Understand glyphosate in one minute

Glyphosate is an organophosphate herbicide. It is a non-selective systemic conduction herbicide for stem and leaf treatment, and it is generally made into isopropylamine salt or sodium salt when it is usually used. Glyphosate is a high-efficiency, low-toxicity, broad-spectrum herbicide with systemic conduction. By dissolving the wax layer on the surface of the leaves, branches and stems of the weeds, the medicinal effect quickly enters the plant conduction system to take effect, causing the weeds to dry up and die. It can effectively control annual and biennial grasses, sedges and broad-leaved weeds, and has a good control effect on perennial weeds such as thatch, Cyperus cyperi and Bermudagrass. It is widely used in orchards, mulberry gardens, tea gardens, rubber chemical weeding in orchards, grassland renewal, forest fire escapes, railways, highway wasteland and no-till land.

Why there are differences in efficacy when glyphosate herbicides are applied

One is that different farming methods will have different medicinal effects. Use glyphosate herbicides are best used for no-till seeding. Spray the crops 1-3 days before sowing, and sow after spraying to grab the season. Because the medicine before sowing does not directly contact the crop seeds, it will not affect the germination of crop seeds and the growth of seedlings, so the weeding and weed suppression effects are better than plowing. No-tillage does not turn the weed seeds from the inner layer of the soil to the top soil layer, so it is difficult for weed seeds to germinate. Once the crops are closed, the weed seeds and seedlings cannot germinate and grow because they cannot see the sunlight. Therefore, the weed control effect of glyphosate herbicide on no-till land will be better than that on plowed land.

The second is that weeds are used in different growth stages, and the efficacy will be different. Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide, so it should be applied when the weeds are growing most vigorously. In terms of time, it is generally from March to October. In terms of botanical characteristics, the best time to use the drug before flowering should be. Generally speaking, annual weeds have a height of about 15 cm, perennial weeds have a height of 30 cm, and spraying is most suitable when there are 6-8 leaves. Regardless of the growth period of the weeds, if weeds are aged and then sprayed blindly for weeding, of course the ideal control effect will not be obtained. For weeding between crop rows, when there is a certain drop between the crop plants and the weeds, the drug effect is better and safe. At this time, when glyphosate herbicide is used, the lower leaves of the crops are already aging, so the sensitivity to the drug is low, and the conductivity is poor, so the effect of the drug on the crop is very small. For example, weeding between rows of corn, and weeding between rows of beans and melons after being put on the shelf can all be done in this way. The third is that the efficacy of different spraying concentrations will be different. When farmers use glyphosate, unlike other pesticides, they do not have stricter requirements on the concentration of the drug, and it is more random, and the phenomenon of increasing or reducing the amount of use occurs from time to time. Be sure to consider the type of weed when determining the concentration of the application. Generally, grass weeds are more sensitive to glyphosate and can be killed by low dose of liquid medicine, while the concentration should be increased to control broad-leaved weeds; for some vicious weeds that reproduce by perennial rhizomes, higher concentrations are required , Weed leaf age is older, drug resistance is improved, and the corresponding dosage should also be increased. For example, when controlling weeds in orchards, 500-700 grams of 10% glyphosate can be mixed with 30-40 kg of water for annual grass weeds; the amount of liquid medicine should be increased to 750-1000 grams for annual broad-leaved weeds; For vicious weeds, the dosage should reach 1250-1500 grams. However, when the drug is overdose, it will quickly kill the conduction tissue of the plant, which is not conducive to the absorption of the liquid medicine and reduces the efficacy. Therefore, in order to use the medicine economically, the tender grass should be killed with a lower concentration first, and then the corresponding concentration should be used after about 10 days. Targeted spraying of vicious weeds.

How to give full play to the weed control effect of glyphosate

First of all, the glyphosate solution must be transmitted to the underground rhizome tissue of weeds in large quantities to achieve the weeding effect. This requires weeds to have more leaves. Before use, if the area of the weeds is small and the photosynthesis is not strong, the nutrients stored in the roots will be conducted from bottom to top. to the herbicidal effect. In the middle and late stages of weed growth, photosynthesis is strong, and photosynthetic products are transmitted from top to bottom, and the drug effect is the best at this time. Therefore, the most important thing to use glyphosate is to choose the best time to use it. If glyphosate is used to control weeds in cornfields, it is best to apply the pesticide when there are 2-3 old residual leaves in the lower part of the corn seedling height of 1.5 meters, and the grass height has reached 10 cm. The second is to pay attention to environmental conditions. In the range of 24-25°C, as the temperature rises, the absorption of glyphosate by weeds doubles, so the effect of the drug is better when the atmospheric temperature is higher than when the temperature is low. The high relative humidity of the air can prolong the wetting time of the medicinal solution on the plant surface, which is beneficial to the conduction of the medicinal substance. When the soil is dry and the water content is low, it is not conducive to the metabolism of plants, so it is not conducive to the conduction of drugs in weeds, so the efficacy of drugs is also reduced.

