oxadiazon an excellent occlusive herbicide for paddy fields

What is oxadiazon ?

Oxadiazon is a pesticide used to control a variety of annual monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous weeds. It is mainly used for weeding in paddy fields, and it is also effective for peanuts, cotton, sugarcane, etc. in dry fields; it is a contact-killing pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide.

Oxazinone is a new oxazinone herbicide, mainly used to control important broad-leaved weeds, Cyperaceae weeds and Barnyard weeds. The dosage of l% oxaziclodione suspension is about 45 g/hm2, and it is sprayed before the 2nd leaf stage in rice seedling fields. The usage of active ingredients is low, the suitable application period is long, the duration of effect is long, and it is safe for rice selection. Higher, it has good control effect on weeds such as barnyardgrass, daughter-in-law, special-shaped sedge, and chickweed in transplanted fields and direct-seeding fields, and is highly effective against barnyardgrass, and has no adverse effects on subsequent crops such as wheat and barley .

oxadiazon  Properties

The herbicide oxazicone is a systemic conduction herbicide in paddy fields.

oxadiazon  has a low dosage of active ingredients, a long suitable application period, a long persistence period, and a high selection safety for rice.

oxadiazon  can control a variety of weeds such as barnyardgrass, chickweed, daughter of a daughter, and heteromorphous sedge.

oxadiazon  has good diffusibility, and the weeding operation is labor-saving, and the bottle can be directly shaken from the bottle.

Mechanism of action of oxadiazon

The herbicide oxazicone is a systemic organic heterocyclic herbicide in paddy fields. It is absorbed by the roots and bases of stems and leaves of weeds and inhibits the growth of target plant cells with a herbicidal mechanism different from other herbicides, resulting in the growth of stems and leaves. Part of the chlorosis, stop growing, until dead. Oxazimidone can effectively control barnyard weeds and some Cyperaceae weeds resistant to acetolactate synthase inhibitor herbicides, and its excellent performance will provide more options for weed control in paddy fields.

The herbicide oxadiazon is mainly absorbed through weed buds or stems and leaves. It is a selective pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide. It is used in paddy and dry fields and soil treatment. It causes action through weed buds or seedlings contacting and absorbing the agent. Post-emergence spraying, the weeds absorb through the aboveground part, and the pesticide enters the individual plant and accumulates in the vigorous growth part, inhibiting the growth and causing the weed tissue to rot and die. Weeds are sensitive to the drug from germination to 2-3 leaf stages, and the effect of spraying at the germination stage is the best, and the effect gradually decreases with the growth of weeds. the

When applied in paddy fields, the medicinal liquid spreads quickly on the water surface, is quickly absorbed by the soil, does not easily move downward, and is not absorbed by the roots. It metabolizes slowly in the soil, and its half-life is 2 to 6 months. the

oxadiazon  product use

The herbicide oxadiazon is used to control a variety of annual monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds. It is mainly used for weeding in paddy fields, and it is also effective for peanuts, cotton, sugarcane, etc. in dry fields.

The herbicide oxadiazon is used to control a variety of annual monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds. It is mainly used for weeding in paddy fields, and is also effective for peanuts, cotton, sugarcane, etc. in dry fields; it is a contact-killing pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide. For soil treatment, paddy field use. It works mainly through the absorption of weed buds and stems and leaves, and can exert good herbicidal activity under the condition of light. It is especially sensitive to weeds in the germination stage. When the weeds germinate, the growth of the bud sheaths will be inhibited, and the tissues will quickly rot, and the weeds will die; as the weeds grow, the efficacy of the drug will decrease, and it will be basically ineffective for grown weeds. It is used to control barnyardgrass, daughter of a daughter, paspalum, special-shaped sedge, bermudagrass, knotweed, echinacea, melon skin grass, etc. in rice fields. It can also be used to control annual grass weeds and broad-leaved weeds in crops such as cotton, soybean, sunflower, peanut, potato, sugar cane, celery, and fruit trees. It has a good control effect on weeds of Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Oxaliaceae, and Opticaceae. If used in transplanting fields, use 12% EC 30-40mL/100m2 or 25% EC 15-20mL/100m2 in the north, 12% EC 20-30mL/100m2 or 25% EC 10-15mL/100m2 in the south, and the field water layer is 3cm , Shake the bottle directly or scatter it with poisonous soil, or spray 2.3-4.5kg of water. It should be used when the water is turbid after soil preparation. In the seedling field, 2 to 3 days before sowing, the soil should be shaken and sprinkled with medicinal soil while the water is turbid, and the seeds should be sown when the bed surface has no water layer, or sow after the soil preparation, and then sprayed after covering the soil and covered with plastic film. 15-25mL/100m2 of 12% EC is used in the north, and 10-20mL/100m2 is used in the south. In the dry direct-seeding field, spray the soil surface when the soil is wet before budding, or apply after the first leaf stage of rice 5 days after rice sowing. Use 25% EC 22.5-30mL/100m2. the

