plant growth regulator chlormequat chloride

What is Chlormequat chloride?

Plant growth regulator Chlormequat chloride is a quaternary ammonium salt plant growth regulator, and Chlormequat chloride is an excellent plant growth regulator, which can be used in crops such as wheat, rice, cotton, tobacco, corn and tomatoes to inhibit the growth of crops. Cell elongation, but does not inhibit cell division, can make the plant shorter, the stem thicker, and the leaf color turn green. It can make the crop drought and waterlogging resistant, prevent the crop from growing and lodging, resist salt and alkali, and prevent cotton from dropping bolls. Enlarges potato tubers.

Physicochemical properties of Chlormequat chloride

The pure product of plant growth regulator Chlormequat chloride is white crystal with fishy smell, soluble in lower alcohols, insoluble in ether and hydrocarbon organic solvents. Chlormequat chloride raw powder is easy to absorb moisture, decomposes at 238-242°C, is easily soluble in water, decomposes in case of alkali, and its aqueous solution is stable.

Main dosage forms of Chlormequat chloride: 98% original drug, 80% soluble powder, 50% Chlormequat chloride water

Functional characteristics of Chlormequat chloride

Chlormequat chloride is an antagonist of gibberellin. After using Chlormequat chloride, it can effectively control the excessive growth of plants, shorten the internodes of plants, make the plants short, strong and thick, promote the development of root system, and enhance the lodging resistance. At the same time, it can enhance the photosynthesis of crops, increase the chlorophyll content, deepen the leaf color and thicken the leaves. Transform the vegetative growth of crops into reproductive growth, thereby increasing the fruit setting rate, quality and yield of some crops.

Chlormequat chloride can improve the water absorption capacity of plant roots, affect the accumulation of proline in plants, and help improve the stress resistance of plants, such as drought resistance, cold resistance, salt resistance and disease resistance. Chlormequat chloride can enter plants through leaves, shoots, buds, roots and seeds. Therefore, it can be used for seed dressing, spraying and watering, and different application methods can be selected according to different crops in order to achieve the best effect.

Chlormequat chloride and its physiological function

Chlormequat chloride controls the vegetative growth of plants (that is, the growth of roots, stems and leaves), promotes the reproductive growth of plants (that is, the growth of flowers and fruits), shortens the internodes of plants, is short and strong, and resists lodging, and promotes the deepening of leaf color and photosynthesis. The effect is strengthened, and the fruit setting rate, drought resistance, cold resistance and salt-alkali resistance of the plant are improved.

Chlormequat chloride has a control effect on crop growth, can prevent fallen seedlings and aborted seedlings, control growth and increase tillers, prevent plant health and prevent fall, increase ears and increase yield.

After use, the plants will be dwarfed and the stems will be thick, which can prevent the plants from growing and lodging, make the leaves dark green, thicken the leaves, increase the chlorophyll content, and develop the root system. Chlormequat chloride blocks the biosynthesis of endogenous gibberellins, thereby delaying cell elongation and dwarfing plants. The inhibitory effect of Chlormequat chloride on internode elongation can be relieved by exogenous gibberellin. Chlormequat chloride can improve the water absorption capacity of roots, significantly affect the accumulation of proline in plants (which stabilizes cell membranes), and is beneficial to improve plant stress resistance, such as drought resistance, cold resistance, salt resistance and disease resistance. . The number of stomata in leaves decreased after Chlormequat chloride treatment, which reduced transpiration rate and increased drought resistance. Chlormequat chloride is easily degraded by enzymes in the soil and is not easily fixed by the soil, so it does not affect the activities of soil microorganisms or can be decomposed by microorganisms

Chlormequat chloride effect

Chlormequat chloride can control the vegetative growth of plants (that is, the growth of roots, stems and leaves), promote the reproductive growth of plants (that is, the growth of flowers and fruits), and increase the fruit setting rate of plants.

Chloroquat has a regulatory effect on crop growth, can promote tillering, ear increase and yield increase. After use, the chlorophyll content increases, making the leaves dark green, photosynthesis is strengthened, the leaves are thickened, and the root system is developed.

Chlormequat chloride hinders the biosynthesis of endogenous gibberellins, thereby delaying cell elongation, making plants dwarf, thick stems, shortening internodes, and preventing plants from growing excessively and lodging. (The inhibitory effect of Chlormequat chloride on internode elongation can be relieved by exogenous gibberellin.)

Chlormequat chloride can improve the water absorption capacity of roots, significantly affect the accumulation of proline in plants (which stabilizes cell membranes), and is beneficial to improve plant stress resistance, such as drought resistance, cold resistance, salt resistance and disease resistance. .

The number of stomata in leaves decreased after Chlormequat chloride treatment, which reduced transpiration rate and increased drought resistance.