Regarding the problem of mixing glyphosate with other herbicides again, some farmers want to kill a variety of weeds. In order to save labor, they add other herbicides arbitrarily when using glyphosate, but the result is not good, because some herbicides It cannot be mixed with glyphosate. Quick-acting herbicides such as dimethyltetrachloride and gram-free herbicides cannot be mixed with glyphosate to avoid premature death of weeds above ground and loss of resistance to glyphosate. The systemic conduction function of glyphosate reduces the killing effect of glyphosate on the rhizomes of underground weeds. However, adding some plant growth regulators and adjuvants to glyphosate can improve the control effect.

The fourth is to choose the best application method. Medication method is very important for glyphosate to control weeds, because the higher the concentration within a certain concentration range, the finer the spray droplets, which is conducive to the absorption of weeds. In the case of the same concentration, the more the dosage, the better the weeding effect. Adding 0.1% washing powder to glyphosate, or adding 30 grams of diesel oil per mu can enhance the spread, permeability and adhesion of the drug, and improve the control effect.

Safety issues for crops when used

Glyphosate is a destructive herbicide, if used improperly, it will bring safety hazards to crops. Some farmers use glyphosate to weed the field ridges, often causing phytotoxicity to nearby crops due to the drift of glyphosate. There are also farmers who did not clean the sprayer as required after use. As a result, when spraying other pesticides, the residual glyphosate was sprayed on other crops, causing phytotoxicity. In the case of phytotoxicity on rice, the light leaves will lose chlorosis, causing serious growth disorders, and the severe ones may die early, or have no earing, deformed ears, and cause losses to rice production.

Glyphosate is in the form of colorless crystals, mixed with air in the form of powder or granules, and dust explosion may occur. In the dry state, static electricity will be generated due to stirring, air conveying and injection, etc. The substance decomposes on heating producing toxic fumes including oxides of nitrogen and phosphorus.

Uses of glyphosate

A systemic broad-spectrum herbicide. It mainly inhibits enolpyruvyl shikimelin phosphate synthase in plants, thereby inhibiting the conversion of shikimelin to phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan, interfering with protein synthesis and causing plant death. It was originally used in rubber gardens to control thatch and other weeds, which can make rubber trees tap rubber one year earlier, and old rubber trees will give birth. It is now being gradually promoted in forestry, orchards, mulberry gardens, tea gardens, rice and wheat, rice and rapeseed rotations, etc. Various weeds are sensitive to glyphosate in different degrees, so the dosage is also different. For annual weeds such as barnyard grass, green foxtail, kanmai, goosegrass, crabgrass, and pigtail, the dosage is 6-10.5g/100m2 based on active ingredients. The dosage of psyllium chinensis, chrysanthemum, commelina, etc. is 11.4-15g/100m2 in terms of active ingredients. 18-30g/100m2 is needed for Imperata Imperata, Bone Grass, Reed, etc. Generally, 3-4.5kg of water is needed, and the stems and leaves of weeds are uniformly and directional sprayed.

A non-selective, short-lived post-emergence herbicide for the control of perennial deep-rooted weeds, annual and biennial grasses, sedges and broadleaf weeds

Dosage of glyphosate

Orchards, mulberry gardens, etc. use 0.5-1 kg of 10% water spray per mu for weeding and control of annual weeds, and 1-1.5 kg of 10% water spray per mu for controlling perennial weeds. Use 20-30 kg of water, and spray directional spray on weed stems and leaves.

Farmland weeding and farmland stubble prevention and control of weeds that have grown in the field before sowing, the dosage can refer to the orchard. For cotton growth period medication, directional spray with hood spray is required. Use 0.5-0.75 kg of 10% water agent per mu, and 20-30 kg of water.

Weeding in the fallow land, fieldside, and roadside is at the 4-6 leaf stage of weeds. Use 0.5-1 kg of 10% water agent per mu, add 100 ml of diesel oil, and spray 20-30 kg of water on the weeds.

Price of Glyphosate

Usually the price will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of Insecticide Glyphosate products, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Suppliers of  Glyphosate

Agripestcide is a professional pesticide chemical manufacturer provides high quality and effective Herbicide Glyphosate with high quality and good service. If you are looking for Herbicide Glyphosate  in bulk, feel free to contact us to get the latest price.