endogenous plant growth regulator Brassin

What is the plant growth regulator brassinolide?

Brassinolide is recognized as a high-efficiency, non-toxic plant growth regulator, with strong penetration and rapid plant absorption. Even at a very low concentration, the vegetative growth of plants can be significantly increased, and it can also improve the cold resistance of crops. Reduce the occurrence of diseases.

The application of plant growth regulators is one of the five new technologies in agriculture, which has the characteristics of small investment, quick results, remarkable effects, and high input-output ratio. With the development of agricultural production technology, the role of plant growth regulators is becoming more and more important. On the one hand, they can further increase crop yields. crop damage. The study of plant growth regulators and their application in production is one of the major advances in modern plant physiology and agricultural science. Agricultural scientists all over the world attach great importance to this field. The application of plant growth regulators has become the level of agricultural development. important sign.

The function and advantage of natural brassinolide

Brassinosteroids derived from natural products widely exist in nature and plants, have a higher affinity for plants, are more widely used in crops, and are more suitable for the regulation of plant hormone levels. They have many functions, high activity, and good safety. The most advantageous active ingredient in vegetarian phytoregulators. With the frequent occurrence of extreme weather, it is more and more seriously affecting agricultural production and threatening food security. How to deal with the problems brought about by climate change so that farmers can adapt to these extreme weather; "The external influence and the internal influence of quality and taste can significantly improve the safety and quality of agricultural products. The natural brassinosterols have the ability to solve extreme weather conditions and improve the safety and quality of agricultural products. The natural brassinosterols have the ability to solve the problems of extreme weather environment, healthy growth of seeds, and improvement of agricultural yield and quality.

Plant growth regulators play a significant role in agriculture

Plant growth regulators are a class of pesticides that control plant growth and development, including synthetic compounds similar to natural plant hormones and hormones extracted directly from living organisms. It is the product of comprehensive development after people understand the structure and mechanism of natural plant hormones, understand trace analysis, organic synthesis, plant physiology and biochemistry, and master various science and technology of modern agriculture, forestry and gardening.

Plant growth regulators can regulate the crop itself and improve the potential of resistance. The technical requirements of crops for plant regulation products (plant growth regulators) are becoming more and more important, and the demand for precise regulation of crops is getting higher and higher. The normal growth of crops, Yield and quality are increasingly inseparable from the application of plant growth regulators.

The central role of natural brassinolide in fruits

1 Preserve flowers and fruits, significantly increase the rate of fruit setting

In the production of citrus, apple, jujube and other fruit trees, the phenomenon of flower and fruit drop is common. The natural fruit setting rate of fruit trees is generally very low. For example, citrus is usually only 2-3%. By preserving flowers and fruits, increasing the number of fruits per unit area will increase the yield of fruit trees. It is of great significance  Before flowering, 2/3 of flowers withering, and 5-7 days before the second physiological fruit drop of Guangxi Shatangju, China, the natural brassinosterol + gibberellic acid solution was used to preserve flowers and fruits, and the fruit setting rate increased by 20% compared with conventional treatments. ;Young fruits and fruit stems turn green 3 days in advance. Therefore, natural brassinosteroids are used for dried citrus, apple and other fruit trees, which have more flowering, strong flowers, and reduce deformed flowers and fruits; preserve flowers and stabilize fruits, increase fruit setting rate, and turn green quickly; reduce flower and fruit drop, and accelerate fruit development. It has a significant effect on improving fruit quality and yield.

2 Improve quality and significantly increase fruit yield

For citrus, apple, big cherry and greenhouse fruits, use 2000~3000 times of natural brassinosterol + high potassium foliar fertilizer to accelerate nutrient absorption and utilization. Promote cell division and fruit enlargement, regulate endogenous hormone levels, promote fine peel, and correct fruit shape.

The central role of natural brassinolides in field crops

1 Break seed dormancy, improve seed vitality, buds are full and strong. Natural brassinosterols can promote the enhancement of DNA and RNA polymerase activity, thereby activating the expression of related genes and the synthesis of related proteins, and can activate the activity of some ATPases. Promote the generation of H+ in the plasma membrane and transfer to the cell wall, resulting in relaxation of the cell wall, cell elongation, and accelerated tissue growth, thereby promoting the growth rate of crops and promoting seed germination more effectively.

For seed treatment before sowing of wheat, rice, corn, soybean, etc., mix 30-50 ml of natural brassinosterol with 100 catties of seeds, and use it with fungicides; soak seeds, add 1000-2000 times dilution of natural brassinosterol Appropriate amount of seeds, soak until the seeds are white. It can significantly break the dormancy of seeds, make the buds neat and strong, and the root system is developed and absorbed well.

2 Promote growth and increase crop yield

Natural brassinolide is also widely used in Turkey. According to feedback, 5% natural brassinolide mother drug compound NPK18-18-18+TE is used at the seedling stage of corn, and the addition amount is 120 grams per ton, and 200q mixed with water is sprayed One hectare has taller plants, greener and thicker leaves, and stronger corn plants.

The central role of natural brassinolides in greenhouse vegetable and fruit crops

The product of plant photosynthetic reaction is the basic source for plants to accumulate organic compounds. Natural brassinolide can enhance the activity of ribulose 1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase, increase the rate of CO2 fixation, enhance photosynthetic efficiency, and increase crop yield and income.