Chlormequat chloride is easily degraded by enzymes in the soil and is not easily fixed by the soil, so it does not affect the activities of soil microorganisms or can be decomposed by microorganisms. It contains no chlorine or bromine atoms, which have no effect and are therefore environmentally friendly.

Chlormequat chloride properties

The plant growth regulator Chlormequat chloride is a white crystal. It has a fishy smell and is insoluble in absolute ethanol, ether, benzene and xylene. Slightly soluble in dichloroethane, isopropanol. Generally dubbed into an aqueous solution. Its aqueous solution is stable, corrosive to metals, and can be stored in glass, high-density plastic, rubber or metal containers coated with epoxy resin. Can be rapidly degraded by soil microorganisms. Chlormequat chloride is an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, preventing the conversion of kaurene to gibberellin. It can delay the elongation of the stem, shorten the internodes, thicken the stem, deepen the leaf color, promote root development and plant dwarfing, but it does not affect the top meristem. It has obvious effects on preventing crops from growing excessively and lodging, and can increase crop growth. Drought resistance, cold resistance, salt tolerance and other abilities. But it cannot be mixed with alkaline pesticides.

The melting point is 245°C (partially decomposed). It is easily soluble in water, and the concentration of saturated aqueous solution can reach about 80% at room temperature. Insoluble in benzene; xylene; absolute ethanol, soluble in propanol. It has a fishy smell and is easy to deliquescence. It is stable in neutral or slightly acidic medium, and can be decomposed by heating in alkaline medium.

Chlormequat chloride is a low toxicity plant growth regulator. The acute oral LD50 of raw powder male rats is 883mg/Kg, the acute percutaneous LD50 of rats is 4000mg/kg, and the rats are fed with 1000mg/kg for 2 years without adverse effects.

Absorption of trimethylamine by dichloroethane, derived from heating reaction.

Uses of Chlormequat chloride

The physiological function of Chlormequat chloride is to control the vegetative growth of plants (i.e. the growth of roots, stems and leaves), promote the reproductive growth of plants (i.e. the growth of flowers and fruits), make the internodes of plants shorter, sturdier and lodging resistant, and promote leaf color Deepen, strengthen photosynthesis, improve the plant's anti-aging, drought resistance, cold resistance and salt-alkali resistance.

Chlormequat chloride has a control effect on crop growth, can prevent fallen seedlings and aborted seedlings, control growth and increase tillers, prevent plant health and prevent fall, increase ears and increase yield.

Chlormequat chloride is used in cotton, wheat, rice, corn, tobacco, tomato, fruit trees and various root crops to resist lodging, promote crop growth, increase yield by 10% to 30%, and increase potato tubers. Can be used in saline and slightly acidic soils.

Chlormequat chloride is a widely used plant growth regulator. Its main function is to slowly inhibit the division of the lower part of the apex of various crops, resulting in thick stems, shortened internodes, shorter plants, developed root systems, widened and thickened leaves, dark green leaves, and a strong effect on flowers. , leaves and later growth without deformity. Chlormequat chloride can be used in most food and economic crops, vegetables, etc., such as corn, rice, tobacco, potato, tomato, and has a good effect of increasing production. Cotton is sprayed with 20-50 mg/L medicine for the second time at the bud stage, and wheat is sprayed with 0.15%-0.3% medicine solution, and the seeds are soaked for 6-12 hours. For sorghum, rice, soybean, tomato, etc., use 200-500 times of 50% water agent to spray in the suitable period.

Chlormequat chloride is an excellent plant growth regulator, which can be used in crops such as wheat, rice, cotton, tobacco, corn and tomato, to inhibit the elongation of crop cells, but not to inhibit cell division, which can make plants shorter and stems shorter. Thick, leaves turn green, can make crops resistant to drought and waterlogging, prevent crops from growing excessively and lodging, resist salinity and alkali, prevent cotton from dropping bolls, and increase potato tubers.

How to use Chlormequat chloride

Chlormequat chloride is an antagonist of gibberellin, which can enter the plant through leaf twigs, buds, roots and seeds. The mechanism of action is to inhibit the biosynthesis of gibberellin in the plant. Its physiological function is to control the excessive growth of the plant, promote reproductive growth, shorten the internode of the plant, grow short, strong, thick, develop the root system, resist lodging, and deepen the leaf color at the same time 1. Thickened leaves, increased chlorophyll content, enhanced photosynthesis, increased fruit set rate of some crops, improved quality, and increased yield.

The effect of this growth regulator is just opposite to that of gibberellin. It is an antagonist of gibberellin, and its physiological function is to control the vegetative growth of plants (ie, the growth of roots, stems and leaves).

specific usage

When peppers and potatoes begin to grow excessively, spray 1600-2500 mg/L of Chlormequat chloride on the leaves of potatoes during the budding to flowering period, which can control the growth of the ground and promote yield increase, and 20-25 mg/L of pepper Chlormequat chloride is sprayed on stems and leaves to control leggy growth and increase fruit setting rate.

