Using chlormequat chloride with success

What is chlormequat chloride CAS999-81-5?

Chlormequat chloride Preferred IUPAC name 2-Chloro-N,N,N-trimethylethan-1-aminium Other names Chlorocholine; Chlorcholine.Chlormequat chloride appears as white crystals with a fishlike odor. Used as a plant growth regulator. Said to be effective for cereal grains, tomatoes, and peppers. 

Chlormequat chloride is an organic compound with the that is used as a plant growth regulator. It is typically sold as the chloride salt, chlormequat chloride (C5H13Cl2N), CAS999-81-5a colorless hygroscopic crystalline substance that is soluble in water and ethanol.It is an alkylating agent and a quaternary ammonium salt. Chlormequat is one of the onium-type growth regulators.Chlormequat chloride has been called the "most important inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis." As such, it inhibits cell elongation, resulting in thicker stalks, which are sturdier, facilitating harvesting of cereal crops. It can also be used as an adjuvant for herbicides by retarding their oxidative disposal by plants. This is due to cytochrome P450-inhibition.

Plant growth regulator Chlormequat chloride is an organic chloride salt comprising equal numbers of chlormequat and chloride ions. A gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor, it is used as a plant growth retardant to produce plants with sturdier, thicker stalks, facilitating the havesting of ornamental flowers and cereal crops. It has a role as a plant growth retardant and an agrochemical. It is an organic chloride salt and a quaternary ammonium salt. It contains a chlormequat.

chlormequat chlorideMode of action CAS999-81-5

Chlormequat chloride, daminozide, paclobutrazol, prohexadione-calcium and trinexapac-ethyl all act by inhibiting the biosynthesis of gibberellin (a natural plant growth hormone), although generally at different stages of its production resulting in slightly different effects within the plant.

Ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid) is an organophosphate, it penetrates plant tissue and is translocated around the plant, where it breaks down generating ethylene. Ethylene affects various plant growth processes including flowering and lateral branching in ornamentals. 

 What is chlormequat chloride used for CAS999-81-5?

 chlormequat chloride is used to promote flowering or inhibit extension growth of floriculture crops grown in greenhouses, shadehouses and container nurseries such as geranium, poinsettia, begonia, osteo- spermum and hibiscus.

Chlormequat chloridegrowth retardant (PGR),performed and published on wheat, in which applicationsof the chemical produced shorterplants with thickerstems.  showed that the chemical could be used as a drenchto inhibit stem extension, increase stem thickness andincrease leaf greenness of chrysanthemum and poinsettia.

chlormequat chloride is used to promoteflowering or inhibit extension growth of floriculturecrops grown in greenhouses,shadehouses and containernurseries such as geranium, poinsettia, begonia, osteospermum and hibiscus. The two most common products in floriculture that contain this active ingredient are Cycocel (OHP Inc.) and Citadel (Fine Americas Inc.)

The concentration of both products is the same, 11.8 percent, and their re-entry interval is 12 hours. Comparedwith other common PGRs, chlormequat chloride is rapidly metabolized by plants, animals, bees and microbes in soil, meaning it is a relatively safe and short-lasting chemical when applied to chlormequat chloride can

be applied to poinsettia at low rates (500 to 750 ppm) after short days begin with little or no effect on bract size.

Chlormequat chloride application CAS999-81-5

Chlormequat chloride is absorbed by leaves and roots, so it is effective when

applied as a foliar spray, sprench, substrate drench or liner dip.

 The most common application method is as a spray

at a volume of 2 to 3 quarts per 100 sq. ft. Common spray rates are 750 to 1,500 ppm but can go as high as 3,000 on some crops. However, at rates above 1,250 ppm, a short-term phytotoxic response is more likely to occur. The typical phytotoxicresponse is a yellowing of immature leaves at the Depending on the rate and crop, the yellowing can disappear or be fairly persistent. Therefore, growers are encouraged to experiment with different rates on a small scale to determine height control and phytotoxicity responses.

 Drench applications do not cause phytotoxicity.However, since typical drench rates are 1,500 to 3,000 ppm, their expense limits their use.

 Spray applications are most effective when made

under slow-drying conditions, such as early morning or on a cloudy day. Avoid misting or watering for at least six hours after an application to ensure plant uptake of the PGR.

