Understanding Plant Growth Regulators in One Article

What are Plant Growth Regulators?

Plant growth regulators refer to artificially synthesized agents used to promote or inhibit plant physiological functions such as germination, rooting, flower bud differentiation, flowering, fruiting, and defoliation. There is a metabolite that promotes and inhibits in higher green plants, which is an indispensable substance in plant life activities. This organic substance synthesized by the plant itself is called auxin. In order to improve the yield and quality of crops, a series of chemical agents with auxin-like activity are artificially synthesized to control the growth and development of plants and other life activities, which are called plant growth regulators.

Plant growth regulator is the product of the comprehensive development of various science and technology such as plant physiology, biochemistry, organic synthesis, microanalysis and modern agriculture, forestry and horticulture.

There are trace amounts of natural plant hormones in plants that control growth and development. In the 1940s, foreign researchers began to study artificially synthesized analogues, and successively developed various pesticides, which were gradually popularized and used. Over the past 30 years, more and more plant growth regulators have been artificially synthesized, but due to the complexity of the application technology, the application scale is also small. However, from the perspective of the needs of agricultural modernization, plant growth regulators have great potential for development, and there has been a trend of accelerated development in the 1980s.

Plant growth regulators refer to a class of substances used to regulate plant growth and development. These substances are widely present in plants and are called endogenous hormones. Some of them are artificially synthesized chemicals that regulate plant growth and development. exogenous hormones.

Application of plant growth regulators

Plant Growth Regulators Plant growth regulators have been produced and applied since the 1950s. There are more than 30 varieties of plant growth regulators registered for use, and their main functions are: prolonging dormancy/breaking dormancy of storage organs, promoting germination, promoting rooting, promoting/inhibiting stem and leaf bud growth, promoting/inhibiting flower bud formation, thinning flowers and fruits/preserving Preserve flowers and fruits, induce female flowers/male flowers, prolong flowering period, keep cut flowers fresh, form seedless fruit, promote fruit coloring, promote/delay fruit ripening, delay aging, increase amino acid/protein content/sugar content, increase fat content, increase resistance Inverse etc.

Key Points for Using Plant Growth Regulators

1. The dosage should be appropriate, and the dosage should not be increased arbitrarily. Increase the dosage or concentration at will, which will not only fail to promote plant growth, but will inhibit its growth, and even lead to deformed leaves, dryness and shedding, and death of the whole plant.

2. Do not mix at will. Whether plant growth regulators can be mixed with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other substances must be determined after carefully reading the instructions for use and undergoing tests, otherwise phytotoxicity may occur due to improper mixing.

3. The method of use should be appropriate. When using, it must be diluted strictly according to the instructions for use.

4. Growth regulators cannot replace fertilizer application. When poor plant growth is found, management such as fertilization and watering must first be strengthened, and on this basis, the use of growth regulators can effectively play its role.

Features and advantages of plant growth regulators

1. It has a wide range of functions and many application fields.

2. Small dosage, fast speed, high benefit, and less residual toxicity, most crops only need to be sprayed once a season according to the specified time.

3. It can regulate both external traits and internal physiological processes of plants.

4. Strong pertinence and professionalism.

5. The use effect of plant growth regulators is affected by many factors, and it is difficult to achieve the best results. Climatic conditions, application time, application amount, application method, application site and the absorption, operation, integration and metabolism of the crop itself will all affect its effect.

Types and main functions of plant growth regulators.

1. Plant growth promoter

Compounds that promote plant cell division, differentiation, and growth prolongation are growth promoters that promote the growth of plant vegetative organs and the development of reproductive organs. This is the most widely used category of plant growth regulators.


The product preparations used in agricultural production are mostly 85%gibberelliccrystalline powder, 4%gibberellic emulsifiable concentrate, 40% water-soluble tablet, and 40% water-soluble powder. Action characteristicsgibberellicis a broad-spectrum plant growth regulator. Endogenousgibberellicis ubiquitous in plants and is one of the important hormones that promote plant growth and development. It is also an antagonist of inhibitors such as paclobutrazol and chlormequat. Gibberellins can promote cell elongation, stem elongation, leaf enlargement, and promote parthenocarpy and fruit growth, break seed dormancy, change the ratio of female and male flowers, affect flowering time, and reduce flower and fruit shedding. Exogenousgibberellicenters the plant body and has the same physiological effect as endogenous gibberellin.gibberellicmainly enters the plant body through leaves, twigs, flowers, seeds or fruits, and then conducts to the actively growing parts to work. Gibberellins are widely used in agriculture, forestry and horticulture.

Naphthaleneacetic acid

The common preparation is 80% raw powder, and the commercially available dosage forms include 99% refined powder, 2% sodium saline, 2% potassium saline, and 4.2% naphthaleneacetic acid water. Naphthaleneacetic acid is an auxin-like substance and a broad-spectrum plant growth regulator. The main effect on plants is to promote cell division and expansion, induce the formation of adventitious roots, increase fruit setting, prevent fruit drop, change the ratio of male and female flowers, and promote plant metabolism and photosynthesis, accelerate growth and development, and enhance resistance. Naphthaleneacetic acid enters the plant body from the tender epidermis of leaves and branches, and seeds, and is transported to the site of action along with the nutrient flow.