Spraying the growth points of cabbage (lotus white) and celery with a concentration of 4000-5000 mg/L Chlormequat chloride can effectively control bolting and flowering.

Sprinkling the soil surface with 50 mg/L Chlormequat chloride water solution at the tomato seedling stage can make the tomato plant compact and bloom early. If leggy phenomena are found after tomato planting and transplanting, 500 mg/L Chlormequat chloride diluent can be used to water 100-150 ml per plant, and the drug effect will appear in 5-7 days, and the drug effect will appear after 20-30 days Disappear and return to normal.

Soak 5kg of wheat seeds in 10kg of liquid medicine (diluted 330-166 times), for 6-12 hours, to achieve dwarfing, anti-lodging, and yield-increasing effects; during the flowering stage of soybeans, dilute 500-300 times with 50% water and spray to make soybeans Less pods, more grains;

When Chlormequat chloride is used as a fruit-setting agent, it can increase the fruit-setting rate, but the sweetness of the fruit will decrease. Mixing it with boron (20mg/L) can not only increase the yield, but also increase the sugar content.

1. The use of Chlormequat chloride in cotton can inhibit the excessive growth of cotton, increase buds and protect peaches. Use 2 milliliters of 50% Chlormequat chloride aqua per mu, mix with water and spray evenly. For cotton fields with excessive growth or high density, spray the pesticide twice, the first time at the initial flowering stage, and the second time at the full flowering stage. In the cotton fields without excessive growth in the early stage, spraying is not required at the bud stage, and spraying only once before the closure can save the attention and reduce autumn buds, which is equivalent to chemical pruning.

2. To prevent wheat from lodging, use 25-50 ml (0.5-1 tael) of 50% Chlormequat chloride per acre before the winter wheat turns green and joints, or when the spring wheat starts to joint and spray evenly with water. It is required to spray twice to increase production It can resist lodging, increase tillering, promote the differentiation of young panicles, increase the number of panicles, grain weight and thousand-grain weight.

3. To prevent rice lodging, use 300 times liquid of 50% Chlormequat chloride solution to spray once at the end of rice tillering, which can make rice grains plump and increase yield.

4. For soybeans, spray 200-300 times of 50% Chlormequat chloride solution on soybean leaves, which can increase the number of beans and reduce pods, and can resist drought, cold, salt and alkali and increase production.

5. For corn, sorghum and millet, soak the seeds for 6 hours with 100 times of 50% Chlormequat chloride water solution, remove and dry in the shade for sowing.

6. For potatoes, spray 200-300 times of 50% Chlormequat chloride solution on the leaves to increase yield and improve stress resistance.

7. For apple saplings, spray with 0.5% to 1.5% concentration of 50% Chlormequat chloride water solution, from early July to early August, spray once every 15 days, and spray 3 times in total, which can promote the growth of new shoots. Thick, shortened internodes, dark green leaves, thickened and widened leaves, enhanced cold resistance, and conducive to safe wintering.

8. For grapes, spray with 50% Chlormequat chlorideine water solution 500 times, which can inhibit the growth of auxiliary shoots, promote fruit order, and increase fruit setting rate and fruit weight.

Application of Chlormequat chloride

Chlormequat chloride is widely used in wheat crops to make the wheat plant shorter, the base internodes shorter, the stalks thicker, and the lodging resistance enhanced, which can prevent excessive nitrogen fertilizer and excessive rainfall in the late growth period from causing excessive growth and lodging. Generally, 1500-3000 mg/kg Chlormequat chloride solution is sprayed on overgrown wheat fields during the jointing stage of wheat to prevent lodging and increase yield.

Under the condition of sufficient water and fertilizer, the branches and leaves of cotton are prone to excessive growth. Spraying 50-100 mg/kg Chlormequat chloride at the beginning or full flowering stage can inhibit or delay the growth of cotton plants, prevent premature canopy closure of cotton fields, and facilitate field ventilation and light transmission, thereby reducing bud shedding and increasing lint yield. Spraying peanut leaves with 500-1000 mg/kg phosphine-regulating solution at the early stage of pod formation can prevent excessive growth of peanuts and control later flowering, prevent premature aging, increase peanut production and increase oil content.

Citrus has the habit of drawing shoots several times a year. In order to control the growth of summer shoots, 250-750 mg/kg of phosphine-regulating solution is sprayed when summer shoots occur, so that the occurrence rate of summer shoots is greatly reduced, the fruit setting rate is increased, and the yield Increase. B9 (Bijiu) can effectively inhibit the growth of new apple shoots, promote crown dwarfing, prevent fruit shedding, improve fruit quality and prolong storage period. Spray the B9 solution with a concentration of 1000-3000 mg/kg 2-3 times in a row 3 weeks after flowering, with an interval of 20-30 days each time, which is more effective in inhibiting new shoots and other effects.

