemic, protective and therapeutic activities. Effectively prevent and treat diseases caused by Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes, especially diseases caused by Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes such as rust, scab, brown spot, anthracnose, etc. It has excellent prevention and eradication effects . Suitable crops include fruit trees, vegetables, peanuts, coffee beans, cereal crops and ornamental plants.

Hexaconazole (79983-71-4) properties

The fungicide hexaconazole is a beige loose powder, which is a triazole fungicide and a sterol demethylation inhibitor. It has broad-spectrum protection and effect on diseases caused by fungi, especially Basidiomycota and Ascomycota.

Physical and chemical properties of hexaconazole (79983-71-4)

The fungicide hexaconazole is a colorless crystal with a melting point of 110~112°C, a vapor pressure of 0.018mPa at 20°C, and a density of 1.29g/cm3. Solubility at 20°C: water 0.017g/L, methanol 246g/L, acetone 164g/L , dichloromethane 336g/L, ethyl acetate 120g/L, toluene 59g/L, hexane 0.8g/L. It will not decompose at room temperature (below 40°C) for at least 9 months. Hexaconazole alcohol is stable within 30 days in acidic and alkaline (pH5.7~9) aqueous solutions, and is stable within 10 days under ultraviolet irradiation in pH7 aqueous solutions.

Hexaconazole(79983-71-4) Properties

The pure product of the fungicide hexaconazole is a colorless crystal with a melting point of 111°C, a vapor pressure of 0.11mPa (20°C) 25°C, and a density of 1.29g/cm3. Solubility (20℃), water 0.018mg/L, methanol 246g/L, toluene 59g/L, stability, no decomposition at room temperature (below 40℃) for at least 9 months, acidic and alkaline (PH5, 7~9 ) is stable within 30 days in aqueous solution. Stable within 10 days under UV irradiation in PH7 aqueous solution.

Hexaconazole (79983-71-4) mechanism of action

Hexaconazole is a triazole fungicide and a sterol demethylation inhibitor. It has broad-spectrum protective and therapeutic effects on diseases caused by fungi, especially Basidiomycota and Ascomycota. Destroys and prevents the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an important component of the bacterial cell membrane, resulting in the inability of the cell membrane to form and the death of the bacteria. Has systemic, protective and therapeutic activities.

Hexaconazole (79983-71-4) functions and effects

Hexaconazole is a triazole fungicide and a sterol demethylation inhibitor. It has broad-spectrum protective and therapeutic effects on diseases caused by fungi, especially Basidiomycota and Ascomycota. Destroys and prevents the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an important component of the bacterial cell membrane, resulting in the inability of the cell membrane to form and the death of the bacteria. Has systemic, protective and therapeutic activities.

Hexaconazole (79983-71-4) function

The mechanism of action of the fungicide hexaconazole is to destroy and prevent the biosynthesis of important components of the cell membrane of bacteria, resulting in the inability to form cell membranes and the death of the bacteria. Has systemic, protective and therapeutic activities. Effectively prevent and treat diseases caused by Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes, especially diseases caused by Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes such as rust, scab, brown spot, anthracnose, etc. It has excellent prevention and eradication effects . Suitable crops include fruit trees, vegetables, peanuts, coffee beans, cereal crops and ornamental plants.

Hexaconazole (79983-71-4) toxicity

The fungicide hexaconazole is a low-toxic pesticide. The acute oral LD50 of male rats is 2189mg/kg, that of female rats is 6071mg/kg, and the sexual transdermal LD50 of rats is >2g/kg. No irritation to rabbit skin, but slightly irritating to eyes. The acute oral LD50 is 612 mg/kg for male mice and 918 mg/kg for female mice. Rat acute inhalation LC50 (4 hours)>5.9mg/L. The no-effect dose in the feeding test is: 2.5 mg/(kg·d) for rats, 50 mg/(kg·d) for rabbits, and the ADI for humans is 0.005 mg/kg body weight. Hexaconazole has no mutagenic effect. The acute oral LD50 of mallards is >4g/kg. Fish poison LC50 (96 hours): carp 5.94mg/L, rainbow trout >3.4mg/L. Daphnia LC50 (48 hours) is 2.9mg/L, mallard acute oral LD50>4g/kg, acute exposure to bees LD50>100μg/bee, oral LD50>100μg/bee. No mutagenic effects.

