Why is thiophanate-methyl called a universal fungicide?

What is thiophanate-methyl?

The chemical formula of thiophanate-methyl is C12H14N4O4S2, which is a broad-spectrum systemic low-toxic fungicide with systemic, preventive and therapeutic effects. It can effectively prevent and control diseases of various crops.

Thiophanate-methyl is a broad-spectrum therapeutic, low-toxicity, and low-residue fungicide of the benzoimidazole class, also known as thiophanate-methyl, which is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide, and has the function of conducting to the top of the plant. Vegetables have good preventive, protective and therapeutic effects, and can inhibit spider mites and pathogenic nematodes.

According to its chemical structure, thiophanate-methyl is a substituted benzene fungicide. After being absorbed by plants, thiophanate-methyl is transformed into carbendazim, which mainly interferes with the formation of pathogenic hyphae, affects the division of bacterial cells, poisons the cell wall, deforms the germ tubes grown by spores, and kills the pathogens. The validity period is 5-7 days. It is mainly used for foliar spraying, and can also be used for soil treatment. It can be mixed with hymexazol to control root and soil diseases, and the effect is remarkable.

Bactericidal effect of thiophanate-methyl

Dosage form: 50%, 70% wettable powder, 40%, 50% gel suspension, 36% suspension concentrate.

Features: Broad-spectrum fungicide, with apical conduction function, has preventive and therapeutic effects on various diseases. It has inhibitory effect on spider mites and pathogenic nematodes.

Scope of application: It has a good control effect on various diseases on cereals, vegetables and fruit trees.

The characteristics of thiophanate-methyl

1 Broad bactericidal spectrum

The fungicide thiophanate-methyl has been registered in more than 80 countries in the world and has been used to prevent and treat more than 180 diseases of more than 80 crops. It can be applied to watermelon, melon, tomato, pepper, celery, potato and other vegetable crops , apples, jujubes, pomegranates, bananas, citrus and other fruit trees, grain and oil crops such as wheat, corn, rice, peanuts, soybeans, and other crops such as sweet potatoes, sugar beets, Chinese medicinal materials, flowers, etc.

Melon powdery mildew, anthracnose, gray mold; tomato leaf mold, vegetable anthracnose, brown spot; apple and pear tree rot, ring spot, anthracnose, powdery mildew, fruit tree root diseases such as root rot Diseases such as rice blast, sheath blight, peanut scab, rape sclerotinia, sugar beet brown spot and other diseases have certain preventive protection and therapeutic effects.

2 good mixability

Up to now, there are more than 230 compounding products of thiophanate-methyl within the period of validity of registration in my country. It is often mixed with triazole fungicides such as tebuconazole, hexaconazole, tricyclazole, propiconazole, flueconazole, flusilazole, difenoconazole, triadimefon, diniconazole, etc. Sulfur powder, chlorothalonil, mancozeb, thiram, iprodione, azoxystrobin, thifuramide, metalaxyl, Zhongshengmycin and other fungicide ingredients are mixed.

3 different ways to use

Thiophanate-methyl can be used in foliar spraying, seed dressing, seed soaking, root irrigation, etc. It can also be used as a preservative for antiseptic storage of apples, bananas, citrus, pineapples, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, etc.

Uses of thiophanate-methyl

According to its chemical structure, thiophanate-methyl is a substituted benzene fungicide. After being absorbed by plants, thiophanate-methyl is transformed into carbendazim, which mainly interferes with the formation of pathogenic hyphae, affects the division of bacterial cells, poisons the cell wall, deforms the germ tubes grown by spores, and kills the pathogens. The validity period is 5-7 days.

It is mainly used for foliar spraying, and can also be used for soil treatment. It can be mixed with hymexazol to prevent and control root and soil diseases, and the effect is remarkable.

Thiophanate can control vegetable diseases

Control cucumber powdery mildew, anthracnose, eggplant, onion, celery, tomato, kidney bean and other gray mold, anthracnose, sclerotinia, use 50% wettable powder 1000-1500 times liquid, in the early stage of the disease, every 7-10 days Spray once a day, spray 3-4 times continuously; control lettuce botrytis and sclerotinia, spray with 50% wettable powder 700 times liquid.

The use of thiophanate-methyl: to control plant diseases

Control rape sclerotinia. During the full flowering stage of rapeseed, 50-62.5 grams of the active ingredient of thiophanate-methyl is used every 667 m2, sprayed on 50-80 liters of water, and sprayed again every 7-10 days.

