Who else needs Herbicide paraquat

Recently, China binzhou Zhongchang Agricultural Chemical Co., Ltd. sent 176,000 kilograms of the pesticide herbicide paraquat to Myanmar.The company is an import and export foreign trade enterprise specializing in the research and development, manufacturing, production and sales of pesticides and fertilizers.

The company is mainly engaged in four categories of pesticides: insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and regulators. The preparation products range from staple crops to economic crops, as well as more than 230 kinds of regional specialty crops. The upstream intermediates of pesticides are also increasingly rich and well-organized. Manufacturers of pesticides that supply the world.

What is Herbicide paraquat?

Paraquat is a toxic chemical that is widely used as an herbicide (plant killer), primarily for weed and grass control.cas4685-14-7 paraquat is available primarily as a liquid in various strengths.This means that it can be used only by people who are licensed applicators.Because paraquat is highly poisonous,a sharp odor to serve as a warning, and an added agent to cause vomiting if someone drinks.

Paraquat was first produced for commercial purposes in 1961.Worldwide, paraquat is still one of the most commonly used herbicides.

Paraquat also known as methyl viologen, is an organic compound with the chemical formula [(C6H7N)2]Cl2. It is classified as a viologen, a family of redox-active heterocycles of similar structure.This salt is one of the most widely used herbicides. It is quick-acting and non-selective, killing green plant tissue on contact. It is also toxic (lethal) to human beings and animals due to its redox activity, which produces superoxide anions.

How Herbicide paraquat works

As an herbicide, paraquat acts by inhibiting photosynthesis. In light-exposed plants, it accepts electrons from photosystem I (more specifically ferredoxin, which is presented with electrons from PS I) and transfers them to molecular oxygen. In this manner, destructive reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced. In forming these reactive oxygen species, the oxidized form of paraquat is regenerated, and is again available to shunt electrons from photosystem I to restart the cycle.This induces necrosis, and unlike with some mechanisms of necrosis, does not produce double-stranded breaks.

The extent of poisoning caused by paraquat depends on the amount, route, and duration of exposure and the person’s health condition at the time of the exposure.

Paraquat causes direct damage when it comes into contact with the lining of the mouth, stomach, or intestines.

After paraquat enters the body, it is distributed to all areas of the body. Paraquat causes toxic chemical reactions to occur throughout many parts of the body, primarily the lungs, liver, and kidneys.

Cells in the lung selectively accumulate paraquat likely by active transport.

How Paraquat Works

Paraquat works by inhibiting the photosynthetic or food-producing process in plants, rapidly transferring the electron to oxygen, and forming a highly reactive superoxide free radical. This results in the disintegration of plant membrane and tissues, rapidly killing the plant in just one to two hours.

Herbicide use paraquat

Paraquat is classified as a non-selective contact herbicide.

It kills a wide range of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds and the tips of established perennial weeds.

It is very fast-acting.

It is rain-fast within minutes of application.

It is partially inactivated upon contact with soil.

Grasses: When used as directed on the label, paraquat is highly effective in eliminating unwanted grasses, especially those that are resistant to other herbicides. Paraquat is known to have more activity on grasses, and it is also used to control grass cover crops or annual cereals such as rye, wheat, and barley.

Broad-leaved weeds: The toxic chemical paraquat kills a wide range of broad-leaved weeds to avoid problems such as decreased crop yield, inhibition of plant growth, and increased agricultural cost.

Perennial weeds: are troublesome vegetation that lives for more than two years or longer. These plants need to be controlled to avoid reduced yield and quality of crops.

Herbicide paraquat price

Normally the price of the pesticide Herbicide paraquat is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest priceof the pesticide Herbicide paraquat you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Herbicide paraquat supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Herbicide paraquat please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.

To find a list of products containing paraquat which are registered , visit the website https://www.agripesticide.com/select your then click on the link for Products.

What is Paraquat used for?

Paraquat is used for weed and grass control in many agricultural and non-agricultural settings. Applicators also spray it before planting or harvest in different types of crops, such as corn, cotton, soybean, peanuts, and wheat.

The chemical can also be applied as a desiccant and defoliant in certain crops. As a non-selective contact herbicide, paraquat can quickly terminate crops and kill vegetation quickly by contact and translocation within the plant.

What are the ingredients of paraquat?

Paraquat products have paraquat as their active ingredient. However, these paraquat-containing formulations are also made up of a cocktail of ingredients that may contribute to the overall toxicity of the weed killer. The most common paraquat ingredients are listed below.

Paraquat dichloride: is a quick-acting, non-selective organic chloride salt that destroys green plant tissue on contact, making it reasonably effective to use in agriculture when used as directed on the label. However, it is highly toxic to humans and animals because of its redox cycling, which causes direct cellular damage.

Emetic PP796: An emetic is a substance that causes nausea and vomiting. The chemical called emetic PP796 was added to paraquat in 1976 to induce early vomiting, reduce absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, and prevent poisoning.

Magnesium sulfate: a naturally occurring mineral that has purgative effects and can purge an ingested poisonous chemical out of the digestive system.

Alginate: The new formulation of paraquat contains alginate, a natural product obtained from seaweed. It can slow down gastrointestinal absorption of paraquat, and it also protects the stomach lining from the damaging effects of the toxic chemical.

How is paraquat made?

Paraquat is made by using paraquat dichloride, an organic chloride salt, which appears as a white, crystalline, and odorless powder in its purest form.