The product preparations used in agricultural production are mostly powders, wettable powders, which are made by adding auxiliary materials to artificially synthesized products. Auxin has a wide range of physiological functions. It affects cell division, cell elongation and cell differentiation, and also affects the growth, maturation and aging of vegetative organs. Synthetic ones can be absorbed through stems, leaves and roots, and due to different application concentrations, they can both promote and inhibit. Because indole acetic acid is easy to decompose when exposed to light, it is easily decomposed by indole acetic acid oxidase in plants, and the price is relatively expensive. The application in production is limited. It is mainly used in tissue culture to induce the formation of callus and roots. .


Common dosage forms are 80% wettable powder, 72% butyl ester emulsifiable concentrate, 55%, 50% amine saline. 2,4-D can produce a variety of different effects on plants with different concentrations and dosages: at lower concentrations (0.5-1.0mg/L), it is one of the medium components for plant tissue culture; at medium concentrations ( 1-25mg/L) can prevent flower and fruit drop, can effectively stimulate growth, induce seedless fruit and fruit preservation, etc.; as a herbicide at a higher concentration (1000mg/L), it can kill a variety of broad-leaved weeds. Therefore, we must pay attention to the amount used when applying to crops. Higher concentrations can inhibit growth, and higher concentrations can cause deformity and development of plants to death. As a herbicide used after emergence, monocotyledonous grasses have a certain tolerance to it, and dicotyledonous broad-leaved plants are very sensitive to it. Using this selectivity, it can be used for field control of rice and wheat gramineous crops Broadleaf weeds. 50% 2,4-D amine salt at 200ml/mu, 20 days after the dosage of the drug, is effective for water peanuts, lily grass, bird’s berry, iron amaranth, chickweed, wood sorrel, brocade, and thorns in the citrus orchard. Broad-leaved weeds such as grass and dawanhua have excellent control effects, and the weeding effect is 92.5%-100%. It also has a good control effect on annual flax, amaranth, cocklebur, and Polygonum youshi, and the efficacy is about 80%. The low control effect may be related to the relatively high age of the above four weeds, most of which have bloomed and bear fruit. 50% 2,4-D amine salt is safe to citrus trees at the reference dose.


The chemical name of kinetin is 6-furfurylaminopurine, and its molecular formula is C10H9N5O. It is generally formed by condensation of 6-chloropurine and furylmethylamine. Insoluble in water, soluble in strong acid, alkali and glacial acetic acid. It isthe first substance found to have the effect of cytokinin, and it was first proposed from deoxyribonucleic acid degradation products. In the case of tissue culture, the place where the concentration of kinetin is low can promote the differentiation of roots, and the place where the concentration is high has the differentiation of leaf buds, and the intermediate concentration can significantly promote cytokinesis and for

callus mass. Kinetin has the effect of inhibiting senescence, especially for the separated mature leaves, it is found that it can inhibit the reduction of chlorophyll, protein, nucleic acid and other content, and can also delay the destruction of cell structure. Delay the degradation of protein and chlorophyll, delay plant senescence, and can be used for fruit and vegetable preservation.

bulking agent

Forchlorfenuron is a phenylurea substance, mainly a substance that stimulates cytokinin. While CPPU promotes cell division and enlargement, problems such as deformed fruit and shortened storage period of fruit appear. Forchlorfenuron is a high The active compound has cytokinin activity, which can promote cell division and expansion. When applied to melon and fruit plants, it can promote flower bud differentiation, preserve flowers and fruits, increase fruit setting rate, and promote fruit expansion.


The chemical name of ethephon is 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid, the molecular formula is C2H5O2Cl, and the common preparation is 40% ethephon water agent. Ethephon was first synthesized in 1967, using ethylene oxide and phosphorus trichloride as raw materials. The pure product ethephon is needle-like white crystal with a melting point of 75°C, easy to absorb water and deliquescence, and easily soluble in water and organic solvents. Commercially available products are generally brown viscous liquid with a concentration of about 40% and a pH of about 1. Ethephon is easy to hydrolyze and release ethylene when pH>4. Its release rate is accelerated with the increase of temperature and pH, and ethephon is slightly toxic to humans and animals. Ethephon is used on plants and is rapidly absorbed by plant tissues. Since the pH of the plant cell fluid is greater than 4.1, ethephon can gradually decompose and release ethylene at the treated site, and it can also operate in the body and release ethylene at other sites.

Ethephon itself has no physiological activity, and the released ethylene is a plant hormone with various physiological functions. The physiological effects have been clearly defined as: promoting the physiological ripening of fruits (currently, in order to advance the ripening of bananas, citrus, peaches, tomatoes and other fruits in production) Time to market, commonly used ethephon treatment), promote leaf senescence and shedding, promote seed germination and plant flowering, and promote the growth of roots and seedlings. If applied improperly, the leaves and fruits will fall off, the plants will be dwarfed, the ratio of male to female will be changed, and male sterility will be induced in some crops.


