Why is dichlorvos which has been used for more than 60 years so prosperous?

What is dichlorvos?

Dichlorvos, also known as DDV and DDVP, is a high-efficiency, broad-spectrum organophosphorus insecticide, which has stomach poisoning, contact killing and strong fumigation effects. It has a good control effect. It has a strong knockdown power against pests and can knock down and kill pests in an instant. It is mainly used to control sanitary pests, agricultural and forestry pests, gardening pests, granary pests and other pests.

Dichlorvos is a kind of organophosphorus insecticide with molecular formula C4H7Cl2O4P and Cas 62-73-7. An organophosphorus insecticide, the industrial products are colorless to light brown liquid, the boiling point of the pure product is 74°C (at 133.322Pa), the volatility is high, the solubility in water at room temperature is 1%, and the solubility in kerosene is 2% to 3%. , Soluble in organic solvents, easy to hydrolyze, and decompose faster when encountering alkali. High toxicity, acute toxicity LD50 value: for rats, it is 56-80 mg/kg orally, and 75-210 mg/kg per skin.

Dichlorvos physical properties

The insecticide dichlorvos is a light brown viscous liquid, slightly soluble in water (the solubility in water at room temperature is 1%), easily soluble in most organic solvents, volatile, flammable at high temperature, and highly toxic. The refractive index is 1.4523, the boiling point is 74°C, the relative density is 1.42, the melting point is -60°C, the viscosity is 1.86cP, and the flash point is 75°C.

Dichlorvos chemical properties

The main chemical components of the insecticide dichlorvos are dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate and dichloroacetaldehyde, which are chemically stable, can be hydrolyzed, and react strongly with alkaline substances. This chemical is also corrosive to a certain extent, but not very strong. It can only corrode iron, and has no effect on aluminum, steel, etc.

The insecticide dichlorvos is mainly used as an agricultural chemical to kill insects. It is a medium insecticide. Although it has no pungent taste, its insecticidal efficiency is still very high. It is mainly aimed at some insects on crops, such as cotton aphids and collembola, and is generally used to eliminate flies and mosquitoes at home. Dichlorvos is particularly poisonous when used in real life, so for your own safety, wear a gas mask when spraying this drug.

Physical and chemical properties of dichlorvos

The insecticide dichlorvos is a colorless to amber liquid with a slight aromatic odor. The preparation is light yellow to yellow-brown oily liquid, which decomposes slowly in aqueous solution, and decomposes faster when it encounters alkali. It is stable to heat and corrosive to iron. Poisonous to humans and animals, highly toxic to fish, highly toxic to bees.

Main ingredients: content: 80.0%, 50.0% emulsifiable concentrate; 20% plastic slow-release agent.

Appearance and properties: The pure product is a colorless liquid with an aromatic odor, volatile.

Dichlorvos melting point (°C): -60°C

Boiling point (°C): 74 (133.3Pa, 1mmHg).

Relative density (water=1): 1.415 (25°C).

Stability and Reactivity: Stable to heat but capable of hydrolysis.

Hazardous characteristics: Combustible in case of open flame and high heat. When heated, it will decompose and emit toxic gases of phosphorus oxide and chloride.

Solubility: The solubility in water at room temperature is about 10g/L, 2% to 3% soluble in kerosene, and miscible with most organic solvents and aerosol propellants.

Dichlorvos structural formula

The insecticide dichlorvos is a colorless oily liquid, volatile, used to control agricultural pests such as cotton aphids, and also used to kill mosquitoes and flies. The insecticide dichlorvos is a colorless to amber liquid with an aromatic smell. The relative density is 1.42. The boiling point is 74°C (133.32Pa). The refractive index is 1.4523. The solubility in water at room temperature is 10g/L. Dissolve 2-3g/kg in DDVP kerosene. Miscible with most organic solvents and aerosols, stable to heat, but hydrolyzed. It hydrolyzes faster in alkaline solution. Corrosive to iron and mild steel. Non-corrosive to stainless steel, aluminum, nickel. 80% dichlorvos EC is light yellow to yellow-brown transparent liquid. 50% dichlorvos is light yellow oily liquid. The flash point is 75°C (with diesel oil), and the viscosity is 1.86cP. 20% dichlorvos slow-release agent in plastic block, the weight of the thin block is 29-33g/block.