Paraquat is also referred to as methyl viologen, an organic compound that has a handful of commercial uses but is more frequently used as a broadleaf weed killer.

Paraquat looks like a blue liquid. This is because of the distinctive blue dye that manufacturers inject the chemical with to avoid accidental ingestion, as it is likely to be confused with beverages.

How could be exposed to paraquat

The most likely route of exposure to paraquat that would lead to poisoning is ingestion (swallowing).

Paraquat can be mixed easily with food, water, or other beverages. If the form of paraquat that is used does not contain the safeguard additives (dye, odor, and vomiting agent), people might not know that the food, water, or other beverages are contaminated. Eating or drinking paraquat-contaminated food or beverages could poison people.

Paraquat poisoning is also possible after skin exposure. Poisoning is more likely to occur if the skin exposure lasts for a long time, involves a concentrated version of paraquat, or occurs through skin that is not intact (skin that has sores, cuts, or a severe rash).

If it is inhaled, paraquat could cause poisoning leading to lung damage.

Licensed applicators of paraquat are the people most at risk for exposure.

Immediate signs and symptoms of paraquat exposure

After a person ingests a large amount of paraquat, he or she is immediately likely to have pain and swelling of the mouth and throat. The next signs of illness following ingestion are gastrointestinal (digestive tract) symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea (which may become bloody).

Severe gastrointestinal symptoms may result in dehydration (not enough fluids in the body), electrolyte abnormalities (not enough sodium and potassium in the body), and low blood pressure.

Weed resistance management paraquat

Problems with herbicide resistant weeds may be addressed by applying herbicides with different modes of action, along with cultural methods such as crop rotation, in integrated weed management (IWM) systems. Paraquat, with its distinctive mode of action, is one of few chemical options that can be used to prevent and mitigate problems with weeds that have become resistant to the very widely used non-selective herbicide glyphosate.

Before planting a crop, weeds are sprayed with glyphosate first, then followed seven to ten days later by a paraquat herbicide. Although twice as expensive as using a single glyphosate spray, the "Double Knock" system is widely relied upon by farmers as a resistance management strategy.herbicide resistance has been seen for both herbicides in a vineyard in Western Australia.

Toxicity paraquat

Paraquat is toxic to humans (Category II) by the oral route and moderately toxic (Category III) through the skin.Pure paraquat, when ingested, is highly toxic to mammals, including humans, causing severe inflammation and potentially leading to severe lung damage (e.g., irreversible pulmonary fibrosis, also known as 'paraquat lung'), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and death.[36][37] The mortality rate is estimated between 60-90%.

Paraquat is also toxic when inhaled and is in the Toxicity Category I (the highest of four levels) for acute inhalation effects.determined that particles used in agricultural practices (400–800 μm) are not in the respirable range.Paraquat also causes moderate to severe irritation of the eye and skin.Diluted paraquat used for spraying is less toxic; thus, the greatest risk of accidental poisoning is during mixing and loading paraquat for use.

The standard treatment for paraquat poisoning is first to remove as much as possible by pumping the stomach.Fuller's earth or activated charcoal may also improve outcomes depending on the timing. Haemodialysis, haemofiltration, haemoperfusion, or antioxidant therapy may also be suggested.Immunosuppressive therapy to reduce the inflammation is an approach suggested by some, however only low certainty evidence supports using medications such as glucocorticoids with cyclophosphamide in addition to the standard care to reduce mortality.It is also unknown if adding glucocorticoid with cyclophosphamide to the standard care has unwanted side effects such as increasing the risk of infection.Oxygen should not be administered unless SpO2 levels are below 92%, as high concentrations of oxygen intensify the toxic effects.Death may occur up to 30 days after ingestion.

How you can protect yourself, and what you should do if you are exposed to paraquat

Because ingestion is likely to be the primary route of exposure, if poisoning is suspected, avoid any further ingestion and seek medical attention immediately.

Pre-hospital therapy may include oral administration of activated charcoal or Fuller’s earth in order to bind ingested paraquat.

If you think you may have been exposed to liquid paraquat on your clothes or body, remove your clothing, rapidly wash your entire body with soap and water, and get medical care as quickly as possible.

Removing your clothing:Quickly take off clothing that has liquid paraquat on it. Any clothing that has to be pulled over the head should be cut off the body instead of pulled over the head.

If you are helping other people remove their clothing, try to avoid touching any contaminated areas, and remove the clothing as quickly as possible.

Washing yourself:As quickly as possible, wash any liquid paraquat from your skin with large amounts of soap and water. Washing with soap and water will help protect people from any chemicals on their bodies.

If your eyes are burning or your vision is blurred, rinse your eyes with plain water for 10 to 15 minutes. If you wear contacts, remove them and put them with the contaminated clothing. Do not put the contacts back in your eyes (even if they are not disposable contacts). If you wear eyeglasses, wash them with soap and water. You can put your eyeglasses back on after you wash them.

Disposing of your clothes:

After you have washed yourself, place your clothing inside a plastic bag. Avoid touching contaminated areas of the clothing. If you can’t avoid touching contaminated areas, or you aren’t sure where the contaminated areas are, wear rubber gloves or put the clothing in the bag using tongs, tool handles, sticks, or similar objects. Anything that touches the contaminated clothing should also be placed in the bag. If you wear contacts, put them in the plastic bag, too.

Seal the bag, and then seal that bag inside another plastic bag. Disposing of your clothing in this way will help protect you and other people from any chemicals that might be on your clothes.