How to use oxadiazon

1 rice field

Upland rice and upland rice water-irrigated direct seeding field: After sowing and before emergence, use 100-150 ml of 12% EC per mu, and 50 kg of water, and evenly spray the soil surface. Seedling fields and water direct-seeding fields are generally well prepared, preferably when the field is still in muddy state, use 100-150 ml of 12% emulsifiable oil per mu, and 25 kg of water, and spray the whole field. Keep the water layer for 2-3 days and sow after draining. It is also possible to use 100 ml of 12% emulsifiable oil per acre at the stage of 1 leaf, 1 heart to 2 leaves of the seedlings, and spray 30 kg of water evenly across the field to keep the shallow water layer for 3 days.

For transplanting fields, 1-2 days before rice transplanting or 4-5 days after transplanting, use 125-150 ml of 12% emulsifiable oil per mu, and use the original bottle to spray, and keep the shallow water layer for 3 days after application. Let dry naturally. Normal management thereafter.

2 Peanuts and cotton: After sowing and before emergence, use 75-100 ml of 25% EC per mu, and 35 kg of water, and evenly spray the soil surface.

3 seedling field, water direct seeding field

Seedling field or rice direct seeding field, after the land preparation, it is best when the field is still muddy and watery, the dosage per mu is about 12% oxadiazon  150ml~200ml, add 30kg of water, spray evenly, after spraying, keep water for about 3 days, and then Drain and sow.

Another one, it can also be used after seedlings in seedling fields. After the seedlings have one leaf and one heart, at the stage of two leaves and one heart of the seedlings, mix 100 ml of 12% oxadiazon  with 15 kg of water, and spray evenly.

4 transplant fields

2 days before rice transplanting or about 5 days after rice transplanting, the dosage of 12% oxadiazon  per mu is about 200 ml, and the original bottle is used to shake it off, and keep the shallow water layer for 3 days after application. Let dry naturally. The effect is not bad.

Peanut and cotton live field

Used in peanut and cotton fields, mainly closed. After sowing and before seedlings, use 200-300 ml of 12% oxadiazon  per mu, add 30-50 kg of water, and spray evenly. Compared with acetochlor, the sealing effect is more prominent.

special reminder:

1. When the herbicide oxadiazon is used in seedling fields, it should be applied 3 days in advance. Applying pesticides after sowing is prone to phytotoxicity.

2. The herbicide oxadiazon  is used in peanut and direct-seeded cotton fields, and the water consumption is sufficient to ensure the sealing effect.

Symptoms of oxadiazon  injury

Symptoms of oxadiazon and molinate injury: plant shrinkage, leaves chlorotic and yellow, and tillering inhibited. When oxadiazon was seriously injured, there were brown spots on the leaf sheath, and the old leaves and leaf sheaths were obviously withered and yellow; when the grass was seriously injured, the extension of the heart leaf was inhibited and could not be pulled out.

oxadiazon  SWOT Analysis

Analysis of advantages: oxadiazon has good safety and excellent herbicidal performance. The propargyl oxadiazon , which is also a competitor, needs to be transplanted after about 3 days of application, and ethoxyfluorfen needs to be transplanted after 5 to 7 days of application. Transplanting, and oxadiazon  can be transplanting one day after application, and has occupied a closed dominant position for many years, with a high degree of terminal acceptance.

Disadvantage analysis: In recent years, the price of oxadiazon  has almost doubled violently. In terms of cost per mu, the cost performance of propargyl oxadiazon  is slightly higher than that of oxadiazon . As a blocking drug, oxadiazon  will affect the spraying if it encounters low temperature Effect.

Opportunity analysis: With the expansion of production of various companies and the start-up of new manufacturers, the supply problem of oxadiazon  has been solved, and the price will gradually fall in the future. The number of matching products is gradually increasing, and the weed-killing spectrum of future products will be broader.

