Triazole microbial fungicide new nobleman propiconazole

What is propiconazole (60207-90-1)?

Microbial fungicide  propiconazole is a systemic triazole fungicide with dual functions of protection and treatment. It can be absorbed by roots, stems and leaves, and can quickly conduct upwards in plants to prevent and treat ascomycetes. , diseases caused by basidiomycetes and semi-known fungi, especially for wheat take-all, powdery mildew, rust, root rot, rice bad fungus, sheath blight, banana leaf spot has a good control effect, can effectively It can effectively control the diseases caused by most higher fungi, but it is ineffective against oomycete diseases. The residual effectiveness of propiconazole is about 1 month.

The microbial fungicide  propiconazole has the characteristics of wide bactericidal spectrum, high activity, fast bactericidal speed, long-lasting effect, strong systemic conductivity, etc. It is a special fungicide for economic crops.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is a low-toxic fungicide, and under the test conditions, no teratogenic, carcinogenic or mutagenic effects were seen. Its preparation Dilitor 25% EC is composed of active ingredients, emulsifiers and solvents. It is a light yellow liquid with a density of 0.98-1.00 and a flash point of 55-63°C. It has good emulsifying properties and can be mixed with most commonly used pesticides. The storage stability period is 3 years.

Physicochemical properties of propiconazole (60207-90-1)

Microbial fungicide propiconazole technical appearance is light yellow viscous liquid, Cas 60207-90-1, boiling point (13.3Pa) 180°C, vapor pressure (20°C) 0.133mPa, refractive index 1.5468, specific gravity (20°C) 1.27 g/cm3. The solubility in water is 110mg/L, easily soluble in organic solvents. Stable below 320°C, relatively stable to light, and not obvious in hydrolysis. It is relatively stable in acidic and alkaline media and does not corrode metals. Storage stability for three years.

Propiconazole (60207-90-1) toxicity

Microbial fungicide propiconazole original drug to rats acute oral LD50>1517mg/kg, acute skin LD50>4000mg/kg. Mildly irritating to rabbit eyes and skin.

Bactericidal mechanism of propiconazole (60207-90-1)

Microbial fungicide propiconazole is a triazole fungicide belonging to sterol inhibitors. Its mechanism of action is to affect the biosynthesis of sterols, destroy the cell membrane function of pathogenic bacteria, and eventually lead to cell death, thereby playing a role in sterilization, disease prevention and curative effect.

Mechanism of action of propiconazole (60207-90-1)

Microbial fungicide propiconazole is a synthesis inhibitor of ergosterol, which hinders the synthesis of ergosterol in fungi by interfering with C14 demethylation, so that fungi cannot grow and reproduce normally, and achieve the effect of killing germs.

Propiconazole (60207-90-1) product characteristics

1. Broad spectrum: high bactericidal activity, good effect on diseases caused by higher fungi on a variety of crops;

2. Special effects: It has special effects on banana leaf spot, grape anthracnose, watermelon vine blight, and strawberry powdery mildew;

3. Quick-acting: strong systemic absorption, can even conduct upward rapidly, the invading pathogens can be killed within 2 hours of application, the expansion of the disease can be controlled within 1-2 days, and the epidemic of the disease can be prevented. The penetration and adhesion are extremely strong , especially suitable for use in the rainy season;

4. Save money: the duration of effect is as long as 15-35 days, which saves 2-3 times of medication compared with conventional medicines;

5. Labor saving: unique "vapor phase activity", even if the spraying is uneven, the liquid will be evenly distributed in the leaf tissue of the crops, achieving an ideal control effect;

6. Resistant to storage and transportation: After harvesting, the freshness preservation effect is obvious, the fruit looks beautiful, and the fruit has a long price period.

Main features of propiconazole (60207-90-1)

Wide bactericidal spectrum: propiconazole has strong systemic conductivity, can be absorbed by roots, stems, leaves and other parts and spread to all parts of the plant, can prevent and control almost all diseases except oomycetes, and has the functions of protection, treatment and eradication.

Good systemic conductivity: propiconazole has two-way conductivity. After application, it can be absorbed through organs such as roots, stems, and leaves. It can be transmitted to any part of the crop in about 2 hours, and it can be quickly sterilized.

