organophosphorus pesticide insecticide phoximL

What is phoxim (14816-18-3)?

The pesticide phoxim is an organophosphorus insecticide with the chemical formula C12H15N2O3PS and Cas 14816-18-3. It has a broad insecticidal spectrum and strong knockdown power. It mainly has contact killing and stomach poisoning effects. It has no systemic effect and has no effect on scales and wings. Order larvae are very effective. In the field, it is unstable to light and decomposes quickly, so the residual period is short and the residual risk is small. However, when the drug is applied into the soil, the residual period is very long, so it is suitable for controlling underground pests. Dosage form: 50%, 45% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate, 5% granules.

The pesticide phoxim is a synthetic low-toxic organophosphorus pesticide. It is stable in neutral and acidic conditions, decomposes quickly in alkaline conditions, has poor light stability, and decomposes quickly under ultraviolet irradiation. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, low toxicity, broad spectrum, long insecticidal residual effect, etc. It has strong contact killing and gastric poisoning effects on pests; its rapid killing effect on mosquitoes, flies, lice, and mites is second only to dichlorvos and amethrin, and stronger than Malathion, fenthion, etc. It has low toxicity to humans and livestock, is toxic to fish, and is highly toxic to bees and natural enemies of pests such as Trichogramma and ladybugs. The oral LD50 in rats is 1882-2066 mg/kg, which is a low-toxic substance. The residual effect of phoxim indoor residual spraying is long, generally up to about 3 months.

The mechanism of action of phoxim (14816-18-3)

The pesticide phoxim works in a similar way to other organophosphorus, and phoxim is also an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Inhibits the activity of acetylcholinesterase, destroys normal nerve impulse conduction, and causes a series of poisoning symptoms: abnormal excitement, paralysis, spasm, and death.

Its advantages include broad insecticide spectrum, difficulty in developing resistance, strong knockdown power, mainly contact killing and stomach poisoning effects, no systemic effect, and is very effective against Lepidoptera larvae. In the field, it is unstable to light and decomposes quickly, so the residual period is short and the residual risk is small. However, when the drug is applied into the soil, the residual period is very long, so it is suitable for controlling underground pests.

It also has a long duration of effect: it maintains its efficacy for 2-4 days when sprayed in the field, and for 1-2 months in the soil.

phoxim (14816-18-3) Physical and Chemical Properties

The original drug of the pesticide phoxim is a light yellow oily liquid, which is difficult to dissolve in water and easily soluble in various organic solvents such as alcohols, ketones, aromatic hydrocarbons, etc. Slightly soluble in aliphatic hydrocarbons, vegetable oils and mineral oils and slowly hydrolyzes. Stable under neutral or acidic conditions. It is easy to decompose and fail under alkaline conditions, high temperature and ultraviolet light. Common preparations include 50% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate. phoxim has obvious synergistic effect on pyrethroids or organophosphorus, and there are many mixtures formulated with various pesticides.

phoxim (14816-18-3) Chemical Properties

The insecticide phoxim is a light yellow oily liquid. m.p.56℃, b.p.102℃/1.333Pa, there is decomposition. The refractive index is n20D1.5405, the relative density is 1.176 (20℃), and the vapor pressure is about 1.333×10-2Pa. Easily soluble in benzene, toluene, xylene, alcohols, ketones and other organic solvents, dichloroethane >500g/kg, isopropyl alcohol >600g/kg, solubility in petroleum ether is small, solubility in water at 20°C is 7mg/L. It is stable in acidic and neutral media. It hydrolyzes quickly in alkaline media (half-life is 170min at pH 11.6). It is easy to decompose at high temperatures and accelerates decomposition under light. Very low toxicity to humans and animals. It has a quick killing effect on flies, mosquitoes, mites and lice, second only to dichlorvos and permethrin. phoxim is suitable for killing surface parasites and indoor spraying to kill flies, mosquitoes, bed bugs, cockroaches, etc.

