Understand what Insecticide are in seconds?

What are Insecticide?

Insecticide are chemical agents used to control pests. Including organic insecticides (organic chlorine, organic phosphorus, organic sulfur preparations and carbamates and pyrethroids), inorganic insecticides (inorganic arsenic, inorganic fluorine, inorganic sulfur preparations), botanical insecticides, mineral oil insecticides, and microbial insecticides. Insecticides are the most widely used and most diverse class of Insecticide. Generally, most of them can only kill insects but cannot prevent diseases. It is also closely related to the reduction or even extinction of other beneficial organisms.

Insecticides are mainly used to control agricultural pests and urban sanitation pests. They have a long history of use, a large amount of use, and many varieties. In the 20th century, with the rapid development of agriculture, Insecticide greatly increased agricultural output. However, almost all Insecticide seriously alter the ecosystem, most are harmful to humans, and others are concentrated in the food chain. A balance must be struck between agricultural development and the environment and health. According to the source, it can be divided into two categories: biogenic Insecticide and chemically synthesized Insecticide.

Classification of Insecticide

1. According to the mode of action, it can be classified into:

1. Stomach poison. It enters the digestive system through the insect mouth to play a poisonous role, such as trichlorfon and so on.

2. Contact killer. After contact with the epidermis or appendages, it penetrates into the insect body, or corrodes the waxy layer of the insect body, or blocks the valve to kill the pest, such as pyrethroids, mineral oil emulsions, etc.

3. Fumigant. Use the volatilization of toxic gases, liquids or solids to generate steam to poison insects or germs, such as methyl bromide, etc.

4. Systemic insecticides. It is absorbed by plant seeds, roots, stems and leaves and transported to the whole plant. Within a certain period of time, the original body or its activated metabolites enter the insect body with the pests eating plant tissues or sucking plant juice, and play a poisonous role, such as dimethoate.

2. According to the toxicological effect, it can be classified into:

1 Nerve agent. Act on the nervous system of pests, such as DDT, parathion, carbofuran, pyrethrin, etc.

2 Respiratory agents. Inhibit the respiratory enzymes of pests, such as hydrocyanic acid, etc.

3 Physical poisons. For example, mineral oil can block the pore of pests, and inert powder can wear out the epidermis of pests, causing the pests to die.

4 Specific Insecticide. Cause abnormal physiological responses of pests, such as repellents that keep pests away from crops, inducers that attract pests with sex or bait, antifeedants that suppress the sense of taste of pests and stop eating, and cause them to starve to death, sterilizers that act on the reproductive function of adults to make either male or female sterile or both male and female sterile, insect growth regulators that affect the growth, metamorphosis, and reproduction of pests, etc.

3 can be divided into:

1 Inorganic and mineral Insecticide. Such insecticides generally have low drug efficacy and are likely to cause phytotoxicity to crops, while arsenic is highly toxic to humans. Therefore, most of them have been eliminated since the large-scale use of organic synthetic Insecticide.

2 Botanical Insecticide. There are about 1,000 kinds of plants in the world that are more or less toxic to insects. Pyrethrum, deer vine and tobacco are widely used. In addition, some plants also contain active substances similar to juvenile hormone, precocious hormone, and ecdysone. For example, camptothecin isolated from the root bark, bark or fruit of camptothecin has a strong sterile effect on masson pine caterpillars.

3 Organic synthetic insecticides. There are more than 400 varieties of organophosphorus parathion, trichlorfon, dimethoate, etc., ranking first in the production of insecticides; carbamates, carbaryl, carbofuran, etc.; pyrethroids, such as fenvalerate, deltamethrin, etc.;

4 Insect hormone insecticides. Such as a variety of juvenile hormones, sex pheromone analogs, etc.

The mechanism of action of a small number of traditional Insecticide, such as mineral oil emulsions, mainly acts as a physical insecticide on the body surface, while the vast majority of organic synthetic insecticides enter the pest body, interfering with or destroying normal physiological and biochemical reactions in certain parts. Some of the ways to enter the pests’ bodies are through the mouthparts and into the digestive tract and blood, some through the epidermis, and some through the stomata and trachea. The Insecticide entering the body undergo biochemical reactions with various enzymes in the pests. Some reactions cause the Insecticide to degrade and lose their toxicity.