Hexaconazole (79983-71-4) control targets

The fungicide hexaconazole is mainly used for apple powdery mildew, scab, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus aureus on grapes. rust on coffee and Cercospora on peanuts. According to the development of the market, the share of hexaconazole emulsifiable concentrate has been further compressed, 5% microemulsion has become the mainstream of the market, and 5% suspension agent has become a new target. High content has gradually become the trend of market development. The main market direction of high-content hexaconazole is concentrated in the fruit and vegetable market, while the low-content hexaconazole is mainly concentrated in field crops. The fruit and vegetable market mainly sells bananas, citrus, apples and pears. The control targets are banana leaf spot, citrus scab, pear scab, and apple leaf spot. Low content is mainly targeted at the rice, wheat and vegetable markets, with 5% hexaconazole suspension and microemulsion as the main products.

The inhibitory effect of the fungicide hexaconazole on the seedling stage of cucumber is equivalent to that of tebuconazole (especially at the three-leaf stage), and is stronger than the inhibitory effect of propiconazole and difenoconazole; on the root fresh weight and The increase in stem diameter is the most obvious; its effect in controlling powdery mildew is stronger than that of tebuconazole. In the prevention and treatment of apple leaf spot disease and ring rot disease, hexaconazole > tebuconazole > flusilazole > myclobutanil > difenoconazole and iprodione. In the prevention and treatment of banana leaf spot, the mainstream agent on the market is still propiconazole, but its effect on banana scab is not ideal, and it has become a handle for other ingredients in other products on the market to attack; it has a negative effect on banana scab. Star disease has good results. It has good effect on scab on pear trees and powdery mildew on strawberries.

To control pear tree scab and apple spot defoliation, spray 5% hexaconazole suspension 1,000 to 1,500 times, and to control peach tree brown rot 800 to 1,000 times. 60~100g of 5% suspension agent for controlling rice sheath blight. According to reports, it can also be used to prevent and control grape powdery mildew and white rot at 10-15 mg/kg, and apple powdery mildew and rust at 10-20 mg/kg. It has a good therapeutic effect on coffee rust. The dosage per mu is 2 grams of active ingredient. The effective ingredients for preventing and controlling peanut leaf spot are 3~4.5g/mu.

How to use hexaconazole (79983-71-4)

Foliar spray. 1020mg/L, prevent and control grape powdery mildew, black rot, apple powdery mildew, scab; 2050mg/L, prevent coffee rust and peanut leaf spot.

(1) Grapes. Hexaconazole has outstanding control effect against powdery mildew on grape leaves and clusters, and is more effective against black rot than other agents. The dosage of 15 to 20 mg/L is suitable for years when the virus is severely prevalent.

(2) Apple. Used alone at 10 to 20 mg/L or mixed with dithiocarbamates, it has a good control effect on apple scab and powdery mildew, and is also very effective against apple gum rust. Use a spray with a concentration of 33.3 to 62.5 mg/kg to prevent apple spot leaf disease.

(3)Peanuts. On peanuts, either a single dose of hexaconazole or a mixture with low-concentration chlorothalonil is very effective in controlling early and late leaf spot, and the effect is better than that of chlorothalonil.

(4)Coffee. It has therapeutic activity against coffee rust and has a long lasting effect. In the years when the disease is prevalent, spraying 30g/hm2 3 times is as effective as copper preparation 5 times, slightly better than triadimefon 250g/hm2 3 times. The same preventive effect as 250g triadimefon can be obtained with a dose of 10g.

(5) Pears. Use 5% hexaconazole microemulsion diluted to a concentration of 40-50mg/kg and spray to prevent and treat pear black heart disease.

The difference between tebuconazole and hexaconazole (79983-71-4)

Usage of tebuconazole: Tebuconazole is a triazole agent used for seed treatment or foliar spraying of important economic crops. It can effectively prevent and control various rust diseases, powdery mildew, net spot and root rot of cereal crops. diseases, scab, smut and seed-borne leaf spot, etc.

Specifications: 95%, 98% original drug. 125g/L water emulsion, 25% emulsifiable concentrate, 25% wettable powder, 43% suspending agent, 80% water-dispersible granules, for foliar spray; Raxil, FS (25g/L). DS (20g/kg), WS, LS, used for seed treatment.

Toxicity: According to my country's pesticide toxicity classification standards, this drug is a low-toxic agent. The drug is moderately toxic to fish and to bees when used as directed. It decomposes very slowly in soil in laboratory tests and quickly in the field.

Tebuconazole usage techniques

The fungicide hexaconazole is a broad-spectrum, systemic triazole pesticide. It has three major functions: protection, eradication, broad spectrum, and long-lasting effect. A water-based preparation that does not pollute the fruit surface and has strong systemic properties and up-and-down conductivity.