Dichlorvos main features

(1) Wide range of control: Dichlorvos is a high-efficiency broad-spectrum insecticide and acaricide of organophosphate, which can effectively control mosquitoes, flies, gnats, larvae, bedbugs, cockroaches, black-tailed leafhoppers, armyworms, aphids, red spiders, Rice duster, borer, pear star caterpillar, mulberry beetle, mulberry whitefly, mulberry looper, tea silkworm, tea caterpillar, masson pine caterpillar, willow green moth, caterpillar, yellow striped flea beetle, cabbage borer, bridge builder, spodoptera litura , Apple nest moth and dozens of other pests.

(2) Not affected by temperature: Dichlorvos is different from other organophosphorus insecticides in that it has good activity at low temperature, is minimally affected by temperature, and can be used in most of the year.

(3) Fast knockdown speed: Dichlorvos mainly acts on the nervous system of pests, can knock down pests within a few minutes, can quickly prevent pests from feeding, and protect crops to the greatest extent.

(4) No drug resistance: Dichlorvos has contact killing, stomach poisoning and fumigation effects, and has many action sites, so it is difficult for pests to develop resistance. Although it has been used for more than 60 years, pests still have not developed resistance, and the insecticidal effect is still outstanding.

(5) Easy to use: Dichlorvos has the functions of contact killing, stomach poisoning and fumigation. It can be used not only for spraying, but also for indoor airtight fumigation and root irrigation. The ideal control effect can be achieved.

(6) Cheap price: Dichlorvos has more than 60 years of factory production, more mature production technology, higher purity, and lower cost. It is one of the lowest-cost pesticides at present. The cost per mu is only about 1 yuan, and it can be widely used by farmers. accept.

(7) Fast decomposition and low residue: Dichlorvos has a wide insecticidal spectrum, but it will decompose quickly under high temperature and strong light and when it encounters alkali. The safe interval is 7 days. The safety interval is shorter than that of general fungicides, and has minimal impact on agricultural products and the environment. This is one of the main reasons why dichlorvos has not been banned.

Dichlorvos application

Control object

It is effective against pests with chewing mouthparts and piercing and sucking mouthparts. Can be used for vegetables, fruit trees and a variety of field crops.

1. To control cabbage caterpillar, cabbage armyworm, cabbage leaf bee, cabbage aphid, cabbage borer, and armyworm, spray with 1500-2000 times of 80% EC.

2. To prevent and control ladybugs, budworms, whiteflies, cotton bollworms, diamondback moths, lamp moths, and noctuids, spray with 80% EC 1000 times liquid.

3. Spray with 50% EC 1000-1500 times liquid to control spider mites and aphids.

4. To control small cutworm, yellow shougua, and yellow scorpion beetle, spray or irrigate the roots with 800-1000 times of 80% EC.

5. To control greenhouse whitefly, spray with 1000 times of 80% EC to prevent adults and nymphs. Spray 1 drink every 5 to 7 days, and spray 2 to 3 times to control the damage. It can also be fumigated with dichlorvos smoke agent. The method is: seal the protected area for fumigation before closing work in the evening, and use 0.5 kg of 22% dichlorvos smoke agent per mu. Or put sawdust in the flowerpot, sprinkle 80% dichlorvos EC, put a few red-hot briquettes, and use 0.3-0.4 kg EC.

6. To control bean borer, spray 80% dichlorvos EC 1000 times liquid when the petals open before 8 o'clock in the morning during the full flowering period of cowpea (when 2 to 3 flowers are relatively concentrated), and focus on spraying buds, flowers, tender pods and ground flowers, Even spray 2 to 3 times.

Dichlorvos performance

A fast-acting broad-spectrum phosphate insecticide and acaricide. It is moderately toxic to higher animals, highly volatile, and easily enters the body of higher animals through the respiratory tract or skin. Toxic to fish and bees. It has a strong fumigation effect, stomach poisoning and contact killing effect on pests and spider mites. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, quick effect, short duration and no residue.