How to use Insecticide

1. Spraying method: The spraying method is designed to simulate the actual control situation in the forest. In order to reduce the experimental error and make each tested insect receive the same amount of pesticide as much as possible, the sprayer is required to have a certain pressure so that the size of the fog point is consistent and the spray is uniform.

2. Liquid immersion method: dip the insects to be tested in diluted medicinal solutions of different concentrations, take them out immediately, put them on absorbent paper to absorb the excess medicinal solution, move them into containers of each group, feed them with fresh leaves, cover the containers with gauze or gauze, raise them indoors, record the room temperature, and observe the poisoning death situation at different times.

3. Membrane method: Spray the agent on the surface of a certain area to form a uniform layer of drug film (commonly use a petri dish with filter paper, or soak the needles in the drug solution and take it out), then let the pests to be tested be on it, let them contact with the drug film for a certain period of time, and then move them back to the normal container for breeding, or observe the poisoning and death during the contact with the drug film.

4. Drop method: use quantitative drops of medicinal liquid to drip on the back of the thorax of the tested insect, and then observe the poisoning and death situation regularly. The advantage of this method is that the dose can be expressed by the amount of drug accepted per gram of worm (usually micrograms), the amount of drug is easy to control, and the experimental error is small; the disadvantage is that it is time-consuming, and the solvent used for the treatment, the site of the drip, and the size of the droplet can all affect the toxicity. When using this method, these factors should be taken into consideration and try to achieve consistency in order to obtain accurate results.

What Insecticide are sensitive to which crops?

1. The use of chlorpyrifos in the melon seedling stage is easy to cause phytotoxicity, and at the same time, it should be avoided in the flowering stage of some crops.

2. Insecticides containing malathion are sensitive to melons, pears, peaches, grapes, beans, cruciferous and tomato seedling crops when used in high concentrations, and should not be used.

3. Oxymethoate and dimethoate Insecticide are likely to cause phytotoxicity when used in high concentrations on some varieties of sorghum, mat grass, tobacco, jujube, peach, plum, apricot, cherry, citrus, and olive, and should be avoided.

4. Insecticide composed of triazophos should not be used on fruit cane, as it is easy to cause phytotoxicity.

5. Since phoxim is easy to decompose when exposed to light, it should be avoided in the growth period of watermelon, radish and leafy vegetables (even not used in the growth period), and other crops should be avoided in strong light conditions.

6. Isocarbophos should not be used on fruit trees, vegetables, and mulberry gardens. It is easy to cause leaf and fruit drop when used on peach trees.

7. The use of dimehypo and monosultap single-component Insecticide is easy to cause phytotoxicity to cotton, beans, and potatoes, and it is also likely to cause phytotoxicity to crucifers when used in the high humidity season in summer. Dimehypo has been found to cause phytotoxicity when used on citrus in production practice, so it should be used with caution.

8. Insecticide containing trichlorfon, dichlorvos, and dibromophos (dichlorvos precursor) are sensitive to seedlings of corn, beans, and melons, and are harmful to sorghum.

Only by reasonably grasping this information can we better prevent and control pests on crops and ensure the healthy growth of crops.

Pesticide difference

1 Bacterial insecticide

Bacterial insecticides are the microbial insecticides with the largest production volume and the most widely used that were researched and developed earlier in China. The varieties used in research include Bacillus thuringiensis, Penicillium spp., Bacillus japonicus and Bacillus sphaericus, among which Bacillus thuringiensis is the most representative variety. Bacillus thuringiensis is an important entomopathogenic bacterium that can produce parasporal crystal toxin and has a wide spectrum of insect hosts. It is a stomach toxic insecticide. Bacillus thuringiensis has different degrees of toxic effects on a variety of agricultural pests. These pests include cotton bollworm, tobacco budworm, silver leafworm, spodoptera litura, beet armyworm, cutworm, rice leaf roller, corn borer, diamondback moth and tea caterpillar, etc. It has a good effect on forest pests pine caterpillar. In addition, it can also be used to control mosquito larvae and stored grain moth pests.

2 fungicides

Fungal insecticides are a kind of entomopathogenic fungi with a wide parasitic spectrum, and are a kind of contact microbial insecticides. The main species studied are: Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Paecilomyces, Ascospora and Verticillium.