Long-lasting effect: propiconazole has good systemic property and good stability in plants, therefore, it can continue to sterilize bacteria. Generally, it can be kept in plants for 30-40 days, and the lasting effect can reach more than 35 days. Reduce the number of applications by 2 to 3 times.

Good quick effect: Due to the unique two-way conductivity of propiconazole, it can reach all parts of the plant for rapid sterilization in about 2 hours after application, and can control the development of the disease in 1 to 2 days, preventing the spread of the disease and causing large areas. popular.

Resistance to rain erosion: propiconazole has strong adhesion and permeability, and at the same time has good two-way conduction. Good mixing property: propiconazole has good mixing properties, and can be mixed with difenoconazole, micelle A variety of insecticides and fungicides such as chloramine, propiconazole, and azoxystrobin are mixed to expand the bactericidal spectrum and improve the control effect.

Unique mechanism of action: propiconazole is a triazole fungicide, the mechanism of action is similar to other triazole fungicides, and it is also a sterol demethylation inhibitor. After contact with germs, it can destroy and prevent the cell membrane component of germs, ergosterol Biosynthesis, thereby destroying the structure and function of the cell membrane, causing bacterial growth to stagnate or even die, thus achieving the effects of sterilization, disease prevention and treatment.

Special mode of action: propiconazole has protective, therapeutic and eradication effects. It can be absorbed by the roots, stems and leaves of crops and can be quickly transmitted within the plant. It is special in crop distribution and conduction mode, with strong systemic upward conduction and unique gas phase distribution, which is beneficial to crop protection of new tissues and organs, and is conducive to improving the prevention of diseases.



Propiconazole (60207-90-1) application technology

It is used during the flowering stage, seedling stage, young fruit stage and tender shoot stage of crops. Used to prevent and control wheat diseases, rice bakanae, grape powdery mildew and anthracnose, peanut leaf spot, banana leaf spot, leaf stripe, etc.

1. Prevent and control banana leaf spot: In the early stage of the disease, spraying with 1000-1500 times of propiconazole (20% EC) has the best effect, with an interval of 21-28 days. Depending on the development of the disease, a second consecutive spray may be considered.

2. Prevention and control of grape anthracnose: If it is used for protective control before the onset of the disease, propiconazole (20% EC) can be sprayed diluted 2500 times;

3. If used for therapeutic prevention and control of grape anthracnose (mid-stage disease): Spray propiconazole (20% EC) 3000 times, with an interval of up to 30 days.

4. To prevent and control peanut leaf spot: Use propiconazole (20% EC) diluted 2500 times, spray at the early stage of the disease, and spray 2 to 3 times continuously every 14 days.

5. Prevent and control watermelon vine blight: During the expansion stage of watermelon, spray propiconazole (20% EC) 5000 times.

6. To control tomato anthracnose and pepper leaf spot: Dilute propiconazole (20% EC) 2500 times and spray at the early stage of the disease.

7. Control strawberry powdery mildew: In the early stage of the disease, spray propiconazole (20% EC) 4000 times

8. Prevention and treatment of wheat sheath blight: spray 1500 times of propiconazole (20% EC) at the initial onset; spray 1000 times in the middle of the disease. The amount of water sprayed per mu shall not be less than 60 liters manually, not less than 10 liters for tractors, and not less than 1 to 2 liters for aircraft. Spray evenly between the basal nodes of wheat stems.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is a systemic fungicide with protective and therapeutic effects. In addition to oomycetes, it also has inhibitory activity against ascomycetes, basidiomycetes and deuteromycetes. The duration of effect is about one month, and the control targets There are wheat root rot, powdery mildew, rice bakanae disease, banana leaf spot and so on. The preparation is 25% emulsifiable concentrate.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole controls wheat powdery mildew, stripe rust, barley leaf rust, and oat crown rust. Use 32 to 36 ml of 25% EC per mu at the booting stage and spray with water; to control wheat root rot, seed treatment, according to the seed Mix the medicine with 0.12% to 0.16% by weight. Apply in the field during the heading and flowering stage of wheat. Use 35 to 40 ml per mu. Spray with water. Apply again every 7 to 10 days if necessary. To prevent leaf spot of peanuts and bananas, apply per mu. Use 30 to 40 ml, spray with water at the early stage of the disease, with an interval of 15 to 20 days, and spray 3 to 4 times in total; to prevent and control grape powdery mildew and anthracnose, dilute the water 10,000 times with water and spray with an interval of 30 to 40 ml. It takes about half a month; for therapeutic control, dilute it 5000 times with water and spray with an interval of one and a half months; to prevent rice bakanae disease, soak the seeds with 1000 times liquid for 2 to 3 days, and then directly germinate and sow.

