Universal brassinolide are you using it right?

What is Brassinolide?

Brassinolide is a plant growth regulator, known as the sixth largest plant hormone in the world, is a broad-spectrum and efficient plant growth regulator, and known five major hormones (auuxin, gibberellin, cell division Brassin, abscisic acid, and ethylene) have different functions, but brassinolide has the comprehensive effects of gibberellin, cytokinin, and auxin, and can regulate plant growth in multiple ways, with a wider range of applications. It is the only plant endogenous regulator with the highest activity, the best safety, and the ability to degrade pesticide residues.

The plant growth regulator brassinolide is harmless to humans and animals, and the normal dosage is very safe and effective. Natural brassinolide can be widely used in various economic crops, and can significantly improve quality, increase sugar content and fruit weight, and increase flower beauty. At the same time, it can also improve the ability of crops to resist drought and cold, and relieve the symptoms of crops suffering from pests, pesticides, fertilizers, and freezing.

Plant growth regulator brassinolide products include brassinolide 0.01% water, 28-epibrassinolide 0.004% water, 24-epibrassinolide 0.01% water, propionyl brassinolide Ester 0.003% water agent, etc.

The biological activity of brassinolide

1.Promote cell division and fruit enlargement. It can obviously promote the division of cells, and promote the horizontal and vertical growth of organs, thus playing the role of expanding the fruit.

2.Delay leaf senescence, keep green for a long time, strengthen chlorophyll synthesis, improve photosynthesis, and promote leaf color to deepen and turn green.

3.Breaking the dominance of the top, promoting the germination of side buds, can penetrate the differentiation of buds, promote the formation of side branches, increase the number of branches, increase the number of flowers, improve the fertilization of pollen, thereby increasing the number of fruits and increasing the yield.

4. Improve the quality of crops and increase their commerciality. Induce parthenocarpy, stimulate ovary expansion, prevent flower and fruit drop, promote protein synthesis, increase sugar content, etc.

The main function of brassinolide

Brassinolide is a new type of green and environment-friendly plant growth regulator, and it is the most active and most effective plant endogenous hormone found so far. Not only has the comprehensive effects of auxin, gibberellin and cytokinin, but also increases the chlorophyll content of leaves, improves photosynthesis, regulates nutrient distribution, and promotes the operation of organic matter in plants; activates the plant immune system and improves the stress resistance of crops , promote the growth ability of weak parts of plants, improve crop quality, increase crop yield, make crops brighter in color and thicker in leaves. It can also make melons and fruits have higher sugar content, larger individuals and higher yields.

Seed dressing with brassinolide to promote germination and root growth can promote rapid seed germination, make seed germination more orderly, promote root growth, more orderly emergence, stronger seedlings, and earlier flower bud differentiation. 

Promoting growth and development Brassinolide can improve the guangdong function of leaves, accelerate cell division and elongation, promote early flowering and fruiting of crops, and promote plant growth and development.

Improve fruit set rate Brassinolide can increase the speed of photosynthesis of leaves, accelerate cell division and elongation, increase pollination rate, increase fruit set rate, and prevent flower and fruit drop.

Promoting fruit development Brassinolide can promote the rapid development of fruit by promoting cell division, making fruit develop better, reducing the occurrence of deformed fruit, promoting the transportation of organic matter to fruit, and earlier fruit ripening. Improving Stress Resistance Brassinolide can not only enhance photosynthesis, promote root growth, make the root system more developed, but also stimulate the activity of various immune enzymes in the plant, activate the immune system, and significantly improve the cold resistance, drought resistance and disease resistance of crops , resistance to diseases and insect pests, salt and alkali resistance and other stress resistance. Significantly reduces the occurrence of crop diseases.

Enhanced photosynthesis, especially in the vegetative growth stage of crops, can significantly expand the leaf area of crops, increase chlorophyll content, promote the coordinated absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients by crops, make leaves darker and thicker, enhance photosynthetic ability, and promote photosynthetic products. It is often recommended that growers spray brassinolide 2-3 times on the foliage of crops during the growth period to increase the output of organic matter, which can play a very good role in increasing production.

Mitigation of phytotoxicity Using herbicides, or misuse of fungicides and insecticides, or when the concentration ratio is inappropriate, phytotoxicity is prone to occur. Timely use of brassinin plus high-quality foliar fertilizer can regulate nutrient delivery, supplement nutrition, and reduce damage caused by improper medication. Crop damage, speed up crop recovery.