The active ingredient of DA-6 is diethylaminoethyl carboxylate, which is an oily liquid. Code name: DA-6. Often made into organic salts, such as DA-6 citrate DA-6C is a white or powdery solid. DA-6 Humate DA-6H is brown or tan fine granular solid.

DA-6 can increase the content of chlorophyll, protein, nucleic acid and photosynthetic rate in the plant, increase the activity of peroxidase and nitrate reductase, promote the carbon and nitrogen metabolism of the plant, enhance the absorption of water and fertilizer and the accumulation of dry matter in the plant, Regulate the water balance in the body, enhance the disease resistance, drought resistance, and cold resistance of crops and fruit trees; delay plant aging, promote early maturity of crops, increase yield, and improve crop quality; thereby achieving increased yield and quality.

DA-6 is a newly discovered high-efficiency plant growth substance, which can significantly increase yield, stress resistance, disease resistance, improve quality, and early maturity for a variety of crops. It is a compound with high biological activity. It can be compounded with various elements, and can also be compounded with fungicides to enhance the disease resistance of plants and improve the bactericidal effect; DA-6 is widely used in agriculture due to its unique multifunctional effects. DA-6 is white or flake powdery crystal with a content of more than 98%. It can be compounded with various pesticides and fertilizers and is stable in weakly acidic and neutral media. DA-6 alone works best at 10-15PPM, that is, one gram of DA-6 mixed with 70-100 kg of water. When DA-6 is compounded with fertilizers, fungicides, and herbicides, the best effect is 5PPM, and the dosage per ton is generally 1/200 of the dilution factor of the product.


The chemical composition of atonik is sodium 5-nitroguaiacol, sodium o-nitrophenolate, and sodium p-nitrophenolate. Its physical and chemical properties are maroon flaky crystals, deep red needle-like crystals and crystal mixed crystals. It is easily soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, methanol, and acetone. Stable at room temperature. It has a phenolic aroma. It has been made into 2%, 1.8%, 0.9%, 1.4%, 0.7%, 2.85% and other aqueous dosage forms, 1.4% compound nitrophenol soluble powder, etc. by many manufacturers.

atonik is a powerful cell activating agent, which can quickly penetrate into the plant body after contacting with plants, promote the flow of protoplasm of cells, and improve cell vitality. It can accelerate rooting speed, break dormancy, promote growth and development, prevent flower and fruit drop, improve product quality, increase yield, and improve crop resistance to disease, insect, drought, waterlogging, cold, salt and alkali, and lodging. . It is widely used in food crops, economic crops, vegetables, fruits, fruit trees, oil crops and flowers. It can be used at any time between plant sowing and harvest, and can be used for seed dipping, seedbed filling, foliar spraying and bud spreading. Because of its advantages of high efficiency, low toxicity, no residue, wide range of applicable crops, no side effects, and wide range of concentration, it has been popularized and applied in many countries and regions in the world. atonik is also used in animal husbandry and fishery. While increasing the output and quality of meat, eggs, hair and skin, it can also enhance animal immunity and prevent various diseases.


The chemical name of brassinolide is 2α, 3α, 22s, 23s-tetrahydroxy-24R-ethyl-β-homo-7-oxa-5α-cholestan-6-one, which is a biomimetic plant endogenous hormone-rape Synthetic brassinolide, the common preparations are 0.01% brassinolide emulsifiableconcentrate, 0.2% brassinolide soluble powder, 0.1% brassinolide soluble powder, 0.15% emulsifiable concentrate, 0.04% water. The main function of brassinolide is to promote cell division, elongation and growth; it is beneficial for pollen fertilization and fruit setting rate; it increases chlorophyll content and photosynthesis; it enhances the stress resistance of plants. In addition, its mixed application with a variety of commonly used fungicides, chemical fertilizers, and plant growth regulators has a significant synergistic and additive effect. In most cases, it can improve the fertilizer efficiency of chemical fertilizers and fungicides, and reduce pesticide damage. ; Mixed preparations with various plant growth regulators or foliar fertilizers are used to improve crop quality.

2. Plant growth inhibitors

Plant growth inhibitors mainly inhibit the synthesis of auxin, which can inhibit the biosynthesis of nucleic acid and protein in stem apical meristem cells, making cell division slow and plants short. At the same time, growth inhibitors also inhibit the extension of apical meristem cells. Growth and differentiation affect the growth and differentiation of side branches, leaves and reproductive organs at that time. Therefore, after destroying the apical dominance, the number of side branches increases, the leaves become smaller, and the development of reproductive organs is also affected.

3. Plant growth retardant

Plant growth retardant mainly inhibits the biosynthesis of gibberellin, inhibits the growth of plant subapical meristems, slows cell elongation, shortens internodes without reducing the number of cells and internodes, and dwarfs plants. But it does not affect the formation of leaves and flowers. Therefore, it does not affect the development of leaves and the number of leaves, and generally does not affect the development of flowers. When GA is applied externally, its effect can be reversed.