Characteristics of phoxim (14816-18-3)

The insecticide phoxim is a highly efficient and low-toxic organophosphorus insecticide. It is mainly contact and stomach poisoning. It has no systemic effect, has a broad insecticidal spectrum and strong knockdown power. It is very effective against Lepidoptera larvae. When used in the field, it is unstable to light and decomposes quickly, so the residual effect period is very short and the residual risk is minimal. The general residual effect period of foliar spray is 2-3 days; however, when the drug is applied into the soil, its residual effect period is very short. Long, up to 1 to 2 months. It is suitable for controlling underground pests, especially grubs and mole crickets of peanuts, soybeans and wheat. It also has good effects on the larvae of various lepidopteran pests that damage peanuts, wheat, rice, cotton, corn, fruit trees, vegetables, mulberry, tea and other crops. It also has a certain killing effect on insect eggs and is also suitable for preventing and controlling warehouse and sanitary pests. .

phoxim (14816-18-3) target crops

The insecticide phoxim has a high poisonous effect on lepidopteran larvae. It can control a variety of pests on wheat, corn, soybeans, tobacco and other crops. When controlling underground pests, it has a long lasting effect and good effect. phoxim quickly decomposes into non-toxic substances under light conditions and can be used to control a variety of pests in economic crops such as vegetables and oil crops.

phoxim (14816-18-3) characteristics and prevention targets

The pesticide phoxim is easy to decompose when exposed to light and alkali, and is relatively stable under neutral or acidic conditions. It has low toxicity to humans and animals, but is highly toxic to fish, bees and natural enemies. It is effective for 2 to 3 days on the leaves and up to 1 to 2 months when applied into the soil. It can be used to control underground pests. It mainly has contact and gastric effects, without systemic effects, but has certain fumigation and permeability. It has a broad insecticidal spectrum and is suitable for controlling Lepidoptera such as grape hawkmoth, hyopteran moth, star caterpillar, as well as Diptera, Homoptera pests and pest mites. It is also lethal to insect eggs.

Scope of application of phoxim (14816-18-3)

The insecticide phoxim is suitable for controlling underground pests. It has good effects on the larvae of various lepidopteran pests that harm crops such as peanuts, wheat, rice, cotton, corn, fruit trees, vegetables, mulberries, tea and other crops, and it also has a certain killing effect on insect eggs. Also suitable for controlling warehouse and hygiene pests.

phoxim (14816-18-3) protection and control of tea tree diseases and insect pests

It is stable under acidic and neutral conditions, easy to degrade under alkaline conditions, very sensitive to light (especially ultraviolet light), and easy to photodecompose. Most of the phoxim sprayed on the surface of tea leaves will be gone after one day in the sun. It photolyzes, so its residual effect period is very short, making it an ideal pesticide for sudden control of pests. It should be used in the evening or on cloudy days to reduce photolysis and increase exposure to pests. phoxim has strong contact killing effect and gastric poisoning effect. It has special effects on the larvae of lepidopteran leaf-eating pests such as tea looper, tung looper, thorn moth, and damselfly moth. It is also effective against many kinds of shield scales (such as landrace). Scales, scales, etc.) and wax scales (such as horned wax scales, turtle scales), small green leafhoppers, tea aphids, and black thorn whiteflies also have good results. It can only kill adult mites and nymphs of various tea leaf mites, but is ineffective against mite eggs. Therefore, it has only a short-term effect. The spray must be repeated about 3 days after spraying to kill newly hatched young mites. Use 75-100g of 60% emulsion per acre (made into 1500 times liquid). my country has promulgated the allowable residue standard in tea as 0.5ppm. The safety interval is 3 sunny days and 5 cloudy days.

How to use phoxim (14816-18-3)

1. Stem and leaf spray

Generally, 50% EC is used 1000-2000 times per acre and sprayed with 50 liters of water to control wheat aphids, wheat leafflies, cotton aphids, cabbage caterpillars, thrips, armyworms, aphids on fruit trees, apple leaf rollers, and pear star caterpillars. , grape leafhoppers, inchworms, whiteflies, tobacco caterpillars, etc. Spray with 50 ml of 50% EC diluted 1000 times per acre to control rice bracts, rice leaf rollers, leafhoppers, planthoppers, rice thrips, cotton flies, red flies, cutworms, small gray cicadas, Pine caterpillars etc.

2. For seed dressing, use 100-165 ml of 50% EC, 5-7.5 kg of water, and 50 kg of wheat seeds to prevent underground pests. Seed dressing can be used for corn, sorghum, millet, peanuts and other crop seeds.

3. To prevent and control underground pests, you can use 100 grams of 50% EC, 5 kilograms of water, and 50 kilograms of wheat seeds. Pile them and then sow them to prevent and control underground pests.

4. Irrigation and irrigation: Use 1000 times of 50% EC to irrigate to control cutworms. After 15 minutes, poisonous weed larvae will crawl out of the ground.

5. Prevention and Control of Stored Grain Pests Mix phoxim at a concentration of 1.25-2.5 mg/kg and mix it evenly with the grain before stacking it to prevent and control stored grain pests such as rice weevils and castaneum.