Propiconazole (60207-90-1) action and use

The microbial fungicide propiconazole belongs to the third category. Its characteristics are similar to triadimefon, and it has protection and effect: it is systemic, can be absorbed by crop roots, stems and leaves, and can conduct antibacterial to the top of the plant body. It has good control effect against many diseases caused by orthomycetes, but it is ineffective against oomycete diseases. The validity period is about 1 month.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is a triazole systemic fungicide. It has protective and therapeutic effects and is an inhibitor of ergosterol biosynthesis. Ergosterol plays an important role in the formation of fungal cell membranes. Propiconazole hinders the biosynthesis of ergosterol in fungi by interfering with C14-demethylation, thereby destroying the growth and reproduction of fungi and playing a protective and therapeutic role. In addition to being ineffective against algae diseases, propiconazole is effective against various diseases caused by fungi of the genus Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes on food, vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants, especially for wheat root rot , powdery mildew, rice bakanae disease, various rusts, leaf spot, glume blight, net smut, etc., have good control effects, but are ineffective against egg fungus diseases. The residual effect period is 3 to 5 weeks. For example, to prevent wheat powdery mildew, stripe rust, and root rot, spray 25% EC 5mL/100m2 on 11.25kg of water at the early stage of the disease, and spray at the booting stage to prevent wheat glume blight, and prevent barley leaf rust, net spot, Oat crown rust can be sprayed with the same dose. It is reported that it can significantly increase the yield of wheat rust. To prevent and control rice bakanae disease, soak rice seeds 1000 times in 25% EC for 2 to 3 days and then directly germinate and sow. In addition, it can also be used for cucumber powdery mildew, bean powdery mildew, tomato powdery mildew, apple powdery mildew, scab, penicillium rot and peanut, soybean, coffee and other diseases.

Microbial fungicide propiconazole is a systemic triazole fungicide with protective and therapeutic effects. It can be absorbed by roots, stems and leaves, and can quickly conduct upwards in plants to prevent ascomycetes. Diseases caused by Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes, especially for wheat take-all, powdery mildew, rust, root rot, rice bad fungus, and banana leaf spot have good control effects. (1) Prevention and treatment of wheat diseases. (2) Prevention and treatment of rice bakanae disease. (3) Control grape powdery mildew and anthracnose. (4) Prevention and treatment of peanut leaf spot. (5) Prevention and treatment of banana leaf spot and leaf spot.

Wheat diseases For wheat powdery mildew, stripe rust, glume disease, barley leaf rust, net spot disease, oat crown rust, etc. At the booting stage of wheat, use 32-36 ml of 25% EC per mu and spray 50-75 kg of water . For wheat eye spot disease, use 33 ml of 25% propiconazole emulsifiable concentrate plus 14 g of 50% carbendazim wettable powder per mu, and spray it on the wheat at the jointing stage.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is very effective against wheat root rot. 120-160 ml of 25% emulsifiable oil per 100 kg of seeds for seed dressing is used for field spraying and control. Generally, when 1% of flag leaves are onset at the heading and flowering stage, 35-40 ml of 25% emulsifiable oil is used per mu, and 50-70 kg of water is sprayed. Depending on the condition, spray again every 7-10 days if necessary.

For wheat total rot disease, for every 100 kilograms of seeds, use 100-200 ml of 12.5% EC for seeding or use 100 ml of companion seeding and then stack them for 24 hours.

To prevent and control banana leaf spot disease on fruit trees, spray 25% EC 500-1000 times in the early stage of the disease, and spray again in about 20 days.