The chemical name of chlormequat is 2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride. White powdery solid, with fishy smell, strong hygroscopicity, easily soluble in water. The commonly used dosage forms are 5%, 40%, 50%, 64% liquid and original powder. Chlormequat is a low toxicity plant growth regulator. The drug mainly inhibits cell elongation in plants, but does not inhibit cell division and does not affect the formation of organs. It can make plants short and strong, thicken stems, deepen leaf color, and enter plants to inhibit the biosynthesis of gibberellin. antagonists of hormones. It hinders the biosynthesis of gibberellin, and its function is to inhibit the cell division of the subtopic meristem or primary meristem at the stem end of the plant, thus shortening the internode and shortening the plant, and the leaves are dark green. It is often used to control the growth of wheat and cotton Grow to prevent lodging and leggy growth. In addition, grapes, sorghum, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, flowers; vegetables can also be used to cultivate strong seedlings, prevent lodging, and increase production.

When chlormequat is used as a dwarfing agent, the soil water and fertilizer conditions should be good, and it should not be used when the fertility is poor and the crops are not growing vigorously. The leaf color of crops after using chlormequat is dark green, which should not be judged as a sign of sufficient fertilizer and water, but fertilizer and water management should be strengthened to prevent defertilization. After spraying chlormequat, the fruit sweetness of grapes will decrease, but if it is mixed with boron, the sugar content will not be reduced. Do not smoke, drink, or eat while dispensing and administering this medicine. Wash your hands and face after work. Drug poisoning patients have dizziness, fatigue, numbness of lips and limbs, miosis, salivation; nausea, vomiting, convulsions and coma in severe cases, can be treated with atropine as appropriate.


 Chemical name: (2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)pentan-3- Alcohol, the original drug is a white solid, insoluble in water, soluble in methanol and other organic solvents, common dosage forms are 95% paclobutrazol original drug, 10% paclobutrazol wettable powder, 15% paclobutrazol wettable powder. Paclobutrazol has the effects of delaying plant growth, inhibiting stem elongation, shortening internodes, promoting plant tillering, increasing plant stress resistance, and increasing yield. Suitable for rice, wheat, peanuts, fruit trees, tobacco, rapeseed, soybeans, flowers, lawns and other crops. Especially for high rice seedlings, it has the effects of delaying top growth, increasing roots and protecting tillers, cultivating strong seedlings, improving seedling quality, early maturation, suppressing weeds, and increasing yield. Used in seedling fields can increase the intensity of photosynthesis of seedling leaves, enhance root respiration, and inhibit excessive growth of seedlings.

Paclobutrazol remains in the soil for a long time, and after the application field is harvested, it must be plowed to prevent it from inhibiting the subsequent cropping. Under normal circumstances, the use of paclobutrazol is not easy to cause phytotoxicity. If the dosage is too high and the seedlings are over-inhibited, nitrogen orgibberelliccan be added to rescue. Due to the different levels of endogenousgibberellicand indole acetic acid, different varieties of rice have different growth vigor. The varieties with stronger growth vigor need to use more drugs, while the varieties with weaker vigor need to use less. In addition, apply more pesticides when the temperature is high, and apply less when the temperature is high.


Bijiu's chemical name is dimethylaminosuccinamic acid, or N,N dimethylsuccinamic acid. Soluble in water, soluble in acetone, ethanol, xylene and other organic solvents. Common dosage forms are 85%, 90% water-soluble powder, and 5% liquid. After it was successfully developed in 1962, countries all over the world used it in the production of fruit trees such as apples, grapes, peaches, and plums. Bijiu is a plant growth retarder, which can inhibit excessive growth of plants, make plants short and thick, prevent flower drop, and promote fruiting. Used to adjust the height of tree trunks and the shape of ornamental plants. After the agent enters the plant, it can inhibit the biosynthesis of endogenousgibberellicand also inhibit the synthesis of endogenous auxin. Its main function is to inhibit the excessive growth of new branches, shorten the length of internodes, increase leaf thickness and chlorophyll content, induce the formation of adventitious roots, stimulate root growth, improve cold resistance, and promote fruit setting. In the past, it was usually used for fruit trees, potatoes, sweet potatoes, peanuts, tomatoes, strawberries, chrysanthemums, ginseng, etc., instead of manual pruning, and at the same time it is beneficial to flower bud differentiation. Increase the number of blooms and fruit set.