Tebuconazole is used to control apple leaf spots, brown spot, and powdery mildew. It is an agent for producing high-quality exportable fruits against various diseases such as ring rot, pear scab, and grape white rot. It not only has good control effect against rape sclerotinia, rice diseases, cotton seedling diseases, etc., but also has the characteristics of lodging resistance and obvious yield increase. This product can also be widely used in wheat, vegetables and some economic crops (such as peanuts). , grapes, cotton, bananas, tea, etc.). Tebuconazole is used to prevent and control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in rapeseed. It not only has good control effect, but also has the characteristics of resistance to lodging and obvious yield increase effect.

Physical and chemical properties of hexaconazole: beige loose powder; pure product is colorless crystal, does not decompose at room temperature (below 40°C) for at least 9 months, and is stable in acidic and alkaline (PH5, 7-9) aqueous solutions within 30 days. Stable within 10 days under ultraviolet irradiation in PH7.0 aqueous solution.

Mechanism of action: This drug can effectively prevent and control diseases caused by ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes, especially diseases caused by basidiomycetes and ascomycetes such as powdery mildew, rust, scab, brown spot, anthracnose, and sheath blight. It has good prevention and effect on rice diseases, rice smut disease, etc., but is ineffective against Oomycetes and Oomycetes. Apply on suitable crops according to the recommended dosage, which is environmentally friendly and good for the crops. Hexaconazole is osmotic and systemic.

Control objects: The inhibitory effect of hexaconazole on the seedling stage of cucumber is equivalent to that of tebuconazole (especially at the three-leaf stage), and is stronger than the inhibitory effect of propiconazole and difenoconazole; on the fresh root weight The increase in stem diameter and stem diameter is the most obvious; its effect in preventing and controlling powdery mildew is stronger than that of tebuconazole. In the prevention and treatment of apple leaf spot disease and ring rot disease, hexaconazole > tebuconazole > flusilazole > myclobutanil > difenoconazole and iprodione. In the prevention and treatment of banana leaf spot, the mainstream agent on the market is still propiconazole, but its effect on banana scab is not ideal, and it has become a handle for other ingredients in other products on the market to attack; it has a negative effect on banana scab. Star disease has good results. It has good effect on scab on pear trees and powdery mildew on strawberries.

Usage method: Spray on stems and leaves, the dosage is usually 15~250g (a.i.)/hm2. Spraying at 10~20mg/L can effectively prevent and control apple powdery mildew, apple scab, and grape powdery mildew; spraying at 20~50mg (a.i.)/L can effectively prevent and control coffee rust or 30g (a.i.)/hm2. Coffee rust is more effective than triadimefon [250g (a.i.)/hm2]; 20-50g (a.i.)/hm2 can prevent and treat peanut brown spot; 15-20mg (a.i.)/L can prevent and control grape powdery mildew and black spot. Rot. The main dosage forms of hexaconazole in China are water-dispersible granules, suspensions, emulsifiable concentrates, and microemulsions.

Suitable crops and safety: fruit trees such as apples, grapes, bananas, vegetables (melons, peppers, etc.), peanuts, coffee, cereal crops and ornamental plants, etc. When used at the recommended dosage, it is safe for the environment and crops, but sometimes it is harmful to some apple varieties.

Hexaconazole alcohol (79983-71-4) precautions

1. Use strictly according to the prescribed dosage and method.

2. The safe interval for using this product on rice is 30 days, and it can be used three times per crop season.

3. It is recommended to rotate with other fungicides with different mechanisms of action to delay the development of resistance.

4. This product should avoid affecting the surrounding bee colonies during the application period. It is prohibited to be used near the flowering period of nectar crops, silkworm rooms and mulberry gardens. Apply pesticides away from aquaculture areas, and it is prohibited to wash pesticide application equipment in rivers, ponds and other water bodies. Fish farming is prohibited in rice fields, and field water cannot be discharged directly into rivers, ponds and other water bodies after pesticide application.

5. When using this product, you should wear protective clothing and gloves to avoid inhaling the liquid. Do not eat or drink during the medication period. Wash your hands and face promptly after applying the medicine.

6. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid contact. Used containers should be disposed of properly and cannot be used for other purposes or discarded at will.

Fungicide hexaconazole (79983-71-4) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide and fungicide hexaconazole will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and fungicide hexaconazole you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Fungicide hexaconazole (79983-71-4) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for Pesticide Fungicide Hexaconazole, please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.