Threat analysis: the impact of propargyl oxadiazon  still exists, propargyl oxadiazon  has low cost, high activity, and low residue, all of which meet the national trend requirements for pesticide use, and the continuous high price also makes propargyl oxadiazon  in 2018 —In the past three years of 2020, a lot of oxadiazon  market shares have been taken away, and the registration enthusiasm for propargyl oxadiazon  has also increased. More companies will add propargyl oxadiazon  to their production plans.

Precautions for oxadiazon

1. When germination is sown in seedling fields, pesticides must be applied 2-3 days before sowing. If pesticides are applied immediately after sowing, phytotoxicity is prone to occur.

2. When used in dry fields, the soil should be kept moist, otherwise the medicinal effect will not be exerted.

3. Clean the spray equipment when using it.

Comparison and application of five oxadiazon s

1. Isoxaflutole belongs to the class of isoxazoles.

Mechanism of action: Inhibitor of p-hydroxyphenylpropionate dioxygenase. After the application of the agent, it mainly plays a role in the absorption and conduction of the young roots of the weeds. After the sensitive weeds absorb it, it inhibits HPPD and destroys the synthesis of chlorophyll, so that the weeds lose their chlorosis and wither. Symptoms of poisoning death are very similar to those of carotenoid inhibitors, but their chemical reaction structure characteristics, such as polarity and degree of ionization, are significantly different from those of known carotenoid inhibitors.

Applied crops and technology: This agent is suitable for a variety of crops: corn, sugarcane, sugar beet and other upland crops, but it is not suitable for popcorn varieties, which are prone to phytotoxicity. The agent has a flexible use period and does not depend on weather and rainfall conditions. In corn fields, both pre-emergence and early post-emergence can be used, but it is best to apply as early as possible within a week of corn planting. The active ingredient is 5-10 grams per mu, the amount of water is not less than 30 kg, and it is evenly sprayed.

Control objects: The agent has outstanding control effect on annual dicotyledonous weeds: velvetleaf, quinoa, purslane, retroflexus, amaranth, cocklebur, chickweed, sorrel leaf Polygonum, and monocotyledonous weeds: barnyardgrass , crabgrass, goosegrass, Qianjinzi, and foxtail also have strong inhibitory effects.

Precautions for application: In order to improve the control effect, the ground must be leveled and pressed when used for soil treatment. This agent has high activity, do not apply excessively and spray evenly in the field. In alkaline soil, sandy soil with low organic matter content and strong leaching, sometimes corn leaves may produce yellowing and albino phytotoxicity symptoms, and the dosage can be adjusted appropriately according to soil texture, organic matter content, and weed density. If only anti-dicot weeds can be applied as a single agent, such as anti-dicots and monocotyledonous weeds, it should be mixed with promethachlor, metolachlor, thionsulfuron and other agents.

Unique and outstanding advantages: After spraying, if the soil moisture is poor, although the weeding effect cannot be exerted in time, the active ingredients remaining on the soil surface can be kept for a long time without being decomposed, and it can still play a role in weeding under the condition of rainfall or irrigation The weed effect, even the 4-5 leaf-age-sensitive weeds can be killed and inhibited, also known as the secondary herbicide effect, which is currently not available in other herbicides.

Although the agent has some residual activity, it has a moderate duration of effect. Generally, there is basically no residue after 4 months after application, and it will not cause adverse effects on the next crops, and has good environmental ecological compatibility.

Different countries have developed a variety of compound products of isoxaflutole, mainly compounded with atrazine, aclofen, terbuzin, flufenacet, and thixensulfuron-methyl and added with a safener.

Application evaluation: This product is favored by many enterprises and farmers, especially the compound patent product with thiazosulfuron-methyl and safener. It shows that the application period is flexible, less affected by weather and moisture, long-lasting effect, wide herbicidal spectrum, and early post-emergence application is effective, which improves the biggest shortcoming of conventional soil treatment agents in cornfields that is affected by moisture and reduces the control effect. The outstanding advantage of being easy to use has broad application prospects. At the same time, it should also be noted that whether the single-dose application, combined with other agents other than thiazosulfuron-methyl, still has such an excellent effect, it still needs in-depth field trials and application effect descriptions. Some foreign countries are designated to replace alachlor, acetochlor, metolachlor and so on. In some markets, it has formed a competitive trend with bentazone and sethoxydim.