6To prevent and control sanitary pests, spray livestock stables with 500-1000 times of 50% EC, which is effective in preventing and controlling sanitary pests and is safe for livestock.

7. phoxim to repel birds: Mix 2~4kg of 3% phoxim granules into the base fertilizer. It can not only prevent underground pests such as soil silkworms, wireworms, grubs, etc., but also effectively prevent bird damage. Or use 25% phoxim microcapsule aqueous suspension 200 to 300 times, which will act as a contact kill and stomach poison when birds peck at it.

8. Disinfection of aquatic products: Fully dilute the phoxim EC and splash evenly, 50% phoxim EC, so that the concentration in the water body reaches 0.033-0.04ml/m³. It can prevent and treat parasitic diseases such as fish mackerel, Chinese eel, ringworm and other parasitic diseases, and can also treat bacterial septicemia in fish.

9. Orchard clearing for fruit trees: 500 grams of 50% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate per 667 square meters, or 500 to 600 grams of 25% phoxim microcapsule aqueous suspension, mixed with 150 kilograms of water, and spray on the orchard ground, focusing on the area around the tree tray.

phoxim (14816-18-3) use

1. To prevent and control peach heartworm and other heart-eating insect insecticides, phoxim is used. During the emergence period of overwintering larvae of peach heartworm, use 50% phoxim EC at 500 grams per 667 square meters, or 25% phoxim microcapsule aqueous suspension at 500~ 600 grams, mixed with 150 kilograms of water, spray the orchard ground, focusing on spraying around the tree tray; clean the orchard and weed before spraying, and shallowly plow the whole garden after spraying.

2. The insecticide phoxim is used to control moth pests such as leaf rollers, leaf miners, and thorn moths. In the early stages of pest occurrence, use 1000 to 1500 times of 50% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate spray to control them.

3. To prevent and control peach fruit moth, the insecticide phoxim should be sprayed with 200-300 times of 25% phoxim microcapsule aqueous suspension during the initial and peak stages of emergence of overwintering larvae of fruit borer moth.

4. To control aphids, leaf rollers, pear star caterpillars, inchworms and other insecticides, phoxim can be sprayed with 50% phoxim EC 1000 to 1500 times during the pest damage period.

5. To prevent and control underground pests such as grubs and cutworms, especially in the seedling stage of fruit trees, apply 1000 times of 50% phoxim EC and cover with fine soil after watering. This can effectively prevent and control a variety of underground pests.

phoxim degrades slowly when exposed to direct sunlight, with a residual life of up to three months. phoxim has no systemic properties. If the solution is applied to the surface of the plant, it will degrade and become ineffective after two to four days. Therefore, using methods such as ring coating or stem coating to control newly hatched larvae that have entered the cortex and have not yet penetrated the xylem will not be as effective as omethoate and monocrotophos. In a cavity, only a cotton ball and a piece of clay are used, which will not pollute the environment and is low-cost and economical. In mid-to-late June, 50% (E.C) phoxim 1500 times solution can be sprayed during the egg incubation period. Using phoxim can maximize its strengths and avoid its weaknesses. It is relatively safe on flowers and trees such as peach, cherry blossom, and red-leaf plum, and will not cause phytotoxicity. The medicinal liquid can be prepared and used at any time. Under humid conditions, it will not produce highly toxic gases and will not cause poisoning to humans and animals. The author has observed that on a tree, when more than a certain number of insecticide-treated cotton balls are used, that is, when the amount of pesticide reaches a certain level, no new borers will appear that year.

phoxim (14816-18-3) Application

One focuses on attacking underground pests

Although the pesticide phoxim is easily decomposed when exposed to light (this is a disadvantage when it comes to agricultural pest control, but it is an advantage when it comes to pesticide residues), after it is spread into the soil, it will break down in the absence of light. Under the environment, the active ingredients are relatively stable, with a residual period of up to about 90 days. Therefore, as an underground pest control agent, phoxim will be the main application in the future.

1. Cream

Taking 40% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate as an example, there are two ways to use it when controlling underground pests.

High-concentration spray method: Take 500 grams of 40% phoxim EC per acre, dilute it 500-800 times, spray the ground evenly with a sprayer, and then perform rotary tillage.

Homemade granule method: Take 500 grams of 40% phoxim emulsifiable concentrate per acre, mix it with about 3 kilograms of water and set aside. Spread a bag of granular organic fertilizer, and use a sprayer to evenly spray the prepared venom on the surface of the granules. Mix while spraying and mound to absorb the liquid, then spread it and then rotary till.