Beet Brown Spot. Before the disease occurs, every 667 meters: use 37.5-62.5 grams of thiophanate-methyl active ingredient, and spray 50-80 liters of water. Spray again at intervals of 10 to 14 days.

Vegetable diseases. To prevent melon powdery mildew, anthracnose, gray mold, bean gray mold, pea powdery mildew, and brown spot, use 17.5-23.5 grams of thiophanate-methyl active ingredient and spray on 50-80 liters of water. Spray 3 to 6 times with an interval of 7 to 10 days.

Methyl thiophanate can control flower diseases

It has a certain control effect on dahlia flower rot, rose brown spot, begonia gray spot, and Clivia leaf spot. Generally, in the early stage of the disease, 83-125 grams of 50% wettable powder is used per mu, mixed with water for conventional spraying, and sprayed 3-5 times in total.

Flower diseases. Thioprazine-methyl has a certain control effect on dahlia flower rot, rose brown spot, crabapple gray spot, Clivia leaf spot, various anthracnose, powdery mildew and stem rot. Generally, in the early stage of the disease, thiophanate-methyl is divided into 41.7-62.5 grams per 667 meters twice, sprayed on 50-80 liters of water, and sprayed once every 10 days for 3-5 times.

Methyl thiophanate can control fruit tree diseases

Apple ringworm and anthracnose can be sprayed with 400-600 times liquid of 50% wettable powder, once every 10 days; grape brown spot, anthracnose, gray mold, peach brown rot, etc., can be sprayed with 50% Spray wet powder with 600-800 times liquid; for penicillium and green mold in citrus storage, use 40% glue suspension 400-600 times liquid immediately after citrus picking, soak fruit for 2-3 minutes, remove and dry Framed.

Thiophanate-methyl can control other crop diseases

Tobacco and mulberry powdery mildew can be sprayed with 50% wettable powder 300-400 mg/kg liquid; peanut leaf spot can be sprayed with 50% wettable powder 200-250 mg/kg liquid in the peak period of disease , 2 weeks apart, spraying 3 times; sweet potato black spot, 500-1000 mg/kg of wettable powder can be used to soak the seed potatoes for 10 minutes.

Cotton diseases. Seed dressing with 500 grams of active ingredients per 100 kilograms of seeds can prevent and control cotton seedling diseases.

Sweet potato diseases. Soak the seed potatoes with 400-800 times liquid and soak the base of potato seedlings with 1500 times liquid medicine for 10 minutes to control the damage of seedbed and big 183 black spot respectively.

Thiophanate-methyl can control wheat diseases

For wheat smut, 200 grams of 50% wettable powder, 4 kilograms of water, 100 kilograms of seeds can be used, and then smothered for 6 hours; three wheat head blight, spray once at the beginning of flowering, and spray the second time after 5-7 days 75-100 grams of 50% wettable powder can be used per mu.

Prevention and treatment of wheat diseases. For wheat smut, use 100 grams of thiophanate-methyl active ingredient, add 4 kg of water, mix 100 kg of wheat seeds, and then soak the seeds for 6 hours, or use 156 grams of thiophanate-methyl active ingredients, add 156 kg of water, soak the wheat seeds 100 kg, soak for 36-48 hours. For wheat head blight, spray once at the beginning of flowering stage, and spray the second time after 5-7 days. Spray with 37.5-50 grams of active ingredients of thiophanate-methyl every 667 meters each time.

Control rice diseases. To control rice blast and rice sheath blight, at the early stage of disease or from the young panicle formation period to the booting period, use 70 grams of thiophanate-methyl as an active ingredient for every 667 meters, spray 50 kilograms of water, and spray again every 1 week .

The prevention and control objects of thiophanate-methyl

Thiophanate-methyl can be used in crops such as wheat to prevent and control diseases caused by various pathogenic fungi in Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Deuteromycetes. However, it is ineffective against diseases caused by oomycetes, Alternaria, Lactobacillus longum and pathogenic bacteria. It is used for seed treatment, root watering and foliar spraying. Thiophanate-methyl can be used for the control of wheat smut.

Before sowing, use 143 grams of 70% wettable powder per 100 kg of seeds or 200 ml of 50% colloidal suspension for seed dressing treatment, and then soak for 6 hours; or before sowing, use 70% wettable powder 223 per 100 kg of seeds gram or 50% gel suspension 312 ml for seed soaking treatment. Control of wheat head blight.

At the initial flowering stage of wheat, spray 53.6-71 grams of 70% wettable powder or 75-100 ml of 50% gel suspension per mu, and the residual effect period is 5-7 days. Control of wheat snow rot. Use 20-25 grams of 70% wettable powder per mu and spray 50 kilograms of water.