(1) Beauveria bassiana is the fungal insecticide with the longest research time and the largest application area in my country.

⑵ Metarhizium anisopliae is a broad-spectrum entomopathogenic bacterium. The area of its application in foreign countries to control pests exceeds that of Beauveria bassiana, and the control effect is comparable to that of Beauveria bassiana.

3 Application principles of bioInsecticide

Symptomatic treatment. The specificity and good selectivity of bioInsecticide determine that their insecticidal species and host range are relatively specific. Such as Bacillus thuringiensis, insect virus and other insecticides made from insect pathogenic microorganisms, not only can prevent and control Lepidoptera pests such as cotton bollworm, cabbage caterpillar, and borer. It can also control weevils, Liriomyza sativae and other pests. Therefore, when using bioInsecticide, they should be selected in a targeted manner according to the types of pests that occur.

Proper prevention and treatment. The insecticidal mechanism of biological insecticides is different from that of chemical Insecticide. Generally, they must go through the stages of infection and parasitism, accumulation and reproduction, and stomach poisoning. When applying, it is necessary to grasp the peak hatching period of eggs or the young period of larvae. It can not only make the medicine soak into the eggs or attach to the egg shells, and the larvae will be infected and die when they hatch, but also ensure that the pests die after eating.

scientific application. BioInsecticide are mostly "active", and the application environment and scientific use methods are the keys to their good control effect. For example, when applying bacterial and microbial insecticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis and insect viruses, it is generally advisable to apply Insecticide in the evening or on cloudy days in warm and humid weather, and it is strictly forbidden to use them at the same time or in combination with fungicides and alkaline Insecticide. Plant extract insecticides should not be stored for a long time, and should be prepared and used immediately, so as not to reduce the efficacy.

General Knowledge of Insecticide

The Insecticide mentioned here should actually be divided into rodenticides and Insecticide used to kill insects in our daily life.


The rodenticides used are generally second-generation anticoagulants, and the main mechanism of action is to destroy the hematopoietic mechanism of rodents, causing internal hemorrhage and death of rodents. Compared with the traditional highly toxic rat poison, the second-generation anticoagulant has the following characteristics:

1. Safety. The second-generation anticoagulant has a longer action time, and once an accident occurs, it will take a longer time for treatment; and the second-generation anticoagulant such as bromadiolone and other special antidotes are vitamin K1, which is relatively easy to obtain, unlike the rapid onset of action of highly toxic rat poisons such as tetramine, and the short reaction time left by accidental ingestion, and there is no special antidote, which can easily cause personal casualties.

2. Good palatability. The new rat bait has good palatability to rats and is not easy to cause rats to refuse to eat, thus ensuring the effect of poisoning rats.

3. Good killing effect. The killing effect mentioned here is mainly aimed at the novel object avoidance response of mice. Rats are suspicious by nature, and when encountering new things or food, they will often adopt some tentative means, such as taking a small amount of food or letting the old and weak eat first, and other members of the population will determine whether it is safe or not based on the results of these tentative behaviors. Therefore, the highly toxic rat poison often achieves a certain effect at the beginning, and then the effect goes from bad to worse. The reason is very simple: the rats that have eaten the rat bait pass the "dangerous" message to other members, causing reactions such as food refusal and avoidance. However, the second-generation anticoagulants often give mice a false message of "safety" due to their longer incubation period (generally 5-7 days), so it is easier to obtain long-term, stable and effective rodent control effects.

sanitation insecticide

In regular companies, the insecticides used are generally pyrethroids, such as cypermethrin and cyhalothrin. Compared with organophosphorus drugs such as dichlorvos, zinc thion, and dimethoate, these drugs have the advantages of safety, less toxic and side effects, easy degradation, and less impact on the environment and the human body. At the same time, formal PMP companies will try their best to use physical methods or use biological agents in places where the use of pyrethroid drugs is not suitable, instead of simply using organophosphorus drugs instead, so as to reduce chemical pollution in the process of pest control.