The insecticide dichlorvos can be made into a high-concentration medicinal liquid with emulsifiable concentrate and sprayed on the warehouse pests and mites. After 3-4 days of airtight ventilation, the medicinal effect is better when the temperature is higher. The liquid medicine is sprayed on the wall of the cotton warehouse for fumigation, which can prevent rice brown planthopper and cotton pink bollworm. Fumigation of poisonous soil or poisonous bran in the field can prevent armyworm. Spraying the liquid medicine can prevent hidden pests such as rice leaf rollers. Dichlorvos can decompose quickly after application, has a short duration and no residue, and can be applied in a short period of time before crop harvest to control pests with piercing-sucking and chewing mouthparts, so it is suitable for apples, pears, grapes, etc. On fruit trees and vegetables, mushrooms, tea trees, mulberry trees, and tobacco, the general prohibition period before harvest is about 7 days. It is prone to phytotoxicity to sorghum and corn, and melons and beans are also more sensitive, so care should be taken when using it.

The role and efficacy of dichlorvos

The insecticide dichlorvos has fumigation, stomach poisoning and contact killing effects, and the poisoning effect is rapid and the residual period is short. Moderately toxic to humans and animals. It is suitable for pest control on various plants such as wheat, rice, cotton, green vegetables, mulberry trees, apples, etc. It can also be used for the control of warehouse and sanitary pests.

1. To control cabbage caterpillar, cabbage armyworm, cabbage leaf bee, cabbage aphid, cabbage borer, and armyworm, spray with 80% EC 1500-2000 times.

2. To control ladybugs, budworms, whiteflies, cotton bollworms, diamondback moths, lamp moths, and noctuids, spray with 80% EC 1000 times.

3. Spray with 50% EC 1000-1500 times liquid to control spider mites and aphids.

4. To control the small cutworm, yellow shougua, and yellow scorpion beetle, spray or irrigate the roots with 800-1000 times of 80% EC.

5. To control whitefly in the greenhouse, spray with 1000 times of 80% EC to prevent adults and nymphs. Spray 1 drink every 5-7 days, and spray 2-3 times to control the damage. It can also be fumigated with dichlorvos smoke agent. The method is: seal the protected area for fumigation before closing work in the evening, and use 0.5 kg of 22% dichlorvos smoke agent per mu. Or put sawdust in the flowerpot, sprinkle 80% dichlorvos EC, put a few red-hot briquettes, and use 0.3-0.4 kg EC.

6. To control bean borer, spray 1000 times of 80% dichlorvos EC when the petals open before 8 o'clock in the morning during the full flowering period of cowpea (when 2-3 flowers are relatively concentrated), and focus on spraying buds, flowers, tender pods and ground flowers, Even spray 2-3 times.

How to use dichlorvos

1. Eliminate maggots: Add 1 part of the original solution (50% emulsion) to 500 parts of water, spray the cesspit or sewage surface, and use 0.25-0.5 mL of the original solution per square meter.

2. Eliminate lice: Spray the above-mentioned diluted solution on the quilt and leave it for 2 to 3 hours.

3. Killing mosquitoes and flies: 2mL of the original solution, add 200mL of water, pour on the ground, close the windows for 1 hour, or soak the original solution with a cloth strip and hang it indoors. Use about 3-5mL for each house, and the effect can be guaranteed for 3-7 days.

4. Eliminate bedbugs: 1 part of stock solution, add 200mL of water, to brush the crevices.

Dichlorvos toxicity

The insecticide dichlorvos is a broad-spectrum insecticide and acaricide. It has contact killing, stomach poisoning and fumigation effects. The contact effect is better than that of trichlorfon, and it has a strong and fast knockdown effect on pests.

Dichlorvos moderately poisonous insecticide. The original medicine is flammable, and the emulsifiable concentrate is flammable. Oral LD50 of male rats: 80mg/kg; oral LD50 of female rats: 56mg/kg; percutaneous LD50 of male rats: 107mg/kg; percutaneous LD50 of female rats: 75mg/kg. The no-effect dose for male rats was 1000ppm. Bluegill TLm (24 hours) 1mg/L, sunfish 2 hours LC50: 1ppm. 80% of dichlorvos can be taken orally, absorbed through the skin or inhaled through the respiratory tract. Oral poisoning has a short incubation period, rapid onset, serious condition, common coma, and death within tens of minutes. The symptoms of digestive tract irritation are obvious in those who take it orally.