What products can thiophanate-methyl be mixed with

Common dosage forms of thiophanate-methyl are 50%, 70% wettable powder, and 40% suspension concentrate. Control targets include brown spot, powdery mildew, rust, anthracnose, gray mold, black spot and other fungal diseases. Use 700-1000 times liquid of 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder each time, or 800-1200 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder.

Thiophanate-methyl can be mixed with a variety of fungicides, acaricides, and insecticides, but it should be mixed and used immediately. It cannot be mixed with copper preparations and alkaline agents.

Long-term single and continuous use of thiophanate-methyl will cause the bacteria to develop drug resistance and reduce the control effect, so it should be used in rotation with other agents. However, carbendazim, benomyl, and thiophanate-methyl should not be used in rotation because of cross-resistance between them.

Methyl agents are irritating to the skin and eyes, so direct contact with the liquid should be avoided. During use, if the liquid medicine splashes into the eyes, immediately rinse with water or 2% soda water.

How to use thiophanate-methyl

It can be used for foliar spraying, seed dressing, seed soaking, root irrigation, etc.

1. Spray

(1) Control vegetable anthracnose, powdery mildew, gray mold, sclerotinia, fusarium wilt, melon wilt, cabbage white spot, eggplant verticillium wilt, water spinach, strawberry ring spot, sunflower, strawberry snake eye disease , root beet, asparagus, basil, Chinese toon, lotus root and other special vegetables brown spot, rice white flax leaf spot, small zucchini rhizopus rot, cruciferous special vegetables brown rot, etc. Spray with 800-1000 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder in the early stage of the disease. Spray 1 time every 7~10 days, and prevent 2~3 times in a row.

(2) To prevent and control tomato leaf mold, use 35-53 grams of 70% thiophanate-methyl WP per mu at the beginning of the disease. In areas where the disease occurs seriously, the dose can be increased appropriately, up to 80 grams of preparation mixed with water and sprayed per mu. Spray once every 7-10 days, and use it 2-3 times in a row.

(3) To prevent and control cucumber powdery mildew, use 32-48 grams of 70% thiophanate-methyl WP or 40-60 grams of 70% thiophanate-methyl water-dispersible granules per mu at the beginning of the disease, and spray with water. Spray once every 7-10 days.

(4) To prevent asparagus stem blight, spray the whole plant with 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 600-1000 times liquid at the early stage of the disease. Spray once every 7-10 days, and use it 3-4 times in a row.

(5) To prevent and control watermelon anthracnose, spray 40-80 grams of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder per mu per mu at the beginning of the disease. Spray once every 7-10 days, and use it 2-3 times in a row.

(6) To prevent and control potato ring rot, use 36% thiophanate-methyl WP 800 times liquid foliar spray per mu each time at the beginning of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and apply continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(7) To control citrus scab, anthracnose, pear scab, powdery mildew, rust, black spot, ring spot, grape powdery mildew, anthracnose, etc., use 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 1000~ 1500 times liquid spray. The medicine is applied once every 10 days, and the medicine is used continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(8) To prevent and control citrus green mold and penicillium, spray the whole plant with 800-1000 times liquid of 36% thiophanate-methyl suspending agent each time in the early stage of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and apply continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(9) To prevent and control apple ring spot, spray the whole plant with 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder or 70% water-dispersible granule 600-1000 times liquid in the early stage of the disease. Spray once every 10-15 days, and use it continuously for 3-4 times.

(10) To prevent and control apple powdery mildew and scab, spray the whole plant with 36% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 800-1000 times liquid at the early stage of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, spray once every 10 days or so, 2 to 3 times in a row.

(11) To prevent and control grape, mulberry, and tobacco powdery mildew, spray the whole plant with 36% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 800-1000 times liquid at the early stage of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and apply continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(12) To control pear scab and powdery mildew, start spraying at the early stage of the disease, and spray the whole plant with 36% thiophanate-methyl WP 800-1200 times each time. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and apply continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(13) Control rice blast, sclerotinia, and sheath blight, apply pesticides at the early stage of disease or from the young ear formation stage to the booting stage, use 100-142.8 grams of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder per mu, and mix with water 40 ~50kg spray. Apply once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times in a row. Or use 36% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 800~1500 times liquid foliar spray. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, spray once every 10 days or so, and use continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(14) To prevent and control wheat head blight, spray once at the early flowering stage and the peak stage of wheat flowering, each time spray with 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 70-100 grams per mu, mixed with 40-50 kg of water .