2. Granules

There are four main types of pesticides: 10%, 5%, 3% and 1.5%. The first three are mainly used for underground pest control, and the latter is often used for corn cob loss (to control corn borers). There is also a 0.3% content, which is often used to make medicinal fertilizers.

3. Microcapsule suspension

Microcapsule suspension overcomes the defect that phoxim is easily decomposed by light, extends the efficacy period, reduces its own toxicity and irritation, and is more durable and stable in the soil. Currently, the main objects registered for control by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs are leek. Maggots, grubs and sweet potato stem nematodes.

It should be noted that although the efficacy of phoxim microcapsule suspension is long-lasting, the release process of the efficacy is relatively slow. If there are many insect populations in the field, it can be controlled by mixing with pyrethroid pesticides, which can not only improve It kills insects quickly and ensures long-lasting effectiveness.

2: New pesticide auxiliaries

Although phoxim is good at controlling Lepidopteran pests, and it also has certain control effects on Hemiptera, Coleoptera and other pests, it has long been replaced by new pesticides due to resistance issues. Under the halo of mainstream insecticidal and ovicidal products such as indoxacarb, chlorantraniliprole, and lufenuron, phoxim is like a twilight old man. His era has passed, and now he can only be reduced to the role of the younger generation. Spectators.

However, when new pesticides also fell into the cycle of resistance, phoxim, which had been abandoned for many years, showed relatively excellent control effects. Of course, you should not expect phoxim to be unique in controlling lepidopteran pests, but as a The use of auxiliaries (the permeability of emulsifiable concentrate pesticides and the ability to improve the ability to kill gastric poisons) can indeed bring unexpected and excellent effects to users.

Use three: stored grain insecticide

Currently, although the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has not yet registered grain storage pesticide products with phoxim ingredients, farmers have a long history of using phoxim to control grain pests. For example, grain farmers in some areas of Huanghuai often use 40% phoxim. Use 50-80 ml of EC, dilute it 3000 times, spray it on the surface of the grain, mix it and put it into storage. It can prevent and control stored grain pests such as rice weevils, wheat moths and large grain robbers.

The principle is that phoxim decomposes easily when exposed to light. Grain treated with phoxim has almost no pesticide residue after drying. At the same time, phoxim also has a certain ovicide effect and can also be used to treat the grain warehouse floor in advance.

Especially under the premise that highly toxic storage grain pesticides such as aluminum phosphide are gradually banned, organophosphorus pesticides such as malathion and phoxim, which are low-toxic, easy to decompose, and ideal for killing insects, will support the storage industry. A day of grain pesticides.

phoxim (14816-18-3) uses

The insecticide phoxim is a high-efficiency, low-toxicity, broad-spectrum insecticide with mainly contact and stomach poisoning effects, without systemic effects. It has good effects on older lepidopteran larvae and underground pests, as well as warehouse and sanitary pests. It can be used to control underground pests such as grubs, mole crickets, golden leafworms, cotton aphids, cotton bollworms, wheat aphids, cabbage caterpillars, thrips, armyworms, rice bracts, rice leaf rollers, leafhoppers, planthoppers, and pine caterpillars. , corn borer, etc. To control underground pests, generally use 100 mL of 50% EC, 5 kg of water, and mix with 50 kg of wheat seeds. After mixing, let it sit for 2 to 3 hours before sowing. To control other pests, use 50% EC 1000 or 1500 times liquid spray. It is forbidden to use on sorghum, soybeans, and melons, and should be used with caution on rice and corn. It should be applied in the evening or at night.

The pesticide phoxim is an organophosphorus pesticide mainly used to control underground pests. It is suitable for pest control of peanuts, wheat, rice, cotton, corn and other crops in the county. It is also used to control pests of fruit trees, vegetables, mulberry, tea and other crops. It has good effect on controlling grubs, mole crickets, wireworms, etc.

The insecticide phoxim is a highly efficient and low-toxic organophosphorus insecticide with stomachic and contact killing effects. It is mainly used to control underground pests, fruit trees, vegetables, mulberry, tea and other pests, as well as mosquitoes and flies and other hygienic pests and storage pests.

phoxim (14816-18-3) controls pests

The pesticide phoxim is a broad-spectrum organophosphorus pesticide commonly used in production. Utilizing phoxim's stomach poisoning, contact killing, and long residual effects under dark conditions, it can prevent and control stem-boring pests such as beetles, which is in line with the principles of environmental protection, economy, safety, and efficiency.