Toxicity: It is a moderate poison.

Acute toxicity: LD50: 50-92mg/kg (by mouth for mice); 50-110mg/kg (by mouth for rats)

Subacute and chronic toxicity: When the oral dose of rabbits is above 0.2mg (kg·day), after 24 weeks, it will cause chronic poisoning, if it exceeds 1mg (kg·day), severe lesions will occur in the animal liver cloud, and ChE will continue to decline.

Dichlorvos poisoning symptoms

1. The main reason is that dichlorvos is an organophosphorus pesticide, which is widely used to kill insects on crops, and to kill mosquitoes and flies at home. More common inhalation or ingestion and poisoning.

2. The main symptoms are dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, drooling, miosis, blurred vision, profuse sweating, and dyspnea. In severe cases, the whole body feels tight, the chest compresses, the muscles throb, and the movements are involuntary. Unclear pronunciation, miosis as large as a needle tip or unequal size, convulsions, foaming at the mouth, coma, incontinence, slow pulse and respiration, and finally stop.

Dichlorvos first aid measures

Skin contact: Take the patient away from the scene immediately, take off the contaminated clothes, and wash the contaminated parts of the whole body thoroughly with soapy water or alkaline solution.

Eye Contact: Rinse with soda water or normal saline.

Ingestion: Immediately take 1%-2% soda water orally, or gastric lavage with 0.2%-0.5% potassium permanganate solution, and take 1-2 tablets of PAM or atropine.

Dichlorvos protective measures

Respiratory system protection: During production operations or agricultural use, it is recommended to wear a self-priming filter respirator (full face mask). Self-contained breathing apparatus must be worn in high-concentration environments.

Eye Protection: Protected in respiratory protection.

Body protection: wear tape anti-virus clothing.

Hand Protection: Wear rubber gloves.

Other Protection: Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited at the work site. After work, wash thoroughly. Work clothes are not allowed to be taken to non-work places. Store poison-contaminated clothes separately and wash them for later use. Pay attention to personal hygiene.

Dichlorvos emergency medical

1. The incubation period is short, and the onset usually occurs within 10 to 30 minutes after oral administration; the onset of spray poisoning usually occurs within 2 to 6 hours.

2. It has a series of manifestations of cholinergic nerve overexcitation.

3. A small number of patients developed delayed peripheral neuropathy 2 to 3 weeks after poisoning.

4. A small number of patients developed intermediate myasthenic syndrome during the course of the disease.

5. After oral administration, the gastrointestinal irritation symptoms are obvious, which can cause gastric mucosal damage, and even cause gastric bleeding or gastric perforation.

6. Contact dermatitis caused by dichlorvos emulsifiable oil is more common. It is often sprayed or directly sprinkled on bedding and clothes for the purpose of exterminating lice to contaminate the skin. The onset occurs after 30 minutes to several hours of contact, and the skin has itching or burning sensation. Skin flushing, swelling, blisters, local muscle tremors may be accompanied.

7. The activity of blood cholinesterase is reduced, and the resurrection is slow.

Dichlorvos handling principles

1. Skin polluters should be washed thoroughly with soapy water as soon as possible, especially hair and nails.

2. Oral poisoning requires prompt vomiting and gastric lavage. Because dichlorvos has a strong stimulating effect on the gastric mucosa, care should be taken during gastric lavage to prevent gastrointestinal mucosal bleeding or gastric perforation.

3. The treatment effect of oxime rejuvenating agents is not satisfactory. The treatment is mainly based on atropine drugs, and atropine should be achieved as soon as possible. Patients with oral poisoning and productive poisoning should use a large amount of drugs.

4. In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, atropine should not be stopped too early or too fast. During the treatment, the condition should be closely observed, especially the state of consciousness, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, pupil, sweating, and lung conditions, and heart monitoring should be paid attention to.

Dichlorvos first aid

1. Immediately after taking dichlorvos, gastric lavage should be done thoroughly. If the mind is clear, take 400-500 mL of water or 2% small soda water, and then use chopsticks to stimulate the throat to make it vomit, and repeat it several times until the washed liquid has no dichlorvos smell until.