The chemical name of uniconazole is (E)-(RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl ) pent-1-en-3-ol, the pure product is a colorless solid, and the common dosage forms are 5%, 10% emulsifiable concentrate, 5% wettable powder, and0.08% granule. Uniconazole is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency plant growth inhibitor, which can promote the dwarfing and strengthening of plants, and has certain bactericidal and herbicidal effects. It is agibberellicsynthesis inhibitor. The biological activity is 2 to 6 times that of paclobutrazol. However, its residual amount in the soil is only 1/10 of paclobutrazol, so it has little impact on subsequent crops. It canbe absorbed through seeds, roots, buds, and leaves, and circulate among organs, but leaf absorption is less outward. , the top is obvious. It is mainly absorbed through leaves, stem tissues and roots, and inhibits the biosynthesis of gibberellin. Used for soil or foliage treatment, it has strong inhibitory activity on various monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. It is used in rice fields to resist lodging, control growth and promote tillers, promote roots and leaves, and strengthen seedlings to resist stress and increase weight to achieve high-quality and high-yield. Used for potted plants such as chrysanthemum, poinsettia, rhododendron and other ornamentalplants to control plant shape, promote flower bud differentiation and multi-flowering,etc. For fruit trees, it can control fruit tree branches to grow excessively. It can also be used in wheat, soybean, rapeseed, peanut and other crops. It has the functions of controlling vegetative growth, inhibiting cell elongation, shortening internodes, dwarfing plants, promoting lateral bud growth and flower bud formation, and enhancing stress resistance. Promote the growth of stems, leaves, roots, and fruits, breakthe top dominance, and prevent aging.

When applying, it should be noted that the sowing amount of crops should be appropriate, too dense and too thin will affect its effect of controlling growth and promoting tillering; fertilizer and water management must keep up, and sufficient nutrients must be ensured to cultivate short and strong seedlings. Strictly control the usage amount and usage period. When doing seed treatment, it is necessary to level the land, sow shallowly and cover the soil with good moisture content. When the seed quality is poor, uniconazole should not be used to soak the seeds. After soaking the seeds with uniconazole, germination should be accelerated, and the seeds should be sown after the buds are fully formed to facilitate the emergence of seedlings.

4. Preservative

The function of plant preservatives is mainly to inhibit the respiration and metabolism of fruits and vegetables, reduce the activity of enzymes, control the expansion of latent diseases and the growth and reproduction of putrefactive bacteria and the accumulation of toxic substances, and keep the quality of fruits and vegetables fresh. It mainly maintains the freshness of fruits, vegetables and flowers from the physiological and pathological aspects, and prolongs the storage time. According to the usage and the nature of the medicament, it can be divided into six categories: fruit washing agent, fruit soaking agent, fumigant, coating agent, Chinese herbal medicine decoction, and adsorbent. According to its function, it can be divided into eight categories: ethylene remover, antiseptic preservative, coating preservative, and gas.


Thiabendazole chemical name: 2-(thiazol-4-yl)benzimidazole. The original drug of fungizolin is off-white or white odorless powder, stable in high-temperature and low-temperature water and acid-base solution, soluble in various organic solvents, irritating to human skin, low-toxic to humans and animals, and relatively safe to fish and bees. Normal use is not harmful to crops. The main formulations are 42%, 45% suspension concentrate, 60%, 90% wettable powder.

Thiabendazole is a high-efficiency, broad-spectrum, and systemic fungicide, which has protective and therapeutic effects, and inhibits the respiration and cell proliferation of bacteria. It has a good control effect on diseases caused by Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes. It is not effective for oomycetes and zygomycetes. It is mainly used for post-harvest fruit and vegetable processing. Method of use: To prevent citrus from rot during storage, remove diseased, injured, and inferior fruits after harvesting, then soak in 450-900 times dilution of 45% suspending agent for 3-5 minutes, put it in a basket after drying, and store at room temperature It has good control effect on penicillium, green mold and pedicle rot. To prevent bananas from rot during storage and transportation, soak bananas in 450-600 times dilution of 45% suspending agent for 1-3 minutes, remove and dry before packing. To control strawberry powdery mildew and gray mold, before harvest, use 67-130 grams of 45% suspending agent per mu and add 50 kg of water to spray. To prevent and control vegetable sclerotinia, gray mold, and spot blight, use 40-100 grams of 45% suspending agent per mu and add 50-75 kg of water to spray before harvesting. To control blue mold, gray mold, anthracnose, scab and powdery mildew of apples, pears and grapes, spray with 450-700 times dilution of 45% suspending agent before harvesting. To prevent and control mango anthracnose, soak the mango with 180-450 times dilution of 45% thiabendazole after harvest. To control potato rot, dry rot, skin spot and psoriasis during storage, use 90 ml of 45% suspending agent per ton and add 30 kg of water to spray. To control sugar beet and peanut leaf spot, use 30-60 ml of 5% suspending agent per mu, mix with water and spray. In addition, the smoke agent can effectively prevent and control various fungal diseases of protected vegetables. In the early stage of the disease, apply 300-400 grams of smoke agent per mu, place it evenly on the ground, light a match to close the shed overnight, and open the doors and windows for ventilation the next morning.

Matters needing attention: (1) The excess medicinal liquid after soaking the fruit should be properly disposed of, and the pond and water source should not be polluted.

(2) Cannot be used for post-harvest tobacco. Do not mix with copper-containing agents.