The main characteristics of brassinolide

1.Diverse functions: Brassinolide is the plant endogenous hormone with the most functions and the strongest regulatory effect found so far. It can not only promote growth and development, promote fruit setting, and promote fruit expansion, but also improve the stress resistance of crops. Reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, improve yield and quality.

2.Good compatibility: Brassinolide is a lactone plant growth regulator with good stability and can be mixed with various insecticides, fungicides, fertilizers, plant growth regulators, and herbicides. It not only expands the scope of control, but also improves the effect of control and prevents the occurrence of phytotoxicity.

3.Good quick effect: Brassinolide has strong systemic conductivity. After use, it can be quickly absorbed by seeds, roots, stems, leaves, etc., and delivered to various parts of the plant. can work.

4.Good safety: brassinolide is very safe to crops, and it is very safe to crops when used under normal conditions. It can be used for seed dressing, and can also be sprayed at the seedling stage, flowering stage, and young fruit stage. Safety.

5. Easy to use: Brassinolide has strong permeability and systemic conductivity, and can be absorbed by various parts of crops. It can be used for seed dressing, soaking, or spraying. It is very convenient to use.

The function of brassinolide

1.Mitigate the damage to crops after natural disasters. In the face of natural disasters such as heavy rain, drought, and hail, brassinolide has a certain adjustment effect on the growth of disaster-stricken crops, and promotes the rapid recovery of crops. 

2.Mitigate phytotoxicity, promote crop growth, promote crop metabolism, increase chlorophyll content, enhance root water absorption activity, and allow phytotoxic crops to recover faster. 

3.Synergistic effect Brassinolide has strong compounding property and significant synergistic effect. Brassinolide has good compounding and coordination with fungicides, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. Brassinolide can promote the synthesis and decomposition of substances in crops; promote the synthesis of substances that resist pathogens in crops; and can promote the absorption and utilization of fertilizers.

4. Brassinolide can greatly improve the tolerance of crops to salt.

How to choose brassinolide

Brassinolide is a plant growth regulator, which is widely used in crops and is also known as a "panacea". There are two major types of brassinolides on the market, one is synthetic and the other is naturally extracted. Natural brassinolides derived from plants and used in plants are more compatible with various crops, so natural brassinolides are recommended here.

Application of brassinolide

Use the plant growth regulator brassinolide when fertilizing

1.Enhance the vitality of the root system, promote the division and growth of root cells, enhance the vitality of the root system, promote the growth of the root system, and break the "stiff root" and "dormant root" caused by low temperature. 

2.Improve fertilizer efficiency Improve the physiological metabolism of plants, enhance the absorption and transportation capacity of crops for nutrients and water, and increase the vitality of the root system, further improve the absorption capacity of fertilizer and water, thereby significantly improving the utilization rate of fertilizers.

3.To increase the production of products, adjust the structure of nutrient supply, transport nutrients to the fruit, promote the growth and development of fruits, reduce weak and deformed fruits, and promote the absorption and utilization of nutrients 

4. Anti-disease and stress-resistance Activate the activities of various immune enzymes in plants, promote the metabolism of crops, and improve the ability of crops to resist diseases and stress

Dosage Blowing 200ml/mu; fertilization gun 150ml/mu; drip irrigation 100ml/mu

Use brassinolide when soaking and dressing seeds Seed dressing: 30-40 ml mixed with 100 catties of seeds.

The length of soaking time depends on the temperature, the higher the temperature, the shorter the soaking time. Generally, the temperature is 20-23 degrees, and the seeds are soaked continuously for 12-24 hours. Seed soaking: 10 ml to 15 kg of water, it is advisable that the water surface can soak the seed noodles. Spread the seeds on the plastic film, sprinkle the prepared medicinal solution on the seeds, stir quickly and evenly, spread them out in a cool and ventilated place, and let them dry fully (2 hours) before sowing.

Prevention and mitigation of phytotoxicity and fertilizer damage

Prevention and avoidance of phytotoxicity: Adding (2500-4000 times liquid) to insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides that are prone to phytotoxicity can prevent or alleviate the occurrence of phytotoxicity.

Antidote damage: After crops are damaged by pesticides, spray them in time (2500-4000 times liquid), and the crops will gradually recover after 5-10 days of spraying.

Alleviate fertilizer damage: use (10000-20000 times liquid) to irrigate roots, which can alleviate fertilizer damage, and the damaged plants will gradually grow and recover after 5-10 days.

Under adversity, brassinolide shows its skills

Brassinolide can activate a variety of immune enzyme activities in crops, improve crop resistance to drought and frost resistance; regulate hormone levels, promote post-disaster recovery of crops, improve crop metabolism, enhance leaf photosynthetic efficiency, enhance nutrient absorption and nutrient accumulation, and promote Crop growth recovered.