 Growth inhibition responses of sprays typically last for a few weeks, so repeated applications are sometimes necessary.

 As with all PGRs, applications are more effective

when made as plants begin to rapidly elongate, such as one to two weeks after transplant.

 Although chlormequat chloride is primarily used to

inhibit extension growth, it can also accelerate flowering of a few crops. For example, sprays of chlormequat chloride can accelerate flowering of some seed

geranium cultivars when made between two and five weeks after germination.

 Late applications (within two to three weeks of marketing) should be avoided on finish crops, since they

can potentially reduce flower size and cause phytotoxicity that persists when plants are sold.

 A tank-mix combination of chlormequat chloride plus

daminozide (e.g., B-Nine, Dazide) has been shown to be more active than using either product aloneg

Chlormequat Chloride usage technology CAS999-81-5

Katyayani Chlormequat Chloride is  extensively used for plants  to increase crop yields by retarding the unwanted vegetative growth of the plant and for diverting the energy of the vegetative growth towards the development of flowers and fruits/grains.

Its Revolutionary Formula Helps the plant to have increased chlorophyll content , extensive root development , strengthening of the shoot , early and uniform ripening and prevention of fruits and flower drop.

It also helps crops to effectively cope with environmental stresses such as drought , flood , heavy wind and also during the process of transplanting.

Used in Crops like Soyabean , Groundnut , Papaya , Garlic , Onion , Wheat , Brinjal , Ladyfinger , Potato , Cotton , Grapes etc.  It also helps crops to effectively cope with environmental stresses such as drought , flood , heavy wind and also during the process of transplanting.

Dosage : Applied to all vegetables before flowering and second spray after a 15 day interval. Max. spray. Grapes applied after 8 days of pruning & a gap of 7 days for repeat dosage.General Dosage is 1-2 Ml Solution per Litre water.

How does chlormequat work CAS999-81-5?

Chlormequat. Application of chlormequat results in shorter internodes and thicker, darker green leaves. It is used to improve plant habit and increase branching early in the production phase, particularly during Pelargonium and geranium production.

What are the side effects of chlormequat chloride CAS999-81-5?

Exposure to Chlormequat Chloride can cause nausea and vomiting. Higher levels can cause slow or irregular heartbeat, tremors, seizures, and coma. This may be fatal. Chlormequat Chloride may damage the liver.

What foods contain chlormequat CAS999-81-5?

Quaker's Old Fashioned Oats had the highest concentration of chlormequat at 291 ppb, followed by Quaker's Honey Nut Oatmeal Squares, Quaker's Maple and Brown Sugar Instant Oatmeal, Great Value Oats & Honey Granola, and Cheerios—all containing levels above 100 ppb.

Chlormequat chloride uses CAS999-81-5

Chlormequat chloride is currently registered for use as a plant growth regulator (PGR) in ornamentals grown in greenhouses and nurseries. This pesticide works to control plant size by blocking the hormones that stimulate growth prior to bloom.

In small grains like wheat, barley, oats, and triticale, lodging (the bending over or breakage of small grain stems) is a major production issue. Lodging can severely limit grain yield and harvestability and have detrimental effects on grain quality. As a PGR, chlormequat chloride application decreases the height of the grain plant stem, resulting in reduced lodging and potentially increased grain yield. Compared to other PGRs with similar use patterns, chlormequat allows for more flexibility in application timing, resulting in greater ease of use for small grain producers.

Precautions for Chlormequat chloride CAS999-81-5

Requiring personal protective equipment such as long-sleeve shirt, long pants, socks, shoes and waterproof or chemical-resistant gloves to address occupational risks of concern

Requiring 24-hour restricted entry intervals, including posting signs at all reasonably expected points of worker entry to the treated area to address occupational risks of concern 

Requiring a mandatory and an advisory spray drift management statement to address ecological risks of concern

plant growth regulators Chlormequat chloride price CAS999-81-5

Normally, the price of the pesticide Plant growth regulators Chlormequat chloride is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide Plant growth regulators Chlormequat chloride you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry

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plant growth regulators Chlormequat chloride supplier CAS999-81-5

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Plant growth regulators Chlormequat chloride please feel free to contact us to get the latest price