The chemical name of diphenhydrine: 3-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-1-isopropylcarbamoylhydantoin. The original drug is a white crystal, slightly soluble in water, easily soluble in organic solvents such as ethanol and benzene, and easily decomposed in case of alkali. Common formulations are: 50% wettable powder, 25% suspension concentrate. It is a common iprodione-based broad-spectrum protective fungicide, which has good effects on Botrytis, Neurospora, Sclerotinia, and Sclerotia. It also has a certain control effect on Alternaria, Helminthia, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, and Phyllostachys. The method of use as a preservative is to prevent and control diseases during citrus storage. After the citrus is harvested, select fruit without disease and no mechanical damage, and soak the fruit with 50% wettable powder or 25% suspending agent 1000 mg/L medicinal solution for 1 minute. , take it out to dry, and store at room temperature, which can control the damage of citrus green and green mold. Putting it in the refrigerator can prolong the storage time. In addition, diphenhydrineis often used to prevent and control bacterial diseases of various vegetables, melons and fruits, and it is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide. It can control pathogenic bacteria resistant to carbendazim and thiabendazole.

Precautions: (1) It is not suitable for long-term and continuous multiple use to avoid drug resistance.

(2) It cannot be mixed with alkaline pesticides to avoid decomposition and failure.


The chemical name of imazalil: 1-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(2-allyl chloride)ethyl-1H-imidazole. The original drug (98.5% active ingredient content) is a yellow to brown crystalline solid. Slightly soluble in water, easily soluble in organic solvents. Stable atroom temperature and protected from light. Non-corrosive to metal and plastic. Common formulations are 22.2%, 47.2% emulsifiable concentrate. Imazalil is a systemic broad-spectrum fungicide. Its function is to interfere with the permeability of pathogenic bacteria cell membrane, ester synthesis and metabolism, etc., and it has special effects on fungal diseases such as Eutrophil, Fusarium and Septoria. It is highlyeffective for green and green molds resistant to benzimidazoles. It is mainly used for antiseptic preservation of citrus, banana and other fruits. It can also be used asa seed treatment agent, stem and leaf control agent, and post-harvest preservativefor cereals, melons, vegetables and other crops. How to use: Prevent rot of citrus, banana and other fruits (penicillium, green mold, pedicle rot), and keep fresh. The quality of fruit picking and the length of storage should be different. Generally, the concentration of the preparation is not less than 200 mg/L, that is, 47.2% Add 5 ml of emulsifiable cream, add 12.5 kg of water, add 2,4-D at a concentration of 100-200 mg/liter, soak for 1-2 minutes, then pick up and dry, pack and store. To prevent vegetables and ornamental crops from rot and keep them fresh, use 10-60 ml of 47.2% EC and 100 kg of water to spray evenly. To prevent and control cereal smut, use 8-10 ml of 47.2% EC and mix with 100 kg of cereal seeds.

Matters needing attention: (1) For citrus treated with liquid medicine, ventilation should be paid attention to within a few days after storage, and the remaining liquid medicine should be properly disposed of after dipping and antisepsis to prevent the environment from being polluted.

(2) Pay attention to safety when using, and prevent the liquid medicine from contacting the skin and eyes. If the liquid medicine touches the skin and eyes, rinse it with plenty of clean water immediately and send it to the hospital for treatment. If it is poisoned by mistake, there is no specific antidote.

(3) Mixed use of this agent with carbendazim, thiabendazole, thiabendazole, thiophanate-methyl and other pesticides can improve the disease control effect during storage.


Carbendazim is currently the most widely used and most common fungicide, and it is also commonly used in the preservation of fruits and vegetables. The chemical name of carbendazim is: methyl N-(2-benzoimidazolyl) carbamate. Its pure product is a white odorless solid, soluble in water and easily soluble in organic solvents such as alcohol. Unstable to acid and alkali, soluble in dilute acid. Its common formulations are 50%, 25% wettable powder. Carbendazim belongs to the class of benzimidazoles and is a systemic broad-spectrum fungicide, which is effective against various diseases caused by Ascomycetes and Deuteromycetes, but ineffective against diseases caused by Oomycetes and bacteria. Its mechanism of action is mainly to interfere with the formation of the spindle in mitosis of the bacteria, thereby affecting cell division. Control apple, pear scab, anthracnose, ring spot, peach brown rot, scab, grape black pox, anthracnose, citrus scab, macular, etc., spray with 50% wettable powder 1000 times liquid. As a preservative, you can use 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution to soak the fruit for 10 minutes before packaging, take it out and dry it before packaging, which will have a better antiseptic and fresh-keeping effect.

Precautions: (1) It should not be mixed with copper preparations.

(2) There is cross-resistance between this agent and thiophanate-methyl, so care should be taken when using it.

(3) The safety interval is 15 days.