1 Transplant slow seedlings

After transplanting and surviving vegetable seedlings, use Shuo San 48180 ml/mu drip irrigation or irrigation to promote root growth, improve survival rate, reduce dead seedlings and rotten trees, accelerate nutrient absorption and promote rapid growth at seedling stage.

2 Lift seedlings and promote flowers

At the seedling stage or flowering stage, the abundance is 4812000~3000 times + high-energy blue health 1000 times + plant VC1000 times, which can promote thick and green leaves, promote nutrient absorption, enhance seedlings and strengthen seedlings, promote the differentiation of solanaceous flower buds, and reduce the number of deformed and weak flowers . In Italy, 0.03q pure brassinolide was applied to 1 hectare of drip irrigation for 3 consecutive times with an interval of 7 days. Tomato leaves and plants grew better, denser, greener, and tomato fruit clusters were longer.

The central role of natural brassinolide in stress resistance and yield increase

Natural brassinosterols can enhance the stress resistance of crops such as wheat, corn, rice, and fruit trees under abiotic stress conditions such as drought, high temperature, and low temperature. 2-4 days before the cold injury and freezing injury, within 3 days after the cold injury and freezing injury, and 10-15 days after the cold injury and freezing injury, 8-15ml of 0.0075% natural brassinosterol water agent + potassium dihydrogen phosphate/amino acid foliage Fertilizer mixed with 15-30 kg of water is sprayed on the leaves of cherry trees in the flowering stage, which can enhance the crops' resistance to cold damage and freezing damage, reduce the impact of freezing damage by more than 30%, and the crops affected by freezing damage will quickly recover.

Brassinolide is the sixth largest plant growth regulator with the most stress resistance function

Aiming at the problems of food security, quality safety and quality safety caused by abiotic stresses such as global low temperature, drought and high temperature on agricultural production, brassinolide, as a safe and efficient plant growth regulator, can significantly enhance the stress resistance of crops and improve the quality of crops. Plant growth regulators have been rapidly developed because of their role in improving the yield and quality of agricultural products, and then plant growth regulators such as gibberellins, abscisic acid, cytokinins, ethylene, and brassinosterols have been discovered one after another. Among the many types of plant growth regulators, brassinosterols are a class of plant hormones that play multiple roles in plant growth and development. 4 mg of biologically active substances were isolated from rape pollen collected by bees and analyzed by crystal diffraction. The chemical structure of the substance was determined, and the compound was named brassinolide.

Structural features of brassinolide

BRs are a class of phytosterol hormones, whose basic structure is a steroidal core composed of ABCD four rings, a keto group at the C6 position of the B ring, and an alkyl side chain at the C17 position of the D ring. The hydroxylation level and spatial structure of the A ring and the alkyl side chain directly affect the affinity of BRs to their receptor complexes, thereby affecting the biological activity of BRs. Natural brassinolide is the most active and well-studied brassinolide known so far. Sterols. 24-epibrassinolide, 28-homobrasinolide, 28-epihomobrassinolide, mixed epibrasinolide, propionylbrassinolide and other BL analogues were artificially synthesized.

Study on the Physiological Function and Mechanism of Brassinolide

BRs are widely present in various plants. Dozens of brassinosterols with different structures have been found in lower algae, ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms, indicating that the signal pathway of BRs produces the early stage of stem plant evolution, and Relatively conserved in plants. BRs are mainly concentrated in reproductive organs, immature seeds, and young tissues in plants, and regulate reproductive development, seed formation, and

It promotes stem elongation and root morphogenesis, and plays an active role in plant resistance to adversity stress. The synthesis of BRs in vivo occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum of the synthesis site, and then secreted to the outside of the cell through the Golgi apparatus, and then BRS is bound by receptors on the cell membrane of the effect site, thereby activating a series of signal transduction pathways in the cell. There are BRs receptor protein BRI1 and receptor complex protein BAK1 on the cell membrane[8]. In the absence of BRs, BRI1 and BAK1 interact with their inhibitory proteins BKI1 and BIR3, respectively, to prevent the formation of BRs-receptor complexes and make the BRs signaling pathway dry and closed. The cytoplasmic protein kinase BIN2 is a negative regulator of BR signaling.

Frequent occurrence of extreme weather poses challenges to agricultural production

In the case of global warming, extreme disasters caused by global climate change will increase the instability of agricultural production. Agricultural production is a production activity intertwined with natural reproduction and economic reproduction, and climate change is an important challenge in the process of agricultural production. Frequent high temperature weather in many places has brought many adverse effects on global agricultural production. First, there is a greater risk of food crop production reduction; second, the cost of agricultural production may rise; third, the uncertainty of the global food market has increased. The pursuit of agricultural product quality and yield stability has become one of the main goals of agriculture.

Improving the yield and quality of crops has historically been one of the major goals of global agriculture. This goal can roughly be achieved from the following aspects of research: one is to improve the production capacity of crops and agricultural by-products; the other is to improve the ability of anti-virus, anti-pest and anti-fungal of crops; . The use of phytochemical control technology and plant growth regulators is an important way to increase crop yield and improve crop quality, and it is of great significance to tap the potential of crop yield.

The price of brassinolide

Usually, the price of the plant regulator brassinolide will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the price of plant regulator brassinolide, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Suppliers of brassinolide

Agripestcide is a professional pesticide chemical manufacturer provides high quality and effective brassinolide with high quality and good service. If you are looking for brassinolide in bulk, feel free to contact us to get the latest price.