To control grape powdery mildew and anthracnose, for protective control, use 10 ml of 25% EC to 100 kg of water per mu, or 2000-10000 times of 25% EC, spray once every 14-18 days. For sexual prevention and treatment, use 15ml of 25% EC to 100kg of water, or 7000 times of 25% EC, and spray wine once a month; or 20ml of commercial 25% EC, to 100kg of water, or 25% EC 5000 times liquid, spray wine once every one and a half months.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control powdery mildew of melons. Spray immediately when lesions are found, use 30 ml of 25% emulsifiable oil per mu, spray the water once every 20 days or so, and the drug effect is better.

To control rice diseases, use 30-60 ml of 25% EC per mu for rice sheath blight and 21-30 ml for rice cancer disease, and spray the water regularly. To prevent and control rice bakanae disease, soak the seeds with 1000 times of 25% EC for 2-3 days and then directly germinate and sow.

To prevent and control vegetable diseases such as bean rust, cypress rust and tomato powdery mildew, spray 25% EC 4000 times at the early stage of the disease and spray once every 20 days or so.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control leek rust. After harvesting, spray 25% EC with 3,000 times of liquid. During other periods, when disease spots are found, spray with 4,000 times of liquid in a timely manner.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent pepper brown spot and leaf blight. Use 40 ml of 25% EC per mu and spray the water regularly.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control peanut leaf spot. Spray when the diseased leaf rate is 10%-15%. Use 100-150 ml of 25% emulsifiable oil per mu, spray 50 kg of water, and spray once every 14 days. Spray 2–3 times.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control the rust of medicinal plants such as reed bamboo, perilla, safflower, mint, and bitter cabbage, and the powdery mildew of chrysanthemum, mint, and Jerusalem artichoke. Spray 25% EC 3000-4000 times at the early stage of the disease Liquid, spray once every 10-15 days.

How to use propiconazole (60207-90-1)

The microbial fungicide propiconazole can prevent and control strawberry, tomato, onion, lettuce, coriander, balsam pear, coriander powdery mildew, rust on scallions, onions, leeks, garlic, day lily, lentils, broad beans, cowpea, wild rice stems, etc., garlic purple spot disease, and onset In the initial stage, spray with 25% propiconazole emulsifiable concentrate 3000 times for 2~3 times.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to control tomato anthracnose and pepper leaf spot. In the early stage of the disease, spray with 2500 times of 25% propiconazole EC.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control early blight of tomato. In the early stage of the disease, spray with 2000~3000 times of 25% propiconazole EC.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole prevents pepper brown spot and leaf blight, and should be sprayed immediately when the lesions first appear in the field. Use 40 ml of 25% propiconazole EC per mu, mix 45-60 kg of water and spray, 15-20 Spray 1 time later.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to control the stem rot of eggplant, and the root is irrigated with 2500 times of 25% propiconazole EC, and each plant is irrigated with 250 ml of the liquid for 2 to 3 times.

Microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control pumpkin fusarium wilt. In the early stage of the disease, spray with 1500 times of 25% propiconazole EC.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control cucumber anthracnose, powdery mildew, pepper leaf spot and powdery mildew. In the early stage of the disease, spray with 25% propiconazole EC at 4000 times.

Microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to control anthracnose of bitter melon and muskmelon. In the early stage of the disease, spray with 1000 times of 25% propiconazole EC.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control watermelon blight. During the expansion period of watermelon, spray 5000 times of 25% propiconazole EC, or irrigate the roots with 2500 times of 25% propiconazole EC, and pour 250 ml of liquid medicine per plant. Continuous irrigation 2~3 times.

Microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control corn brown spot disease. In the early stage of the disease, spray with 1500 times of 25% propiconazole EC.

Microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control muskmelon blight in greenhouses. Use 80-130 ml of 25% propiconazole EC per mu, mix with 2350 ml of water and 1250 grams of flour to make a thin paste and apply it to the base of the stem, and apply it at intervals of 7-10 days 1 time, continuous coating 2~3 times, the safe interval between coating the stems and harvesting is 20 days.

Microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to control strawberry powdery mildew and brown spot. In the early stage of the disease, spray with 25% propiconazole EC at 4000 times, with an interval of 14 days, and spray continuously for 2 or 3 times.