Precautions for Insecticide

The production methods of Insecticide mainly include liquid submerged fermentation and semi-solid fermentation. The two-step production method is an effective, simple and practical Bt pesticide production technology based on the improvement, perfection and creation of the semi-solid fermentation method. Its production process is simple and the scale can be large or small. It is especially suitable for promotion in rural small and medium-sized enterprises. It can greatly reduce the production cost of Insecticide and has played a positive role in the development of microbial Insecticide. Especially for leaf-eating vegetable pests, such as cabbage caterpillar and diamondback moth, the control effect is very significant. The control of cotton bollworm and pine caterpillar has also been widely promoted.

In field application, to ensure the quality of insecticides, it is necessary to meet the temperature conditions for the rapid growth of Bt bacteria. The higher the temperature, the stronger the pathogenicity. To avoid strong sunlight, because ultraviolet rays can cause damage to Bt bacteria, it is best to apply after 4 pm. In addition, attention must be paid to the living habits and sensitivities of the target pests, host crops and environmental conditions, and the application of synergists. For example, the control of borer pests should be applied 2 to 3 times during the egg hatching period, especially for stem borers, and the control effect is good. Once the borer gets into the stem, the control effect will be poor. To prevent and control corn borer, it is necessary to strictly control the drug use at the end of the corn heart leaf in order to receive good results. For the control of cotton bollworm, the pesticide should be applied 2 to 3 days after the peak of ovulation, and the effect is remarkable. The masses have the experience of preventing and controlling insects without seeing insects, and killing eggs without killing insects. In this way, when the larvae hatch, they eat the insecticide as soon as they bite the eggshell, and soon die of poisoning. The residual effect period of B2 insecticide can generally reach 7 days to 10 days. If it rains after spraying, the rain will wash away the liquid medicine and it should be sprayed again.

The method of application can be spraying, dusting, pouring, aircraft spraying and so on. No matter which method is used, it is necessary to apply the pesticide evenly to ensure that the pests have a chance to eat, so as to play a poisonous role. Adding a trace amount of chemical Insecticide to Bt Insecticide, or mixing them with other microbial Insecticide, can have a synergistic effect and can significantly increase the mortality of pests. Biological Insecticide compounded with Bt Insecticide and other biological agents have a wider insecticidal spectrum and are welcomed by the masses.

Status quo and development direction of the global pesticide market

1. Global warming triggers the activity of pests and diseases, which in turn leads to an increase in the use of Insecticide. In agricultural production, the occurrence of pests and diseases is closely related to climate change. If the climate conditions are unfavorable to the growth of pests, the occurrence of pests and diseases will be greatly reduced, thereby reducing the use of Insecticide. Usually, low temperature weather will kill a large number of overwintering pests, while warm winter will cause large-scale outbreaks of diseases and insect pests in the coming year. According to the latest monitoring results released by the World Meteorological Organization, 2000-2009 was the warmest 10 years since the global systematic meteorological observation records in 1880. Climate warming will lead to increased activities of pests and diseases, which will lead to a continuous increase in the use of Insecticide.

2. Insecticides still maintain the dominant position in the international pesticide market. The three major types of Insecticide, including insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, are the main players in the international pesticide market. In 2004, insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides accounted for 25:24:48 of the global pesticide market sales. In 2009, insecticides still accounted for 25% of the global pesticide market, of which North America and Western Europe will still maintain the largest market share, accounting for about 70% of the entire market.

3. Increasing requirements for the safety of Insecticide. While the global pesticide industry continues to develop, it is also facing a series of new requirements, that is, the use of Insecticide over the years has caused varying degrees of pollution to the environment, humans and animals. Therefore, the international community has higher and higher requirements for Insecticide with high efficiency, low toxicity, low residue, and no pollution, especially in the pesticide industry.

Therefore, with the further improvement of people's awareness of food safety and environmental protection, the variety and scope of highly toxic and high residue Insecticide will be further restricted, while Insecticide with high efficiency, low toxicity, environmental friendliness and resistance to resistance will be more and more widely used. As a result, the life cycle of high-toxic pesticide intermediates has ended or entered a period of decline, while new-type pesticide intermediates are in the growth stage due to their high efficiency, low toxicity, and low residue characteristics in downstream products, with relatively high profits.

price of Insecticide

Usually, the price of Insecticide and insecticides will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

suppliers of Insecticide

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Bulk Insecticides, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.