Take one part of 50% (E.C) phoxim, pour it into a wide-mouth container, add three parts of water and stir evenly to make a phoxim solution; add water to the clay and mix it into wet mud; according to the size and number of wormholes , knead cotton (can also be replaced by other soft substances that can absorb water) into a suitable cotton ball.

The larvae of most dry-boring pests have the characteristics of ventilation and defecation. After the larvae feed for a certain period of time, they will dig a new hole for ventilation and defecation, and push feces and wood chips out of the hole. There will be fresh sawdust and feces left at the entrance of the newly mothed hole, and sometimes the larvae can be seen pushing the feces outward.

Start checking the seedlings in April. After discovering the hole of the borer, use tweezers to hold a cotton ball and soak the cotton ball in the phoxim solution. After the cotton ball has absorbed enough of the solution, stuff the cotton ball with the medicine into the wormhole. Fill the wormhole with wet mud, and finally smooth the wet mud outside the hole.

When the larvae of stem-boring pests feel that the hole is closed, they will squirm to the hole and use their heads or tails to push against these foreign objects. When pests come into contact with cotton balls containing phoxim, they will be poisoned and die.

Sealing borer holes with wet mud can effectively prevent sunlight and slow down the degradation of phoxim. Seal the hole and create artificial obstacles to force the larvae to quickly approach and handle the cotton balls. There is soil at the entrance of the hole, which is a sign that the control has been carried out. Check the integrity of the soil at the hole to investigate the control effect. If the soil at the borehole is pushed open and there are fresh sawdust, the insecticide rate will be zero. There may be no pests in the old cavities, so you should stuff them with cotton balls and seal them with wet mud. The soil in the hole can reduce wound flow, facilitate wound healing of flowers and trees, and prevent bacteria and other dry-boring pests from invading from here.

phoxim degrades slowly when exposed to direct sunlight, with a residual life of up to three months. phoxim has no systemic properties. If the solution is applied to the surface of the plant, it will degrade and become ineffective after two to four days. Therefore, using methods such as ring coating or stem coating to control newly hatched larvae that have entered the cortex and have not yet penetrated the xylem will not be as effective as omethoate and monocrotophos. In a cavity, only a cotton ball and a piece of clay are used, which will not pollute the environment and is low-cost and economical. In mid-to-late June, 50% (E.C) phoxim 1500 times solution can be sprayed during the egg incubation period. Using phoxim can maximize its strengths and avoid its weaknesses. It is relatively safe on flowers and trees such as peach, cherry blossom, and red-leaf plum, and will not cause phytotoxicity. The medicinal liquid can be prepared and used at any time. Under humid conditions, it will not produce highly toxic gases and will not cause poisoning to humans and animals. The author has observed that on a tree, when more than a certain number of insecticide-treated cotton balls are used, that is, when the amount of pesticide reaches a certain level, no new borers will appear that year.

phoxim (14816-18-3) production method

1. Preparation of raw materials.

2. Preparation of refined oxime sodium: Add acid to crude oxime sodium at 20°-65°C to bring the pH value below 4. Produce γ-cyanobenzaloxime that is insoluble in water, and then wash and separate with water to remove alcohol; γ-cyanobenzaloxime reacts with NaOH solution and undergoes separation to prepare refined oxime sodium.

Preparation of crude phoxim technical material: first add inert solvent and catalyst to the refined oxime sodium; then add acid to neutralize the free base in the refined oxime sodium; finally add 0.0 dropwise at 25°-55°C -Crude phoxim technical material was prepared from diethyl thiophosphoryl chloride.

Purification of crude phoxim technical material: After the crude phoxim technical material is washed with water, it is then sent to a rising and falling membrane vacuum distiller, where the vacuum degree is ≥700 mmHg and the distillation temperature is 65°-95°C. Distillation is carried out to obtain the product of the present invention - phoxim.

phoxim (14816-18-3) Precautions

1. Cannot be mixed with alkaline substances.

2. Cucumbers and beans are sensitive to phoxim and are prone to phytotoxicity.

3. phoxim is easy to decompose when exposed to light, so it is best to use it at night or in the evening in the field.

4. Sorghum is sensitive to phoxim and should not be sprayed. In corn fields, only granules can be used to control corn borers. Do not spray to control aphids, armyworms, etc.

5. Poisoning symptoms and first aid measures are the same as for other organophosphorus.

Insecticide phoxim (14816-18-3) price

Under normal circumstances, the price of the pesticide phoxim will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide phoxim you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Insecticide phoxim (14816-18-3) supplier

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide insecticide phoxim, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.