(15) To prevent and control wheat powdery mildew and head blight, use 36% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1500 times liquid spray on the leaves at the early stage of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and apply continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(16) To prevent and control peanut scab, use 500 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder to spray at the early stage of the disease.

(17) To prevent and control peanut brown spot disease, start using medicine at the early stage or before the onset, use 25-33.3 grams of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder per mu, and spray with water. Use once every 7-10 days, and use it 3-4 times in a row.

(18) To prevent and control peanut leaf spot, spray evenly with 36% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder at 1500-1800 times each time in the early stage of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and it can be used continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(19) To prevent and control cotton fusarium wilt, spray evenly with 36% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 170 times liquid at the early stage of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and it can be used continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(20) To control rapeseed sclerotinia and downy mildew, use 100-150 grams of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder per mu, mix with 50 kilograms of water, then spray the rapeseed at its full flowering stage, and apply again every 7-10 days 1 time.

(21) To prevent and control sugar beet brown spot, use 36% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1300 times liquid spray on the leaves at the early stage of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and it can be used continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(22) To prevent and control tobacco sclerotinia, spray the whole plant with 36% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1500 times each time in the early stage of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and it can be used continuously for 2 to 3 times.

(23) To prevent moso bamboo shoot dieback, spray evenly with 36% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 1500 times liquid at the early stage of the disease. Depending on the occurrence of the disease, apply once every 10 days or so, and it can be used continuously for 2 to 3 times.

2. Seed dressing

(1) To control vegetable soybean gray spot and square bean leaf spot, use 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder to dress the seeds, and the dosage is 0.2% of the weight of the seeds.

(2) To prevent pea bacterial leaf spot, use 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder to dress the seeds, and the dosage is 0.5% to 1% of the weight of the seeds.

(3) To prevent and control garlic white rot, use 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder for seed dressing, and the dosage is 0.4% of the weight of garlic seeds.

(4) To prevent and control powdery mildew and wilt of peas, use 70% thiophanate-methyl WP for seed dressing, the dosage is 0.3% of the weight of the seeds, and then seal the seeds for 48-72 hours before sowing.

(5) To prevent brown rot of cruciferous vegetables and snake eye disease of falling sunflowers, 0.3% of the weight of seeds can be used for seed dressing with 70% thiophanate-methyl WP before sowing.

(6) To prevent and control wheat smut, mix 100 kg of seeds with 200 g of 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder mixed with 4 kg of water, and then stuff them for 6 hours.

(7) To prevent and control cotton seedling diseases, use 700 grams of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder for every 100 kilograms of cotton seeds.

3. Smear

(1) To prevent and control zucchini blight, apply 50 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder on the diseased spots where the diseased layer is scraped off on the diseased stem, and then apply once after 5 days.

(2) To prevent asparagus stem blight, apply 30-50 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder to the asparagus buds once they are unearthed. At the tender stalk stage, apply the medicine once more at the base of the stalk at 20-30 cm.

(3) To prevent and control sclerotinia of cucumbers, zucchini, etc., mix 1 kg of 70% thiophanate-methyl WP with 1.5 kg of 50% Iprodione WP, dilute with water to 50 times liquid, and apply Incidence on the stem.

(4) To prevent and control fruit tree branch rot, on the basis of scraping off the lesions, use 3% thiophanate-methyl paste stock solution or 36% thiophanate-methyl suspension 10-15 times liquid, 50% methyl Apply thiophanate wettable powder and 50% suspension concentrate 15 to 20 times on the surface of the lesion. It is better to apply the medicine once a month later.

(5) To prevent and control the branch ring disease of apples and pears, apply the medicine after scraping the tumor lightly in spring, and use 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder and vegetable oil at a ratio of 1: (20~25) or 80% thiophanate-methyl 1: (25~30) of thiophanate-methyl wettable powder and vegetable oil, 1: (15~20) ratio of 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder and vegetable oil, stir well and apply to branches.

4. Soil treatment

(1) To prevent aspergillosis of zucchini, mix 1 kg of 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder with 50 kg of dry fine soil to make medicinal soil, and sprinkle the medicinal soil on the base of melon seedlings.

(2) To prevent the wilt of wax gourd and zucchini, use 3.5 kg of 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder per mu, mix well with an appropriate amount of fine soil, and apply it when planting.

(3) To prevent and control cucumber root rot, make 500 times liquid of 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder into medicinal soil and sprinkle it on the rhizome.

(4) To control cowpea root rot, use 1 part of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder, mix well with 50 parts of fine soil, apply in holes or furrows, and use 1.5 kg of medicament per mu.