The microbial fungicide propiconazole is used to prevent and control lotus root (Pseudocercospora) brown spot disease. Mix 1 part of 25% propiconazole EC with 1000 parts of soil to make medicinal soil, pinch the medicinal soil with hands, and stuff it into the lotus root , from the early stage of the onset, plug once every 7 days, 3 times in a row.

Propiconazole (60207-90-1) compound drug

1. Benzopropiconazole: It is a mixture of difenoconazole and propiconazole. It is the most important compound agent of propiconazole. There are 120 registration information. It has protective and systemic therapeutic effects, and is targeted for prevention and treatment There are rice sheath blight, turf leaf spot, wheat sheath blight, scab, powdery mildew, rust, etc., banana leaf spot, winter jujube brown spot, etc., before or at the beginning of the onset of crops, spray evenly to prevent The effect is better.

2. Procyclyl Azoxystrobin: It is a mixture of propiconazole and azoxystrobin. It is the second most important compound of propiconazole. There are 21 pieces of registration information. It has protective and therapeutic effects, and has a good internal Suction, can be absorbed by roots, stems, and leaves, and can quickly conduct in the plant body, high bactericidal activity, quick effect, can be used to prevent and control corn big spot, small spot, rice sheath blight, rice false smut , Capsicum blight, banana leaf spot, lawn brown spot, wheat powdery mildew, soybean leaf spot and other fungal diseases.

3. Rice blast · propiconazole: It is made of a mixture of rice blastamide and propiconazole. The combination of the two has obvious synergies. It is mainly used for the prevention and treatment of rice blast. It is sprayed evenly in the early stage of the disease, and the disease can be seen Use the medicine again at an interval of 7-15 days according to the environmental conditions in the field. Pay attention to the uniform and thoughtful application of the medicine to ensure the control effect.

4. Azole ether · propiconazole: It is a mixture of pyraclostrobin and propiconazole, which has the functions of protection, treatment and leaf penetration. It is mainly used to control apple brown spot, Rosaceae ornamental flower brown spot, banana leaf spot, and can also control most fungal diseases such as anthracnose, powdery mildew, early blight, and leaf mold.

Precautions for propiconazole (60207-90-1)

1. Since propiconazole has obvious growth-inhibiting effect, strict attention must be paid to its use. Propiconazole is prone to cause phytotoxicity during the flowering stage, seedling stage, young fruit stage, and tender shoot stage of crops. When using it, care should be taken not to increase the concentration at will, and it should be used under the guidance of plant protection technicians. Common symptoms of phytotoxicity caused by propiconazole foliar spray include hardening, brittleness, and brittleness of young tissues, thickening of leaves, darkening of leaf color, retardation of plant growth (generally not causing growth cessation), dwarfing, and tissue necrosis. , chlorosis, perforation, etc., and necrotic spots appear on the heart leaves and young leaves. Seed treatments can delay seed germination. Use at the seedling stage tends to make seedlings rigid and inhibit growth. The flowering and young fruit stages have the greatest impact and burn young fruits. Try to use it in the middle and late stages of vegetable growth. Pay attention to the choice of spraying period, do not spray during the fruit expansion period.

2. In the flowering stage, seedling stage, young fruit stage, and young shoot stage of crops, the dilution factor is required to reach 3000~4000 times, and it should be used under the guidance of plant protection technicians.

3. The residual effect of propiconazole is about 1 month, so be careful not to apply it continuously. Propiconazole is unstable at high temperature, and the use temperature should not exceed 28°C.

4. Do not spray if there is strong wind or rain is expected within 1 hour.

5. When spraying continuously, pay attention to alternate use with different types of agents. Some crops may be sensitive to the drug, and high concentrations can inhibit plant growth, and the dosage should be strictly controlled when using the drug.

6. Propiconazole is toxic to fish and aquatic organisms. The wastewater from cleaning the sprayer must be properly disposed of and must not pollute river water, well water or water sources. Empty packages after use must be disposed of properly and must not pollute the environment.

7. Do a good job of labor protection, such as wearing work clothes, gloves, masks, etc., to avoid direct contact with the human body. Rinse mouth after work, wash exposed body parts and change into clean clothing. Do not eat or drink during application.

8. Pregnant women and lactating women should stay away from this product.

9. The used containers should be disposed of properly, and should not be used for other purposes, and should not be discarded at will. Store in a cool, ventilated, dry, rain-proof place, away from fire sources, prevent moisture and sunlight, and do not mix with food, seeds and feed. The storage temperature should not exceed 35°C.