Reasonable use of brassinolide can achieve the effect of regulating and balancing the distribution of gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, abscisic acid, auxin, etc. in the plant, making the plant grow vigorously, robustly, high-yield, not easy to age, and prolong the life of the plant. Harvest cycle of crops, increase yield.

3 misconceptions about brassinolide

1. Mistaken for foliar fertilizer

Plant growth regulator brassicin is not foliar fertilizer, foliar fertilizer is a nutrient fertilizer (such as phosphorus, potassium, boron, zinc, rare earth elements, amino acids, etc.), if the lack of this nutrient will affect crop growth.

The plant growth regulator brassicin itself has no nutrients, it indirectly regulates crop growth by regulating the endogenous hormone system of plants, and has good compatibility with foliar fertilizer.

2. Mistaken for a panacea

Many people mistakenly think that the plant growth regulator brassin, which has no effect, is a product that can be used or not, in fact, brassinolide has a comprehensive function and can be used throughout the crop from seed treatment to harvest.

It can also improve crop stress resistance, enhance crop disease resistance, cold resistance, drought resistance, waterlogging resistance, salinity resistance and premature aging resistance, and reduce the drug damage caused by improper application of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

At the same time, brassica has no resistance, which can preserve flowers and fruits for farmers, and the effect of increasing yield is obvious.

3. Mistaken for a niche product

The key to this is the question of how to look.

All crops can be used, if only once per mu of crops, rough calculation, brassinolide has a market capacity of 10.5 billion in the country, which is definitely a big product.

At present, the domestic market capacity of brassinolide is about 1.2-1.5 billion yuan, and it is expected to reach 2 billion yuan in 5 years, with the market's understanding of brassinolide and the in-depth development of its functions, the future will become a 10-billion-level product!

When not to spray brassica

1. Mix and match error, brassicin is a growth regulator required by plants, but when mixing with pesticides or fertilizers, be careful not to drink alkaline drugs.

2. Do not use in rainy days, summer weather is unpredictable, pay attention to observe the weather conditions when spraying brassinolide on crops, rainy days can not be sprayed, because spraying plant growth regulators on rainy days is equivalent to diluting the concentration of the solution again, so as not to achieve the expected effect.

3. Do not use high temperature, foliar spraying brassica can not be at noon, that is, when the temperature is the highest, at this time foliar evaporation is fast, one is not easy to make crops absorb, and at the same time to prevent high temperature rapid evaporation of water to make the concentration of brassica solution become larger.

Three advantages of brassica

Easy to use, suitable for a variety of uses, spraying, drip irrigation, flushing, flight protection, etc.

Compared with other regulators, it has more complete functions, wider applications, no side effects, and no resistance.

It is widely used in the agricultural field, has been applied to more than 80 crops, and is suitable for all growth periods of crop growth.

Brassica compound

1. Brassica with fungicide - synergy to promote growth and reduce drug harm

Brassica + pyrazole

As a fungicide of methoxyacrylic acid, pyraclostrobin has the advantages of wide bactericidal spectrum, excellent effect, safety for crops and promotion of growth, and the compound scheme of 14-hydroxybrassinsterol + pyraclostrobin has been favored by a large number of growers, and its advantages are:

Synergistic and fast-acting: 14-hydroxybrassica can improve the efficiency of crop absorption of pyrazole, increase the conduction velocity of pyrazole in the crop body, strengthen its mobility, and play a synergistic and fast-acting role;

Enhance disease resistance, reduce drug resistance: pyraclostrobin is a fungicide with a relatively single target, long-term multiple use is easy to cause a decrease in efficacy, 14-hydroxybrassica can promote the synthesis of substances resistant to bacteria in crops, enhance disease resistance, but also can reduce the number of fungicides used, reduce bacterial resistance.

Promote growth and reduce drug damage: pyrazole can increase leaf chlorophyll content, and the use of 14-hydroxybrassica can promote the absorption, utilization and transformation of nitrogen by the crop itself and promote growth; At the same time, for the risk of drug damage with strong permeability of pyrazole, 14-hydroxybrassica can quickly coordinate the levels of various endogenous hormones in the body, mobilize the mechanisms of repair nucleic acid and protein synthesis, repair damaged cells of crops through calluses, and prevent and alleviate drug damage.