5. Root irrigation

(1) To control tomato fusarium wilt and eggplant verticillium wilt, the roots can be irrigated with 400-500 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder, and the irrigation liquid is 0.25-0.5 kg per plant.

(2) To prevent asparagus purple feather disease, use 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 700 times to irrigate the roots.

(3) To prevent and control the blight of zucchini, irrigate the roots once with 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 800 times solution in the planting hole, the root melon seat and 15 days after the root melon is harvested.

(4) To prevent asparagus stem blight, use 1000 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder to irrigate the roots when asparagus sprouts germinate.

(5) To prevent cowpea root rot, use 600-700 times of 50% thiophanate-methyl suspending agent to irrigate the roots.

(6) To prevent pepper root rot, lentil blight, asparagus blight, and crown rot, use 600 times of 50% thiophanate-methyl suspending agent to irrigate the roots.

(7) To prevent and control bitter gourd wilt, use 400 times of 50% thiophanate-methyl suspension to irrigate the roots.

(8) To prevent and control cucumber wilt, use 50% thiophanate-methyl WP 400 times to irrigate the roots.

(9) To prevent root rot of cucumbers, wax gourds, zucchini, etc., and blight of pumpkins and lentils, use 500 times liquid of 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder to irrigate the roots.

(10) Prevention and treatment of root diseases of fruit trees, such as root rot, purple feather disease, white feather disease, white silkworm, etc., on the basis of removing or scraping the diseased root tissue, watering with soil ridge under the tree tray, every early spring The spray works best. Use 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder or 70% thiophanate-methyl water-dispersible granules to irrigate with 800-1000 times liquid. The amount of watering liquid varies with the size of the tree. Area soil infiltration is appropriate.

6. Seed soaking, fruit soaking, seedling soaking

(1) To control strawberry brown spot, use 500 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl WP, soak the seedlings for 15-20 minutes, dry them and plant them.

(2) To control gray mold and stem blight of water chestnuts, soak the seeds with 800 times liquid of 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder for 18-24 hours, and sow bulbs as usual. When planting, soak the seedlings for another 18 hours.

(3) To prevent and control penicillium of pumpkin, use 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 500~1000 times liquid, and soak the fruit after harvest.

(4) To prevent garlic white rot, use 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder, the dosage is 0.2% of the seed weight, and the water consumption is 6% of the seed weight. Dissolve the medicine in water, stir well, and then use the medicine to dress the seeds.

(5) To prevent and control lotus root rot, mix 800 times liquid of 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder and 800 times liquid of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, spray seed lotus root, and then cover with plastic film and seal it for 24 hours , dried and then planted in the field.

(6) To control sweet potato black spot, soak seed potatoes with 700-2800 times liquid of 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder or 800-1000 times liquid of 36% thiophanate-methyl suspension. Soak the seeds for 10 minutes before sowing. ?

(7) To prevent green and green mildew during the storage period of citrus, use 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 500~700 times to soak the fruit after harvest.

(8) To prevent and control postharvest fruit rot disease of apples and pears, use 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder or 70% thiophanate-methyl water-dispersible granules to soak the fruit in 800~1000 times liquid before postharvest storage and transportation. After 1-2 minutes, take it out and let it dry.

Precautions for thiophanate-methyl

1. Do not mix with copper-containing and alkaline and strong acidic pesticides.

2. Continuous use is prone to drug resistance, and attention should be paid to alternate use with different types of agents. Thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim, and benomyl are all benzimidazole fungicides, so care should be taken in rotation with other agents.

3. There may be some precipitation in the suspension, which will not affect the efficacy of the medicine after being shaken well.

4. It should be stored in a cool, dry place, strictly protected from moisture and sunlight.

5. The safe interval on cucumber is 4 days, and it can be used up to 2 times per season; the safe interval on watermelon is 14 days, and it can be used up to 3 times per season; the safe interval on tomato is 3 days, and it can be used up to 3 times per season. times; on asparagus, the safe interval is 14 days, up to 5 times per season; on peanuts, the safe interval is 7 days, up to 4 times per season; on pears, the safe interval is 21 days, up to 5 times per season 2 times; the safe interval on apples is 21 days, and it can be used up to 4 times per season; the safe interval on rice is 30 days, and it can be used up to 3 times per season; the safe interval on wheat is 30 days, and it can be used every season Use up to 2 times.

The price of the fungicide thiophanate-methyl

Usually, the price of the pesticide fungicide thiophanate-methyl will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide fungicide thiophanate-methyl you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Suppliers of the fungicide thiophanate-methyl

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Fungicide Thiophanate Methyl, feel free to contact us for latest price.