The dwarfing of potted flowers can make the shape compact and the flowering parts concentrated, increasing the ornamental value. Such as rhododendron, chrysanthemum, begonia, geranium, poinsettia, etc., can be chemically treated with different growth retardants. Chrysanthemums are sprayed with B9 foliage at a concentration of 1000-5000 mg/kg. Poinsettia can use 3000 mg/kg Chlormequat chloride as soil irrigation solution. Short-chain fatty acids (C8-C10) and sodium dikegurate are excellent chemical sharpening agents for potted rhododendrons and other ornamental plants.

Precautions for Chlormequat chloride

1. If it is washed by rain within one day after spraying, it must be sprayed again.

2 The spraying period should not be too early, and the concentration of the pesticide should not be too high, so as not to cause excessive inhibition of crops and cause phytotoxicity.

3 Treating crops with Chlormequat chloride cannot replace fertilization, and fertilizer and water management should be done well in order to exert a better effect of increasing production.

4 Can not be mixed with alkaline drugs.

5 The water and fertilizer conditions are good, and the effect of using Chlormequat chloride is better when the population has a tendency to grow excessively, but the soil conditions are poor and the growth is not vigorous.

6 Ingestion of 50% Chlormequat chloride water by mistake can cause poisoning, general first aid measures and symptomatic treatment can be used for the poisoned, and atropine can be used for those with obvious muscarinic symptoms.

7 Store in a cool and ventilated place.

The application should be before 10:00 am and after 4:00 pm. It is advisable to moisten the leaves and not shed them, so as to increase the absorption time of the leaves without wasting them.

Long-term contact with the skin is harmful, and it should be washed in time after application. Ingestion can cause poisoning, symptoms include dizziness, fatigue, numbness of lips and limbs, miosis, salivation, nausea, vomiting, convulsions and coma in severe cases, and death in severe cases. General first aid measures can be used for symptomatic treatment of poisoned persons. Those with obvious muscarinic symptoms can be treated with atropine as appropriate, but overdose should be prevented.

The difference between paclobutrazol and Chlormequat chloride

1. Different physical and chemical properties

Chlormequat chloride is soluble in water, while paclobutrazol is essentially insoluble in water. Therefore, the Chlormequat chloride product has an aqueous solution, while that of paclobutrazol is a suspension.

2. The mechanism of action is different

The mechanism of action of Chlormequat chloride is mainly to inhibit the biosynthesis of gibberellin and inhibit the formation of kaurene from terba pyrophosphate, resulting in the inhibition of the biosynthesis of endogenous gibberellin. Make the plant internodes shorten without reducing the number of cells and internodes. Therefore, it only shortens the internodes, dark green leaves, and shortens the plant type.

Paclobutrazol is a new type of plant growth regulator, which can inhibit the production of gibberellin derivatives and reduce the division and elongation of plant cells. It is easily absorbed by roots, stems, and leaves, conducts conduction through the xylem of plants, and has a bactericidal effect. It has a wide range of activities on gramineous plants, which can make the internodes of plant stems thicker, reduce lodging and increase yield. Plant roots, stems, and leaves can all absorb paclobutrazol, but most of the paclobutrazol absorbed by leaves stays in the absorption part and rarely transports downward.

3. Impact on field crops

The application of Chlormequat chloride on field crops will basically not affect the stubble effect.

However, due to the long residual time of paclobutrazol, the drug effect will last for 2 years at room temperature of 20 degrees, so it will affect the growth of the next crop, so it should be used with caution.

4. Different ways of application

Chlormequat chloride can be soaked, sprayed, flushed, etc., and absorbed through seeds, branches and leaves.

Paclobutrazol is basically sprayed and used more.

5. Application scope

Chlormequat chloride has a wide range of applications, including wheat, barley, rice, corn, sorghum, and other food crops, soybeans, sesame, cucumber, melon and other economic crops, as well as apple trees, pear trees, peach trees, jujube trees, grapes, etc. It can also be used on some ornamental plants to control the plant type.

The scope of application of paclobutrazol is relatively small.

price of plant growth regulator Chlormequat chloride

Usually, the price of the pesticide plant growth regulator Chlormequat chloride will be affected by raw materials, market environment, research and development costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of Pesticide Plant Growth Regulator Chlormequat chloride you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

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Supplier of plant growth regulator Chlormequat chloride

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer, providing herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, plant growth regulators and other products. If you are looking for Pesticide Plant Growth Regulator Chlormequat chloride, please feel free to contact us for the latest price.