tebufenozide a new molt-inducing insecticide

What is Tebufenozide?

Tebufenozide is an ecdysone insecticide, Cas 112410-23-8 which causes the premature molting of insects by interfering with the normal development of insects. It has high insecticidal activity and high selectivity, being effective in treatment of all lepidopteran larvae, caterpillar, diamondback moth and beet armyworm. It has a strong ovicidal activity, being safe to non-target organisms. Tebfenozide has no irritating effect on the eyes and skin without any teratogenic, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on higher animals, being of high safety to mammals, birds and natural enemies. It is an ideal insecticide during integrated control.

Tebufenozide is an insecticide that acts as a molting hormone. It is an agonist of the ecdysone receptor that causes premature molting in larvae. It is primarily used against caterpillar pests.

It has been characterised, along with RH-2485, as a bisacylhydrazine.Tebufenozide is a carbohydrazide that is hydrazine in which the amino hydrogens have been replaced by tert-butyl, 3,5-dimethylbenzoyl and 4-ethylbenzoyl groups respectively. It is an insecticide used widely against caterpillars. It has a role as a xenobiotic, an environmental contaminant and an ecdysone agonist. It is functionally related to a N'-benzoyl-N-(tert-butyl)benzohydrazide.

Tebufenozide is an insecticide that acts as a molting hormone. It is an agonist of ecdysone that causes premature molting in larvae. It is primarily used against caterpillar pests.

It has been used for "an insect growth regulator, to control leaf-eating insects that cause damage or death in trees. Tebufenozide is the active ingredient in" Bayer's MIMIC "formulation, which controls forest defoliator pests such as gypsy moths, tent caterpillars, budworms, tussock moths and cabbage looper. These are all pests of the order Lepidoptera."

It has been used against the sugarcane borer, although the population grows immunity.

neutral buffers at 20 °C, hydrolytic degradation was dependent on pH and temperature, sunlight photodegradation was observed at a slower rate than ultraviolet photodegradation, and that microbial metabolism and photolysis are the two main degradative routes for tebufenozide in natural aquatic systems.

The final degradation products of tebufenozide are various alcohols, carboxylic acids and ketones of low toxicity.

What is Tebufenozide used for?

Tebufenozide is a fat-soluble insecticide used to control Lepidoptera pests in fruits, vegetables and other crops. It has a novel mode of action in that it mimics the action of the insect moulting hormone, ecdysone. Lepidoptera larvae cease to feed within hours of exposure and then undergo a lethal, unsuccessful moult.

Tebufenozide Mechanism of Action

Tebufenozide is a pro-skinning compound that selectively controls lepidopteran larvae by acting in close association with the descorticophilin receptor protein. During its effect, tebufenozide mimics the action of natural insect pest hormone 20-hydroxy-descorticoid, leading to its premature, deadly peeling.

Tebufenozide nature

Pure white powder, melting point 191 ℃. Slightly soluble in water and organic solvents; stable to light. It is stable at 5 ° C in pH 7 aqueous solution upon light emission. ChEBI: A carbohydrazide that is hydrazine in which the amino hydrogens have been replaced by tert-butyl, 3,5-dimethylbenzoyl and 4-ethylbenzoyl groups respectively. It is an insecticide used widely against caterpillars.Tebufenozide is an ecdysone insecticide, which causes the premature molting of insects by interfering with

Tebufenozide is a carbohydrazide that is hydrazine in which the amino hydrogens have been replaced by tert-butyl, 3,5-dimethylbenzoyl and 4-ethylbenzoyl groups respectively. It is an insecticide used widely against caterpillars. It has a role as a xenobiotic, an environmental contaminant and an ecdysone agonist. It derives from a N'-benzoyl-N-(tert-butyl)benzohydrazide.

Tebufenozide Control object and using method

It can be used to control a variety of lettuce larvae such as cabbage, apples and other crops. It is effective in the treatment of all instar larvae at drug interval of 14d.

Control Spodoptera exigua, Spodoptera litura, Spodoptera frugiperda, melon field borer and cabbage budworm; apply in the early larvae emergence, spray 1 500 ~ 2 000 times 20% SC.

Control apple leaf roller and peach moth worm, Spray 1000 ~ 2000 times 20% suspension.

Control corn borer and bean curl moth; spray 1000 ~ 2000 times 20% suspension.

Tebufenozide Application

Tebufenozide is used to control rice, fruit, cotton, soybean, row crops, nut crops, potatoes, vegetables, citrus, vines, forestry and other lepidopteran larvae, cabbage caterpillars, asparagus caterpillars, diamondback moth, cotton bollworm, etc., generally controlled at 0.06 -0.3 lb/a. Applicable crops are: rice, fruits, nuts, vegetables, grapes, forestry, tea, cabbage, tobacco, cotton, apples.

Tebufenozide Uses

Tebufenozide is used to control lepidopterous larvae on rice, fruit, row crops, nut crops, vegetables and vines and in forestry.

Synthetic nonsteroidal ecdysone agonist causing premature molting; novel insect growth regulator specific to lepidopteran species. Insecticide.

An efficient, low-toxic insect growth regulator-type insecticide. The product has a stomach poisoning effect, is an insect molt accelerator, can induce Lepidoptera larvae in the molting stage has not yet reached the molt reaction in advance. 6-8 hours after spraying stop feeding, 2-3 days of dehydration, hunger and death. On the Lepidoptera insects and larvae have special effects on the selective Diptera and Daphnia have a certain role in insects. Can be used for vegetables (cabbage, melons, eggplant, etc.), apples, corn, rice, cotton, grapes, kiwi, sorghum, soybeans, beets, tea, walnuts, flowers and other crops. Is a safe ideal medicine. Can effectively control the pear borer, grape small moth, beet armyworm, etc., the validity period of 14 ~ 20D

Tebufenozide Agricultural Uses

Insecticide, Insect growth regulator: Tebufenozide is an insect growth regulator that interferes with molting of Lepidopteran larvae. It is used on fruitworm, fireworms, false armyworm, gypsy moth, and spanworms, and is applied pre-harvest. Registered for use in EU countries. Registered for use in the U.S.

Tebufenozide Precautions

This product is toxic to silkworms, should pay attention to be away from the silkworm area.

This product is generally effective against Plutella xylostella and can be mixed with avermectin.

Spray uniformly; ensure that the contact of liquid with parasites.

It is best to apply pesticide in the evening when controlling beet armyworm.

Insecticide Tebufenozide price 

Normally, the price of the pesticide and Insecticide Tebufenozide is affected by raw materials, market environment, R&D costs, etc. If you want to know the latest price of the pesticide and Insecticide Tebufenozide you need, please contact us to initiate an inquiry.

Tel: 13563082345 Email: sales@agripesticide.com

Insecticide Tebufenozide supplier 

Agripestcide is a professional agrochemical manufacturer that provides various products such as herbicides, insecticides, microbial fungicides, and plant growth regulators. If you are looking for the pesticide Insecticide Tebufenozide please feel free to contact us to get the latest price.