What Is Hymexazol Microbial Fungicides Cas 10004-44-1 Guide

What is Hymexazol?

Hymexazol Common names used for this fungicide are hymexazol and hydroxyisoxazole.Cas 10004-44-1Hymexazol is distinct from most fungicides with activity against Oomycete fungi in that it is active against certain Aphanomyces spp. Hymexazol is used worldwide as a systemic soil and seed fungicide for the control of diseases caused by Fusarium , Aphanomyces , Pythium , and Corticium spp. in rice, sugarbeet, fodderbeet, vegetables, cucurbits, and ornamentals. Investigations into its mode of action suggested that hymexazol may interfere with fungal RNA and DNA syntheses. Hymexazol is rapidly translocated and has locally systemic distribution properties. Upon entry into the plant, hymexazol is rapidly transformed into glucosides. The O‐glucoside has fungitoxic activity, whereas the N‐glucoside has been associated with certain plant growth promoting effects, such as stimulation of lateral root hair development in seedlings.

Hymexazol is a member of the class of isoxazoles carrying hydroxy and methyl substituents at positions 3 and 5 respectively. It is used worldwide as a systemic soil and seed fungicide for the control of diseases caused by Fusarium, Aphanomyces, Pythium, and Corticium spp. in rice, sugarbeet, fodderbeet, vegetables, cucurbits, and ornamentals. It has a role as an antifungal agrochemical. It is a member of isoxazoles and a heteroaryl hydroxy compound.

What are the Features of Hymexazol

Hymexazol Possesses osmotic conductivity, not only exerts effectiveness on soil pathogenic bacteria, but also promotes growth of plants Different from general fungicides, it can interact with metal ions in the soil to enhance the effectiveness in the soil Since it has little effect on actinomycetes other than soil pathogenic bacteria, it does not affect the ecology of microorganisms in the soil Decomposes into less toxic compounds in soil With systemic and conductive properties, it can be directly absorbed by plant roots, enter the plant body, and move extremely quickly. It moves to the stem in only 3 hours in the root system, and moves to the whole body of the plant within 24 hours. Its metabolites in the plant are two kinds of glucosides, which can promote the growth of plants. Branching of the roots. The number of root hairs increases, the vitality of the roots increases, and the dry matter weight of the underground part increases by 5-15%. The ability to absorb water and nutrients is very strong. Prevent root aging.

The roots treated with hymexazol were significantly whiter and tenderer than the roots without hymexazol, and had the effect of preventing and controlling root aging. It can prevent the seedlings from withering due to physiological obstacles caused by low temperature, and has good drought resistance, cold resistance, and the function of reducing herbicide damage. Improve the strong seedling rate of the seedlings, increase the total seedling weight, increase the survival rate of the seedlings after transplanting into the field, shorten the slowing time of seedlings after transplanting, turn green quickly after transplanting for 1-2 days, and promote the growth and development of the field in the early stage.

Hymexazol It can improve the efficacy in the soil. Most fungicides are used for soil disinfection and are easily absorbed by the soil, which tends to reduce the efficacy. Hymexazol still has bactericidal activity within two weeks. In the soil, it can be combined with iron of inorganic metal salts. Combined with aluminum ions, it improves the ability to inhibit the germination of germ spores. The ability to be adsorbed by the soil is extremely strong, and the mobility in the vertical and horizontal directions is very small, which plays an important role in improving the efficacy of the drug Safe, low toxicity and no residue, it is an environmentally friendly fungicide and the first choice for green food Hymexazol can be used in various insecticides and fungicides.

Microbial Fungicides Hymexazol price

Normally the price of the pesticide Microbial Fungicides Hymexazol is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest priceof the pesticide Microbial Fungicides Hymexazol you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Microbial Fungicides Hymexazol supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Microbial Fungicides Hymexazol please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.

To find a list of products containing Hymexazol which are registered , visit the website https://www.agripesticide.com/select your then click on the link for Products.

What is the use of Hymexazol?

Mode of action Systemic soil and seed fungicide. Uses Control of soil-borne diseases caused by Fusarium, Aphanomyces, Pythium, Corticium and Typhula spp., etc. in rice, sugar beet, fodder beet, vegetables, cucurbits, ornamentals, carnations, and forest tree seedlings. Applied as a soil drench, at 30-60 g a.i./hl, or by soil incorporation, and also used as a seed dressing for sugar beet and fodder beet, at 5-90 g/kg seed.

Hymexazol is With an effect on Pythium, Fusarium, and other soilborne pathogens, it protects seedling from damping-off (occurrence of Murenae) and also works for good seedling by promoting root growth

With an effect on Pythium, Fusarium, and other soilborne pathogens, it protects seedling from damping-off (occurrence of Murenae) and also works for good seedling by promoting root growth; it has been used for more than half a century as an absolutely essential chemical with the spread of raising seedlings in nursery ..

Applications of Hymexazol

Hymexazol is Systemic soil fungicide, seed detoxifier, and promotes plant growth. Hymexazol has a particularly good control effect on soil fungi, seedling rot fungi, Pythium fungi, Fusarium fungi, Cortex fungi, Rhizoctonia sp., and damping-off fungi. For example, to control rice seedling blight, use 500 times solution of 30% Shuiji on the seedbed, 3L per square meter, apply before or after seedlings, and repeat once every other week. If 100kg of beet seeds are mixed with 350-750g of 70% wettable powder, it can prevent beet damping-off.