2. Those with dyspnea should inhale oxygen, and those who sweat a lot should drink light salt water. For muscle convulsions, 10 mg of diazepam can be injected intramuscularly. Clean up nasal and oral secretions in time to keep the airway unobstructed.

3. Atropine, subcutaneous injection of 0.5-1 mg/time for mild cases, once every 30 minutes to 2 hours; subcutaneous injection of 1-2 mg/time for moderate cases, once every 15-60 minutes; immediate intravenous injection of 2-5 mg for severe cases , after each 1 ~ 2mg, once every 15 to 30 minutes, the condition improved, can gradually reduce and prolong the interval between medication. Combination of chlorphosphine and atropine has a synergistic effect and can reduce the dosage of atropine.

Dichlorvos precautions

Dichlorvos is easy to evaporate and penetrate through the skin, so the production should strive for perfect airtightness and good ventilation. When using it in agriculture, pay attention to personal protection, especially when using it for fumigation in granaries, pay attention to respiratory protection. According to the survey, if the product is piled up in the granary with a dose of 150 g/m³, the concentration in the air in the granary will reach 0.5-23.2 mg/m³ after 1 hour. ChE activity was significantly altered. If you wear a sandwich gauze mask, there is a 5% to 10% alkaline liquid wet layer in the middle, which can play a certain protective role. If you use the spray method, you should also pay attention to skin protection. When using dichlorvos to prevent and control pests, it should be noted that the amount of use should be appropriate and not excessive; after the house is airtight and exterminated, it must be fully ventilated before entering; it is also necessary to pay attention to the storage of this product, especially to keep children out of contact. When dichlorvos is used to continuously kill mosquitoes and flies indoors, the method of use should be improved and the amount of use should be controlled to keep the product in the air at a safe concentration.

Dichlorvos leakage emergency treatment

Quickly evacuate personnel from the leaked contaminated area to a safe area, and strictly restrict access. Cut off the fire source. Wear anti-virus and. Cut off source of leak. Small spills should be absorbed or absorbed with sand or other non-combustible materials. It can also be washed with a large amount of water, and the washed water is diluted and put into the waste water system. Large amount of leakage: Construct dikes or dig pits for containment. Cover with foam to reduce vapor hazards. Use a pump to transfer it to a tank truck or a special collector, and recycle it or transport it to a waste treatment site for disposal.

Dichlorvos is an organophosphorus insecticide in the form of an emulsifiable oil. The main component is dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate, which has high drug action and no residue. It is widely used in agriculture, and has a remarkable effect on the control of chewing caterpillars in crops.

Under normal circumstances, 60 grams of dichlorvos can be added to 30 kilograms of water, and it can be evenly sprayed on the crops. The main reason is to choose to use it at the young stage of the pest, so that the drug effect will be faster and the mortality of the pest will be higher. The residual effect period of dichlorvos is relatively short, but the effect is obvious, so each crop can be used up to 3 to 5 times in a cycle, and the safe interval is one week. Moreover, the damage to corn, sorghum, cotton, fruit trees and other crops will be relatively large, so try to use as little dosage as possible. It can also be used in warehouses, but it should be sprayed in moderation to kill some pests that live in wood.

Precautions for dichlorvos

The insecticide dichlorvos is very harmful, so be sure to wear a gas mask and gloves when using it

Do not drink water during spraying to avoid accidental ingestion.

If it accidentally gets on the skin, wash it with clean water immediately, especially the nails. If the nails are not cleaned well, they may get on the food and cause accidental ingestion.

Dichlorvos is more harmful when spraying crops, and it can be sprayed in rotation with other drugs.

If it is to release bees, try to avoid using dichlorvos during the flowering period, which may cause harm to bees.

Do not throw utensils and medicine bottles around, and wash your hands in time.

Pregnant women and babies should not be exposed to dichlorvos.

The method of using a huge toxic drug like dichlorvos in agriculture must be well remembered, and it must not be used recklessly, and it must not be allowed to endanger the health of the body.

price of insecticide dichlorvos

Usually, the price of pesticides and insecticides dichlorvos will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of Pesticide Dichlorvos you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Supplier of insecticide dichlorvos

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Insecticide Dichlorvos, please feel free to contact us for latest price.