The chemical name of thiophanate-methyl is: 1,2-bis(3-methoxy-2-thioureido)benzene. The original drug is colorless crystal, insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvent, stable to acid and alkali. Common dosage forms are 50%, 70% wettable powder, 10% emulsifiable concentrate, 5O% suspension, and 36% suspension. The drug is a broad-spectrum fungicide of the benzimidazole class, which has systemic, preventive and therapeutic effects. It is often used for antiseptic storage of bananas, citrus, pineapples, cantaloupe, apple sweet potatoes, etc. Generally, the concentration of 500 ~ 2000mg/kg carbendazim suspension is used for dipping or coating treatment. Sometimes it is mixed with 200mg/kg2,4-D. In addition, this agent has low toxicity to humans, livestock, bees, and fish, and is relatively safe to crops. It can also be used to prevent and control various fungal diseases such as sclerotinia, gray mold, and powdery mildew on fruits and vegetables.

Note: (1) It should not be mixed with copper preparations or alkaline drugs. the

(2) There is cross-resistance between this product and carbendazim, so care should be taken when using it.

(3) The safety interval is 15 days.

5. Anti-drought agent

Drought-resistant chemical preparations are chemical substances produced by chemical means to inhibit soil water evaporation, promote water absorption by crop roots or reduce transpiration intensity. Drought-resistant chemical preparations currently used in research and production mainly include three types: chemical covering agents, water-retaining agents and anti-transpiration agents. For chemical water saving, a lot of research has been done abroad, and it has attracted widespread attention in Japan, France, India and other countries. Chemical mulching has been applied in agriculture successively, and the effect of increasing production is very good. Application of chemical agents can improve soil water holding capacity and reduce transpiration loss of crops. At present, the application of drought-resistant agents is less in actual production, and the scope of use is also smaller. The development of new water-retaining agents and anti-transpiration agents is also relatively seldom. Except for the industrialization of a small number of varieties such as fulvic acid (FA) drought-resistant agents, most of them still exist in the theoretical and experimental stages.

The water-retaining agent is a strong water-absorbing resin composed of the same molecule, which can absorb hundreds to thousands of times its own weight in a short period of time. The water-retaining agent is used as seed coating, seedling root, or furrow application, hole application, Or ground spraying and other methods are directly applied to the soil, just like a small reservoir for seeds and crop roots. It absorbs moisture from the soil and the air, and can store rainwater in the soil. When there is a drought, the moisture it saves can be released slowly for seed germination and crop growth.

Anti-transpiration agents are currently widely used mainly fulvic acid preparations (FA), which are substances extracted from weathered coal. In 1979, relevant researchers in Henan Province developed and used them in actual production and achieved good results. Some manufacturers The product name is "Drought Resistant Agent No. 1" foliar spraying can effectively control the opening of stomata, reduce leaf transpiration, and effectively resist the harm of seasonal drought and dry hot wind. Spraying once can last for 10-15 days. In addition to foliar spraying, it can be used for seed dressing, seed soaking, root irrigation and root dipping, etc., to improve the germination rate of seeds, make seedlings emerge neatly, promote root system development, shorten the slow seedling period of transplanted crops, and increase the survival rate.

6. Andricide

Andricides are mainly used in the production of agricultural hybrid breeding, and are used to remove the stamens of the female parent. In production practice, male sterility is often used for cross breeding. However, there are not many varieties with male sterility resources, which limits the scope of hybrid breeding. In addition, the method of artificial detasseling is very troublesome and has poor reliability. The birth of andricide has found an effective way for hybrid breeding, which is valued by breeders. The principle of its action is mainly to block the development of plant pollen; inhibit the elongation and flowering of plant spikes; prevent the meiosis of pollen cells or induce self-flower incompatibility, so that the pollen loses its fertilization ability and achieves orthocardysis ( emasculation) purpose. Its self-pollination is inhibited, thus providing convenience for cross-pollination to obtain plant hybrid seeds.

7. Compound growth regulator

1) Rooting agent: It mainly promotes the rooting and slowing down of seedlings after transplanting, or the cutting of seedlings. The types are auxin + soil bacteria, auxin + catechol, indole acetic acid + naphthalene acetic acid, auxin + saccharin, abscisic acid + auxin, fulvic acid + indole butyric acid, etc.;

2) Promoting fruit setting agent: the function is to increase the parthenocarpic rate, increase the single weight of fruit, promote fruit setting, accelerate the expansion speed of fruit, and increase the size of fruit. The types aregibberellic+ cytokinin,gibberellic+ auxin + 6-BA,gibberellic+ naphthaleneoxyacetic acid + diphenylurea,gibberellic+ kanamycin,gibberellic+ brassin Lactone,gibberellic+ naphthyloxyacetic acid + micronutrient elements, etc.;

3) Inhibitory fruit-setting agent, grain yield-increasing agent: the function is to control vigorous growth and increase fruit-setting rate. The types are chlormequat + choline chloride, chlormequat + ethrene, chlormequat + abscisic acid, chlormequat + ethrene + copper sulfate, chlormequat + pyrimidinol, chlormequat + Gibberellin, abscisic acid + gibberellin, etc.

4) Breaking dormancy growth promoter: the function is to break dormancy and promote germination. The types includegibberellic+ thiourea, potassium nitrate + thiourea, benzylaminopurine + naphthalene acetic acid + nicotinic acid,gibberellic+ KCl,gibberellic+ Fospinol, etc.