Hymexazol is a high-efficiency, low-toxic systemic conductive fungicide for preventing and treating rice-cotton seedling blight, and has the function of excellent plant growth hormone. It can be used for soil irrigation at 600ppm before and after rice sowing or after emergence to prevent and control rice seedling blight. Blight has special effects, and the control effect is more than 93%. The medicament containing 300-600ppm active ingredient is applied to planted rice seedlings, sugar beets, saplings and other fields to prevent and control diseases caused by Fusarium, Aphaniphaces, Pythium and Poriorrhizae. The medicinal liquid containing 0.5-1% active ingredient can be used as seed treatment agent of sugar beet.

Hymexazol is Used as soil fungicide, seed treatment agent For the seedbeds of vegetables, cotton, tobacco, flowers, forestry seedlings, etc., spray the soil of the seedbed with 3000 to 6000 times hymexazol liquid before sowing, and spray 3 kg of liquid medicine per square meter to prevent seedling damping-off , blight, fusarium wilt, root rot, stem rot and other diseases.      

When the seedlings of vegetables, grains, peanuts, tobacco, medicinal materials and other crops are planted or during the growth period of the seedlings, spray with 3000-6000 times hymexazol (or 1000 times 30% hymexazol water agent) liquid spray, and spray once every 7 days , not only can prevent the occurrence of Fusarium wilt, root rot, stem rot, blight, Verticillium wilt, sheath blight, rice blast and other diseases, but also promote the development of seedling root system, strong plants, and enhance the resistance to low temperature, frost, drought, Waterlogging, pesticide damage, fertilizer damage and other natural disasters.

How to use Hymexazol

Agricultural fungicide and plant growth regulator.

Hymexazol is used to control soil-borne diseases caused by Fusarium, Aphanomyces, Pythium, Corficium and Typhula spp. in rice, sugar beet, fodder beet, vegetables, cucurbits, ornamentals, carnations and forest tree seedlings. It is also used as a seed dressing and stimulates some plant growth.

What are the Precautions for using Hymexazol

The use of pesticides must comply with the protection rules. When used for seed dressing, the dosage of chemicals should be strictly controlled, and it should be dried immediately after mixing, and the seeds should not be stuffed to prevent phytotoxicity .

It should be sprayed in sunny and windless weather, no need to re-spray if it rains 4 hours after spraying

If swallowed by mistake, drink plenty of warm water to induce vomiting, gastric lavage, and seek medical attention immediately with this label This product can be mixed with general pesticides and enhance each other.

Degradation Hymexazol Microbial Fungicides

Hymexazol is stable under alkaline conditions and relatively stable in acidic conditions. It is stable to sunlight and heat (PM). It should be noted that the parent molecule is tautomeric. Hymexazol is highly volatile and will be lost by volatilisation unless it is covered or incorporated into soil. The fungicide was completely biodegraded in natural water at 30 °C in 2 weeks and at 10-13 °C in 2 months . Hymexazol is stable in sunlight but it is readily degraded by ultraviolet light. Photolysis of an aqueous solution of the fungicide at 253.7 nm, using a low pressure Hg lamp, afforded the oxazolinone as the major product and at least two unidentified minor components. The oxazolinone has been found in soil studies as described below and is a product of rearrangement formed via an aziridinone intermediate.

Microbial Fungicides Hymexazol Methods of Manufacturing

Preparation Method 1 Preparation of β-chlorocrotonic acid ethyl ester Add ethyl acetoacetate and 0.115mol phosphorus pentachloride to 40mL benzene, stir at -8-5℃ for 3h, then add 30mL methanol and 30mL aqueous solution Decompose phosphorus oxychloride and distill under reduced pressure to obtain β-chlorocrotonic acid ethyl ester light yellow liquid, bp5052℃/1.33×103Pa, refractive index 1.4567, yield 77%78% (literature value: bp51℃/1.33 ×103Pa, refractive index 1.4596). The preparation of ethyl β-chlorocrotonate can also adopt the non-solvent method, and the post-treatment adopts the process of decomposing phosphorus oxychloride with water and standing stratification. Operation process: Stir the ethyl acetoacetate with 0.067mol phosphorus pentachloride at 0℃ for 6h, control the temperature not to exceed 10℃, drop water to decompose phosphorus oxychloride, let stand for 30min, distill the light yellow liquid under reduced pressure, Obtained β-chlorocrotonic acid ethyl ester, yield 85%. Synthesis of oxacillin Dissolve 45.2g (0.807mol) of potassium hydroxide in 200mL of methanol, add dropwise an aqueous solution containing 16g (0.228mol) of hydroxylamine hydrochloride, and add 20g (0.133mol) of β-chloroform at 05℃ A 40 mL methanol solution of ethyl crotonate was stirred at 68°C for 4 h. After the reaction was completed, 30 mL of concentrated hydrochloric acid was neutralized to pH=1. The solvent was recovered by filtration and distillation under reduced pressure. The residual liquid was cooled, filtered, and dried to obtain 12.2 g. Color needle crystal, mp8182.5℃ (literature value: 81℃), purity 98%, yield 90%.

Preparation Method 2: Ethyl acetoacetate is chlorinated with phosphorus pentachloride to form ethyl 3, 3-dichlorobutyrate, and then reacted with hydroxylamine hydrochloride to form N-hydroxy-3, 3-dichlorobutanamide, and then Sodium hydroxide reaction, deacidification, cyclization to obtain oxalicarb. Preparation method 3: Add 0.02mol benzylhydroxylamine and 0.02mol diketene to benzene, heat and reflux for 1h to obtain 75% benzylacetoacetyl hydroxamic acid. Take 0.01mol of benzylacetoacetyl hydroxamic acid in methanol, shake in a hydrogen stream for 3h in the presence of 20% Pd-C, the mixture is filtered, the filtrate is evaporated, and the resulting residue is placed in ethanol saturated with hydrochloric acid overnight. Then evaporate under vacuum to get 71% product.