Brassicin + pentazole

Pentaconazole is a systemic triazole pesticide fungicide, which has the three functions of protection, treatment and eradication, with a wide bactericidal spectrum and a long effective period. However, pentazole itself has a significant inhibition of growth, and it is easy to cause slow plant growth if the concentration and period are not well controlled when used.

The regimen of 14-hydroxybrassinsterol + pentazole can reduce the phenomenon of inhibition of growth caused by the use of pentazole, and at the same time accelerate the absorption and conduction of pentazole by crops, which plays a synergistic effect and reduces drug harm.

2. Brassica with herbicides - more thorough weeding and lower risk of drug damage

brassica + herbicide

The use of herbicides can greatly reduce labor costs, but it often causes severe inhibition of crops, resulting in stunted growth. The addition of 14-hydroxybrassinsterol to the herbicide can effectively reduce the risk of crop damage and improve the weeding effect.

The herbicide glyphosate is a conductive herbicide, this kind of herbicide can be absorbed by the roots, stems, leaves, bud sheaths and other parts of the plant, and can be conducted in the body of the plant, glyphosate can kill weeds, because the liquid is absorbed from the leaf surface, and then conducted to the root, causing the weed to die slowly. If you encounter a low temperature environment, the weed metabolism is slow, and the absorption and conduction of glyphosate is slow, and the effect of weeding will be greatly reduced. The use of brassinolide in combination with glyphosate can increase the metabolic level of weeds and improve the weed control effect.

3. Brassica with seed dressing agent - neat seedlings, strong root promotion, increase yield and income

Brassica + seed dressing

Seeding before sowing can effectively control the spread of various soil-borne diseases, reduce and control the harm of underground aboveground pests, promote the robust growth of wheat, improve the comprehensive stress resistance, and ultimately increase yield and quality.

Adding 14-hydroxybrassicin sterol to seed dressing is the choice of most growers in recent years, the first is to significantly increase the efficacy and improve the prevention and control ability of various diseases; The second is that brassica can effectively promote seed germination and root development, improve comprehensive stress resistance, and significantly improve crop growth and disease and pest resistance.

4. Brassica with nutrition - better absorption and better effect

Brassicin + potassium dihydrogen phosphate

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate belongs to high phosphorus and high potassium foliar fertilizer, can provide crops with high-quality phosphorus, potassium element supply, with 14-hydroxybrassicin sterol use can improve the metabolic level of crops, promote the absorption, conduction and conversion efficiency of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, promote leaf photosynthesis, cold and frost resistance, drought resistance, dry hot wind resistance, lodging resistance, promote flower bud differentiation, improve fruit set rate and improve fruit quality and increase yield.

Brassicin + liquid boron

Boron is an important element of crop flower bud differentiation, supplementation of boron fertilizer before and after the flowering period of crops can effectively ensure the flowering and fruit set of crops, with 14-hydroxybrassicin sterol can improve the absorption and utilization of boron by crops, while adjusting the balance of flowers to achieve the effect of excellent flowers and fruits.

brassica + flush fertilization

14-Hydroxybrassinsterol can effectively promote the development of crop roots, which is the main organ of crop nutrient absorption, and 14-hydroxybrassinsterol can effectively promote root development, improve the absorption and utilization of nutrients, and increase the yield of extracts.

5. Brassicin with regulator - increase the effect of the regulator and reduce the risk of the use of the regulator

Brassica +920

920 is a common name for the plant regulator gibberellic acid, which has the functions of promoting seedling growth, fruit expansion, and elongating fruit spikes in crops, but improper use can easily cause adverse consequences such as crop growth, excessive nutrient growth, and fruit deformity.

In actual use, 920 is often used in combination with 14-hydroxybrassicin sterol, which can reduce the risk of drug harm caused by the use of 920 alone, and reduce the risk of drug harm while increasing the effect of 920.

Brassicin + benzylaminopurine

Benzylaminopurine is often used in citrus, winter jujube flower preservation and fruitprotection, in practical applications benzaminopurine is often used with 14-hydroxybrassicin sterol, the fruit preservation effect is better, and can accelerate the green turning speed of citrus young fruits, accelerate the de-discping of winter dates, and help the fruits ripen early.

Brassica + Ethephon

Ethephon is one of the commonly used ripening agents, and it is widely used in grapes to promote coloring, and then the use of ethephon often causes premature tree aging, so growers often use 14-hydroxybrassicin sterol with ethephon to reduce damage to the tree.

The price of the plant growth regulator brassica

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide plant growth regulator brassica will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you would like to know the latest price of the pesticide plant growth regulator brassica you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Supplier of the plant growth regulator brassica

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for the pesticide plant growth regulator brassica, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.