5) Dry defoliation agent: mainly used for sesame, cotton, etc., to dry and defoliate before mechanical harvesting. Its function is not only the effect of drying and defoliation, but also the effect of increasing yield. Its types include thiazolone + paraquat, thiazolon + methamidophos, thiazolon + potassium carbonate, thiazolon + ammonium persulfate, thiazolon + diuron, thiazolon + endotol + cycloheximide wait.

6) Ripening and coloring agent for improving quality: It has the functions of accelerating fruit ripening, making the color bright, and increasing the sweetness of the fruit. Its types include Divinyl + Accelene, Divinyl + Cyclodextrin Complex, Divinyl + 2,4,5-T-propionic Acid, Diuron + Citric Acid, Benzylaminopurine + Kasugamycin, etc.

7) Vegetables and fruits, fruit picking agent: Applied before apples and citrus are about to ripen, it will promote the formation of the separation layer at the base of the citrus fruit stem, resulting in the separation of the fruit from the branches. The types are: naphthaleneacetamide + divinyl, dinitro-o-cresol + naphthylacetamide + divinyl, naphthaleneacetamide + carbaryl, dinitro-o-cresol + naphthaleneacetamide + carbaryl, Naphthalene acetic acid + carbaryl, etc.

8) Promote flower bud development, flowering and sex ratio: make fruit crops transform from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, and promote flowering. The types include naphthalene acetic acid + benzylaminopurine, benzylaminopurine + gibberellin,gibberellic+ silver thioband sulfate, ethephon + potassium dichromate, etc.

9) Sprout inhibitors: inhibit the germination of axillary buds on tobacco, and inhibit the germination of potatoes during storage. Its types include qingxiansu + yiyamin, chlorphenamine + anilline, sucrose fatty acid esters + qingxiansu, etc.

10) Growth-promoting and yield-increasing agent: improve the absorption of N, P, and K by plants and increase yield. Its types include indole acetic acid + naphthalene acetic acid, indole acetic acid + naphthalene acetic acid + 2,4-D + gibberellin, boosterin + cytokinin + auxin, hydrogen peroxide + wood acetic acid, etc.

11) Anti-stress agent (drought resistance, low temperature resistance, disease resistance, etc.): increase the absorption of nutrients, promote the growth of seedlings, increase the total dry matter, improve cold resistance, drought resistance, disease resistance, and insect resistance. The types include antikinetin + abscisic acid, cytokinin + auxin + gibberellin, ethene + gibberellin, salicylic acid + gene active agent, etc.

11) Anti-stress agent (drought resistance, low temperature resistance, disease resistance, etc.): increase the absorption of nutrients, promote the growth of seedlings, increase the total dry matter, improve cold resistance, drought resistance, disease resistance, and insect resistance. The types include antikinetin + abscisic acid, cytokinin + auxin + gibberellin, ethene + gibberellin, salicylic acid + gene active agent, etc.

Safety of Plant Growth Regulators

Plant growth regulators are a class of chemical substances with high activity. Before these substances are popularized and applied in production, they must first go through regional tests, provincial tests and production tests. Test and conduct safety evaluation according to the standards of the International Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization. Only chemical substances that are proven to be safe for human and animal health and environmentally friendly can be registered as pesticides and promoted for use in production. Therefore, the medicines that have been registered and used in agricultural production according to the recommended dosage are all safe. There will be no toxic side effects on humans, animals and agricultural products.

Use of plant growth regulators

Plant growth regulators, as the name implies, are mainly used to regulate the growth and development of plants. In the process of plant growth and development, it will inevitably be affected by various factors such as temperature, moisture, pests and diseases, soil, fertilizer, human operation and management, etc. During the process of plant growth and development, the content of regulators in the body is too low to be effective Regulating, there will be various problems, such as only growing seedlings without fruit setting, or too much fruit setting, etc., not only the yield is very low, but the quality will also decline. If a little regulator is artificially added, a large number of Falling flowers and fruits can also promote the transportation of various nutrients to the fruit, the fruit will grow rapidly, and the quality of the fruit will be greatly improved. This is the purpose of using plant growth regulators.

Understanding Plant Growth Regulators Correctly

Plant growth regulators are used to regulate the growth and development of plants. They are low-toxic or slightly toxic or even non-toxic substances. They are only active on plants and have no activity on animals such as humans and animals. Of course, it is impossible to regulate the human body. growth and development. In production, the chemicals used for fruit setting and fruit expansion are all used in the flowering and fruiting period, and the dosage is diluted hundreds of thousands or millions of times, and the dosage is very small. As long as it is used in accordance with the registered concentration, there will be no residues in agricultural products at all, and there will be no toxic side effects. Moreover, the activity of the regulator is very high, and the concentration cannot be increased arbitrarily, otherwise, it will cause side effects on the plants.

price of plant growth regulator

Usually, the price of pesticide plant growth regulators will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of Pesticide Plant Growth Regulator you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry. 

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Supplier of Plant Growth Regulators

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Plant Growth Regulator, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.