2. Clomazone belongs to the class of isoxazolones.

Mechanism of action: Inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis. After use, the agent is absorbed by the roots and young shoots of weeds, transported upwards, and spreads to the leaves through the xylem. Sensitive weeds cannot form pigments and become white seedlings after absorption, and die in a short time. Post-emergence application only has a contact effect and does not conduct downward. After being absorbed by crops such as soybeans and sugar cane, it is transformed into non-toxic effect through special metabolism, so it is safe.

Applied crops and technology: This agent is mainly used as a compound agent to treat soil or stems and leaves in soybean, rapeseed, tobacco, and rice fields. It can also be used in potato, peanut, and some melon fields. It is more widely used in soybean fields with aryloxyphenoxypropionic acids, fomesafen and other binary or ternary compounds for stem and leaf treatment, and with amides for soil treatment; in tobacco and rapeseed fields Compound with metolachlor for soil treatment; compound with butachlor and pendimethalin for soil treatment in northern paddy fields, and treat stems and leaves during the peak period of barnyardgrass occurrence in southern paddy fields. Mu uses 18-25 grams of active ingredients.

Control objects: the agent is effective against many common annual monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds: barnyardgrass, crabgrass, foxtail, purslane, cocklebur, retroverted amaranthus, nightshade, wild watermelon seedlings, quinoa, sorrel leaf Polygonum, etc. It has a good control effect and has a strong inhibitory effect on refractory perennial malignant weeds: thistle, lettuce, and quince.

Precautions for application: This drug is often compounded with other drugs, and rarely used as a single dose. Due to the long residual effect period, within 6-10 months of application, it is not suitable to plant wheat, millet, alfalfa, etc., and it also has certain residual phytotoxicity on corn, cotton, etc. The soybean area is applied year after year. After the application of short-season crops, the planting of subsequent crops should be adjusted to avoid residual phytotoxicity. Such as overdose or liquid drift can also cause bleaching of sensitive crops.

Product advantages: The drug has good compounding properties and can be mixed with various drugs. It is easy to use and can be used for soil or stem and leaf treatment in a variety of upland crops and paddy fields. It has a wide herbicidal spectrum, can control many kinds of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds, and has a strong inhibitory effect on several malignant grasses.

Application evaluation: This agent is an old product with multiple uses and many advantages, but it is limited to compound application and the impact of residual stubble, price factors, etc. Lack. The amount of application is mainly affected by the planting area of soybeans, rapeseed and other crops. In 2011, it ranked 11th in the global rice field herbicide sales.

3. Oxadiazole belongs to oxadiazolones.

Mechanism of action: Protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor. After being applied to paddy fields (after subsidence) or upland crops, it is adsorbed by the surface soil to form a stable drug film sealing layer. When weed shoots pass by, with contact absorption and limited conduction, under the condition of light, the weeds contact the drug Partial cell tissue and chlorophyll are destroyed, the vigorous part stops growing, and eventually the weed buds wither and die. In paddy fields, the weeds that have been unearthed but have not yet emerged from the water before the age of 1.5 leaves will absorb enough drug doses from them before the drug settles, and will soon necrotic and rot. After the agent is absorbed by the soil, its downward movement is limited, and it is rarely absorbed by the roots.

Applied crops and technology: the agent is sprayed with 12% EC in rice fields or sprayed with water or poured, and it is also sprayed with butachlor in combination with butachlor. It is used in soybeans, cotton, peanuts, sugar cane, potatoes, sunflowers, garlic, grapes, etc. Orchards are treated with soil spray. Rice fields are more widely used, followed by orchards and garlic fields. The applicable dose depends on different crops and application methods, and the active ingredient is 13-26 grams per mu.

Targets of control: This agent has a wide herbicidal spectrum, and can effectively control a variety of annual and some perennial monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds in paddy fields and upland crops: barnyardgrass, crabgrass, daughter, special-shaped sedge, firefly, dragon Sunflower, cocklebur, bindweed, bermudagrass, commelina, quinoa, iron amaranth, dwarf arrowroot, water amaranth, festival vegetables, pig vines, etc. The effect of controlling dicotyledonous weeds is better than that of monocotyledonous weeds, especially for upland crops such as field bindweed, bowl flower, and pig vines in garlic fields, which is obviously better than other similar agents.