10. It should be kept out of the reach of children and locked, and the packaging container should not be heavily pressed or damaged.

11 The safe interval between propiconazole use on vegetables is 10 days, and the crops are sprayed 3 to 4 times at most in each season; the safe interval on rice is 45 days, and it is used at most 2 times in a season; 28 days, use up to 2 times a season; the safe interval on bananas is 42 days, use up to 2 times a season.

12. In the flowering stage, seedling stage, young fruit stage, and young shoot stage of crops, the dilution factor is required to reach 3000-4000 times, and it should be used under the guidance of plant protection technicians. It can be mixed with most acid pesticides.

13. Do not contact the skin and eyes with the medicine, do not directly contact the clothes contaminated by the medicine, and do not inhale the medicine gas and mist. Do not eat, drink or smoke while spraying. Wash your hands and face before eating, drinking and smoking. Wash hands and face in time after application.

14. Do not pollute the water source and water system due to the disposal of waste liquid medicine, and be careful not to contaminate food and feed.

15. The remaining liquid medicine and empty containers after spraying should be disposed of properly. They can be burned or buried deeply, and should not be used for other purposes.

16. The medicine should be stored out of the reach of children and livestock.

17. It should be stored in a ventilated and dry warehouse to prevent moisture and sunlight. It should not be mixed with food, seeds, and feed. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and prevent inhalation through the mouth and nose. The guarantee period is two years from the date of manufacture.

First aid for propiconazole (60207-90-1) poisoning 

Symptoms of poisoning are generally only irritating to the skin and eyes, and the oral toxicity is low. If swallowed by mistake, it can cause nausea and vomiting.


1. Skin contact: Once in contact with the skin, take off the contaminated clothing immediately, and wash the contact area thoroughly with plenty of soapy water or running water.

2. Eye contact: Immediately lift the eyelids, rinse thoroughly with running water or saline for at least 15 minutes, and seek medical attention.

3. Inhalation: quickly leave the scene to fresh air. Keep airway open. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration immediately and seek medical attention.

4. Ingestion: Symptomatic treatment, immediately induce vomiting, gastric lavage, and take the label to the hospital in time.

Propiconazole (60207-90-1) firefighting measures

Hazardous characteristics: combustion produces toxic nitrogen oxides and chloride gases.

Combustion products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides.

Fire fighting methods: foam, dry powder, sand.

Production process of propiconazole (60207-90-1)

At present, there are two main synthetic routes of propiconazole, that is, the first halogenation and then the cyclization process, and the first condensation and then the cyclization process. The existing synthetic routes are introduced as follows:

1. First halogenation and then cyclization process

Acylation of m-dichlorobenzene with acetyl chloride, bromination, cyclization with 1,2-diol, 1H-1,2,4-triazole or 1H-1,2,4-triazole sodium (Potassium) condensation process.

This process is the main process for the synthesis of propiconazole. The raw materials used are all domestically produced, and the synthesis yield and quality of chlorination are poor, so the bromination process is generally used. The main features of this process are: a. The process route is short, the requirements for production equipment are not too strict, the reaction operation is relatively easy to control, the investment is small, and the effect is quick (the scale of the pilot test is 50-100 tons, and the investment is 600,000-1 million yuan. ); b. Select the appropriate catalyst, the process yield is relatively stable, and the total yield of the three steps can reach about 70%. c. The amount of three wastes in the production process is small and easy to handle. Make a process route that can be used for reference.

2. First condensation and then ring closure process

That is, the process of acylation, bromination, condensation and cyclization.

The feature of this process is that the bromine activity of the condensation reaction ketone is high and the yield of condensation may be higher, but the premature introduction of the unstable imidazole ring may reduce the yield of cyclization. Therefore, this process is not as feasible as the first route.

Microbial fungicide propiconazole (60207-90-1) price

Usually, the price of the pesticide microbial fungicide propiconazole will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide microbial fungicide propiconazole you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Supplier of microbial fungicide propiconazole (60207-90-1)

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Microbial Fungicide Propiconazole, please feel free to contact us for latest price.