Precautions for application: When applied in paddy fields, phytotoxicity is likely to occur when weak seedlings, diseased seedlings or the heart leaves of rice seedlings are submerged by the liquid medicine layer. Only 12% emulsifiable oil can be used for throwing application, and it must be tried with clear water first. It can only be used by applying technology and accumulating practical experience and skilled operation, so as not to fail to achieve the expected effect and bring adverse drug effect or injury. When using medicine in dry fields, it is difficult to give full play to the efficacy if the soil moisture is not good. The dosage should be controlled according to different crops and usage methods.

Product advantages: can be applied in paddy fields and a variety of upland crops, flexible application methods, wide herbicidal spectrum, can repel a variety of weeds in paddy fields, and is effective for field bindweeds, potted flowers, and pig vines in dry fields that are difficult to control malignant weeds Highlight the prevention effect.

4. Propyryl oxadiazon  belongs to oxadiazolones.

Mechanism of action: basically the same as oxadiazon , for reference.

Applied crops and technologies: the agent can be applied in rice, potato, sunflower, sugar beet, fruit trees and some vegetable fields. The rice should be applied before rice transplanting, and should be transplanted 3-7 days after the application of rice seedlings. After transplanting, the application should be separated from the transplanting period by 7-10 days. If it is applied twice, the first time is 3-10 days before the seedlings, and the second time is 7-10 days after the seedlings. In rice areas, the peak period of barnyardgrass occurrence is from the end of May to the beginning of June, which coincides with the initial emergence period of Cyperaceae weeds and dicotyledonous weeds, and the application effect is better in this period. Paddy fields use 3.5-10 grams of active ingredients per mu, and dry fields use 20-30 grams. It can be applied alone in plots with light dicotyledonous weeds, mixed with sulfonylureas and sulfonamides in plots with severe sedges and dicotyledonous weeds, and sprayed on soil before sowing and preemergence in dry fields.

Control object: It has good control effect on a variety of dicotyledonous weeds, such as paddy field bermudagrass, dwarf arrowhead mushroom, water amaranth, knotweed, dry field quinoa, cocklebur, purslane, retroflexus, solanum nigrum, Lettuce, velvetleum, etc., especially have outstanding control effects on quinoa in potato fields.

Precautions for application: The agent should not be applied in rice fields with weak seedlings, diseased seedlings, seedlings, throwing seedlings, and glutinous rice fields. If the moisture content is not good in dry fields, it will directly affect the weeding effect, and in paddy fields, the dosage should be well controlled.

There are unique advantages in controlling broad-leaved weeds in potato fields. This crop has been listed as a staple food crop. The planting area is expanding, and the amount of this pesticide will also increase accordingly, but it is impossible to increase rapidly in the short term.

5. Cyclopentazone belongs to the class of oxazolidinediones.

Mechanism of action: protoporphyrin oxidase inhibitor. Sensitive weeds accumulate protoporphyrinase with photosensitizing effect after absorbing the agent. Under the action of light, the nascent oxygen generated by this enzyme oxidizes and decomposes the lipids of the biomembrane components, destroying the peroxidation. Peroxidation destroys biofilm and ethane production, photosynthetic chlorophyll and carotenoids escape, and weeds eventually die. In resistant plants, its metabolites are mineralized and eventually decomposed into carbon dioxide with no adverse effects on the environment.

Applied crops and technology: So far, the agent has only been used in rice transplanted fields. 4 days before rice transplanting or 7-10 days after transplanting, use the suspension agent of this product to spray or shake off the soil for soil sealing treatment. When applying, the land should be flat and the water layer should be consistent, and pay attention to the water layer and water retention after treatment time.

Targets for control: This agent can effectively control barnyardgrass, bermudagrass, dwarf arrowhead, wild arrowhead, and festival weeds in paddy fields. It has a strong inhibitory effect on perennial broken rice sedge, etc., and has a good control effect on resistant weeds such as moshangcai, motherwort, and rice firefly that have developed resistance to sulfonylurea compounds.

Precautions for application: When applying the suspending agent, the liquid medicine should be shaken thoroughly first, and certain application practical experience and skilled technology are required to perform the throwing method. This product is applied for the first time in our country, and it must be strictly related to the application technology of transplanting rice fields.

Application evaluation: It has outstanding control effect on weeds that have developed resistance to sulfonylurea compound agents, and is highly safe to rice. It should have certain prospects, but it is limited by the single application of crops.

The price of the herbicide oxadiazon

Usually, the price of the pesticide herbicide oxadiazon  will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide herbicide oxadiazon you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Suppliers of the herbicide oxadiazon

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Herbicide Oxadiazon, please feel free to contact us for latest price.